Displaying 1 - 10 of 375 Results
Trees Trees
forestry Forestry

Urban forestry technology and tools

Learn about key technology and tools that your local government can use to measure, analyze and make decisions about its community tree canopy.

Man using a drone to map canopy cover in his community.
Trees Trees
forestry Forestry

An urban forestry overview

Learn about urban forestry, why it’s important and how increasing tree canopy cover can address climate change and social inequities.

Several trees lining a sidewalk in Vancouver, BC
Case Study
Municipal and community buildings Municipal and community buildings
energy | housing Energy | Housing

Setting net-zero standards: Vancouver builds Canada’s first Passive House firehall

The City of Vancouver set ambitious zero-emission goals for municipal construction projects, using the demolition and rebuilding of its Fire Hall #17 as an opportunity to test and showcase Passive House and other sustainable building standards.
Aerial view of a modern building with rooftop solar panels in an urban environment  
Case Study
waste Waste

Neighbouring municipalities create a pathway to sustainable procurement on P.E.I.

Charlottetown and Stratford, PE, identified sustainable procurement as an opportunity to increase their positive impact on the climate and the community. In partnership with a consultant, a five-year action plan was created to shift toward sustainable procurement, with some high-impact actions identified for more immediate change.
Cyclists riding down a tree-lined trail on a bright fall day
Case Study
Municipal and community buildings Municipal and community buildings
energy Energy

Assessing the costs and benefits of renewable energy in Canmore, AB

The Town of Canmore’s 2018 Climate Action Plan included recommended steps to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and the Town embarked on a renewable energy feasibility study to further explore the costs and benefits of various options. Results show which options offer the highest value and are helping Canmore lower its emissions.
A view of rooftop solar panels with the snow-capped Rocky Mountains beyond. 
Case Study

Case study: Retaining organizational knowledge in Thunder Bay

In Thunder Bay, ON, centralized asset registers and collaboration groups are helping the city share and retain corporate history and staff expertise.
Aerial view of Thunder Bay, Ontario.
Case Study

Case study: Advancing asset management practices in Wallace-Woodworth

In Wallace-Woodworth, MB, asset management history books are connecting past actions with present and future planning.
Engineer drawing blueprints.

Tip sheet: Preserving asset management knowledge

Read our new Preserving Asset Management Knowledge tip sheet to find strategies to help you retain and build upon organizational expertise.

Warehouse supervisor teaches young new hire how to operate forklift.
Case Study
Sustainable affordable housing Sustainable affordable housing
energy | housing Energy | Housing

A blueprint for sustainable senior living

Discover how the Valemount, with the support of a Regional Energy Coach, is setting a new standard for sustainable housing by exploring innovative construction methods and energy-efficient features to create 18 new units, ensuring seniors can enjoy a high-quality, eco-friendly living environment close to their community and essential support networks.
A bird's eye view of Valemount, BC
Case Study
Sustainable affordable housing Sustainable affordable housing
energy | housing Energy | Housing

An innovative approach to addressing homelessness in rural Newfoundland and Labrador

Discover how the Otter Housing Association, with the support of a Regional Energy Coach, is leading sustainable, energy-efficient housing to address homelessness in rural Newfoundland.
A landscape photo or rural Newfoundland and Labrador
