Our Community Efficiency Financing initiative helps municipalities deliver local financing programs for home-energy upgrades. These programs can generate triple bottom line benefits—from lowering GHG emissions to boosting the local economy to improving homeowners’ quality of life.

These five factsheets are your starter kit for developing a home upgrade financing program for your community. They outline the key considerations for a successful program—from the business case to the phases of program planning to reaching your target audience. Find the factsheet below that’s most relevant to the stage you’re at in the process.

The value and benefits

Create local jobs and reduce GHGs with a home upgrade financing programIf you want to understand the “why” of a home upgrade financing program, this factsheet is for you. It highlights the value and benefits of such a program for you and your residents. It addresses how a financing program can be a powerful tool to reduce residents’ energy bills, make communities more resilient and drive investment in the local economy.

Read: Create local jobs and reduce GHGs with a home upgrade financing program

What a successful program looks like

What does a successful home upgrade financing program look like? A well-designed upgrade financing program benefits not only homeowners, but local contractors as well. This factsheet outlines the value proposition for both groups and the core features of a successful financing program—from one-stop convenience to modern infrastructure.

Read: What does a successful home upgrade financing program look like?

How to plan your program

How to plan a home upgrade financing programWith thoughtful planning, financing programs can advance multiple policy goals. This factsheet describes the five key phases of program planning, from goal setting to implementation planning. By considering your community’s context, understanding residents’ needs and engaging key stakeholders, you can set your project up for success.

Read: How to plan a home upgrade financing program

Engaging partners for program delivery

Engaging delivery partners in a home upgrade financing programThe success of your program depends on providing a satisfying customer experience, and delivery partners play a key role in offering seamless service to homeowners. Discover the types of partners to recruit, how to engage them, and how they can be involved in your financing program.

Read: Engaging delivery partners in a home upgrade financing program

Reaching your audience

Reaching your target audience: Marketing a financing program to homeownersReaching the homeowners who can benefit from your program with a compelling and actionable message is essential for success. Learn how to tailor your message, timing and communications channels to effectively engage your target audience.

Read: Marketing a financing program to homeowners

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