Successful solar hot water pilot leads to major program expansion
Halifax Regional Municipality, NS, offered direct financing to homeowners to install solar-powered water heating systems, lowering energy bills, water consumption and GHGs.
Community Efficiency Financing
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Innovative municipal financing removes barriers to energy-efficiency upgrades for homeowners

Case study: Building sustainable communities with district energy
Displaying 1 - 20 of 245 Results

Case Study: The City of Markham’s Battle of the Buildings
The City of Markham’s Battle of the Buildings competition educated and encouraged facility staff to reduce electricity consumption through low-cost operational and behavioral changes.
Community Buildings Retrofit
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Case study: Bringing energy efficiency to Saskatoon homes
Learn how the City of Saskatoon's Home Energy Loan Program is allowing homeowners to complete energy-efficiency and renewable-energy retrofits and is working on expanding the program to multi-unit residential and commercial buildings in the near future.
Community Efficiency Financing
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Case study: Helping Saanich homeowners boost energy efficiency
To help homeowners transition from fossil fuels to electric heat pumps, the District of Saanich, BC, created a pilot program offering zero-interest financing. The pilot was so successful, the district has now moved to a longer-term program to support even more residents in their net-zero transition.
Community Efficiency Financing
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Case study: Energy-efficient retrofits for Kingston homeowners
Learn how the City of Kingston used a grant from our Community Efficiency Financing initiative to develop a clean energy program to support homeowners complete energy retrofits with financing and training.
Community Efficiency Financing
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A steady approach to levels of service in Flagstaff County
Learn how the rural Municipality of Flagstaff County leveraged a grant from the Municipal Asset Management Program to boost their infrastructure planning.

Setting levels of service in Conception Bay South, NL
Discover how Conception Bay South, NL, used customized training to kick-start its work to set levels of service for roads, parks and sewage lift stations.

Waterloo Region uses 100% of biogas to fuel heat/electricity in wastewater facilities
Waterloo Region's wastewater plants now harness 100% of their biogas for heat and electricity thanks to new cogeneration facilities.
Organic Waste-to-Energy
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Innovation in construction: ENBIX's role in advancing emissions-neutral buildings
See Case Study

Enabling residential retrofits to achieve net-zero goals: Peterborough, ON launches Home Energy Efficiency Program
See Case Study
Revitalized community centre in rural Saskatchewan gets second life: Town of Ituna retrofits 63-year-old facility
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Enabling residential retrofits to achieve net-zero goals: Peterborough, ON launches Home Energy Efficiency Program
See Case Study

Innovating for maximum impact: New affordable housing complex adds 83 net-zero units using shipping container model in Fort Saskatchewan, AB
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Pan-Canadian partnership expands circular economy knowledge: the Circular Cities and Region initiative (CCRI)
A neighbourhood in Markham, Ontario, will be the first net-zero community in Canada to connect all of its houses to a geothermal energy system.

A first-of-its-kind geothermal community in Markham: The Berczy Glen Geoexchange Community Energy System
A neighbourhood in Markham, Ontario, will be the first net-zero community in Canada to connect all of its houses to a geothermal energy system.

How the Village of Warfield, BC, updated and modernized its asset register
Take an in-depth look at how the Village of Warfield, BC, updated its data and information for water, sanitary and road assets and created a digitized asset register.
Local Leadership for Climate Adaptation
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Setting net-zero standards: Vancouver builds Canada’s first Passive House firehall
The City of Vancouver set ambitious zero-emission goals for municipal construction projects, using the demolition and rebuilding of its Fire Hall #17 as an opportunity to test and showcase Passive House and other sustainable building standards.
Sustainable Municipal Buildings
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Neighbouring municipalities create a pathway to sustainable procurement on P.E.I.
Charlottetown and Stratford, PE, identified sustainable procurement as an opportunity to increase their positive impact on the climate and the community. In partnership with a consultant, a five-year action plan was created to shift toward sustainable procurement, with some high-impact actions identified for more immediate change.

Assessing the costs and benefits of renewable energy in Canmore, AB
The Town of Canmore’s 2018 Climate Action Plan included recommended steps to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and the Town embarked on a renewable energy feasibility study to further explore the costs and benefits of various options. Results show which options offer the highest value and are helping Canmore lower its emissions.
Community Energy Systems
See Case Study

Case study: Retaining organizational knowledge in Thunder Bay
In Thunder Bay, ON, centralized asset registers and collaboration groups are helping the city share and retain corporate history and staff expertise.

Case study: Advancing asset management practices in Wallace-Woodworth
In Wallace-Woodworth, MB, asset management history books are connecting past actions with present and future planning.
Want to explore all GMF-funded projects? Check out the Projects Database for a complete overview of funded projects and get inspired by municipalities of all sizes, across Canada.