Meeting with community members

The City of Rivière-du-Loup, QC has prioritized economic, environmental and social development in the community. To chart a course for its future, the city prepared a long-term sustainable development plan based on The Natural Step planning framework. Its goal was to build an integrated community plan that will unfold over 40 years.

The city also wanted to ratify its municipal policies and review its zoning bylaws. The plan was developed in five stages: create a vision, assess the current situation, pinpoint areas for improvement, implement the plan, and follow up.

Other Canadian municipalities, especially those that are similar to Rivière-du-Loup, can learn from this exercise and use it as a basis for their own plans.


Environmental Economic Social
  • More green space and natural areas that are accessible to residents

  • Responsible use of natural resources (energy, water, air, soil) to ensure their sustainability

  • The local economy is bolstered by the city's investment in diversity, innovation and sustainability

  • A healthier economy results from responsible production and consumption

  • A united community that shares a common vision

  • An improvement in overall quality of life for residents


  • A lack of funds hampered progress and added to the timeline, which discouraged some stakeholders.
  • The municipal council had to share some decision-making power with various public interest groups.

Lessons learned

  • Public consultation slows the process down, but is essential for both the successful rollout and long-term implementation of the plan.
  • Using outside expertise and having someone work full-time on the project proved to be important because too long a process can discourage stakeholders.
  • Council must be absolutely committed to the process.


Partners and Collaborators

Project Contact

Éric Côté, Director
Service de l'environnement et du développement durable
City of Rivière-du-Loup, QC
T. 418-867-6663

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