Successful solar hot water pilot leads to major program expansion
Halifax Regional Municipality, NS, offered direct financing to homeowners to install solar-powered water heating systems, lowering energy bills, water consumption and GHGs.
Community Efficiency Financing
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Innovative municipal financing removes barriers to energy-efficiency upgrades for homeowners

Case study: Building sustainable communities with district energy
Displaying 81 - 100 of 245 Results

Wastewater from water treatment system used for wetlands, wildlife and community space
The City of Yorkton, SK, found a great way to ramp up the environmental benefits of its new water treatment plant by treating the wastewater it produced.

One-stop shop for waste management sparks community pride
The integrated waste management complex in Quebec’s Manicouagan region is the first of its kind in the province to collect, treat and recover value from waste—all in one place.

Pilot program proves textile recycling within reach for Canada’s municipalities
Thanks to the pioneering spirit of the City of Markham, ON, residents can now donate old clothes and other textiles through a program that creates jobs, supports local charities and keeps millions of pounds of textiles out of landfill.
See Case Study

Revitalized park brings community back to the river
The City of New Westminster bought an abandoned timber wharf site and transformed it into an urban riverfront park with equal parts built on land and water.

Canada’s first net-zero energy municipal library shows what’s possible
The City of Varennes, QC, is the first Canadian municipality to construct an institutional building that will soon produce as much energy as it consumes.

Retrofits lead to healthier, more energy-efficient homes for community housing residents
A major energy-efficiency retrofit project in Toronto has delivered better indoor air quality and greater comfort to 1,500 residents.
Sustainable Affordable Housing
See Case Study

Tourist hub in Rockies rolls out Canada’s first all-hybrid bus fleet
To reduce its GHG impacts, the Town of Banff replaced its diesel transit buses with hybrid biodiesel-electric models, becoming the first municipality in Canada to run an all-hybrid fleet.

Deep lake water revolutionizes cooling and improves water quality for residents
The City of Toronto, ON, paired its water utility infrastructure with Enwave’s deep lake water cooling system to cool the city’s downtown and provide residents with cleaner drinking water.

New energy-efficient pool and fitness centre boost well-being in remote northern community
The City of Iqaluit, NU, rejuvenated its downtown core by transforming an abandoned and contaminated site into a popular and sustainable community hub

Successful solar hot water pilot leads to major program expansion
Halifax Regional Municipality, NS, offered direct financing to homeowners to install solar-powered water heating systems, lowering energy bills, water consumption and GHGs.
Community Efficiency Financing
See Case Study

North Battleford’s asset management culture shift
Concerned about the impact of staff turnover on the city’s capacity for asset management, North Battleford, Saskatchewan took forward-looking steps to instill a culture of asset management in the municipality.
Local Leadership for Climate Adaptation
See Case Study

Direct financing program for homeowners delivers solar-powered water heating systems in Halifax
Homeowners in Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM), NS, can take advantage of municipal financing through the Solar City program to install solar-powered water heating systems, lower their energy bills, and reduce water consumption.
Community Efficiency Financing
See Case Study

Local governments incorporate ecosystem needs into infrastructure plans
Six communities from across Canada partner to access training, data and knowledge on how to best protect their natural assets.

Learn how to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through energy efficiency retrofit programs
Retrofitting residential buildings are key to reducing municipal GHG emissions yet projects often face challenges. See how a toolkit based on feedback from several Ontario communities can help local governments meet their reduction targets.
Community Efficiency Financing
See Case Study

Case study: Raising the bar on community housing retrofits
CityHousing Hamilton transforms a failing tower into a building with state-of-the-art performance in energy, health, comfort and accessibility.
Sustainable Affordable Housing
See Case Study

Case study: Energy retrofit delivers multiple benefits
Energy-efficiency retrofits by The Atmospheric Fund improve quality of life for 1,500 Toronto Community Housing residents.
Sustainable Affordable Housing
See Case Study

Case study: Consultation and innovation improves performance
CCOC’s Beaver Barracks provides 254 units of affordable housing and incorporates innovative sustainability features and technologies.
Sustainable Affordable Housing
See Case Study

Case study: Building an electric vehicle charging network in the Kootenays, BC
Find out how the municipalities in the Kootenay region worked together to create a network of EV charging stations in rural communities.

Case study: Brownfield redevelopment incorporates affordable housing
An abandoned industrial facility in Toronto is transformed into a vibrant, sustainable community hub that includes 26 units of affordable housing.
Sustainable Affordable Housing
See Case Study

One mayor’s approach to managing his community’s assets
Find out how the mayor of Pointe-Fortune started a municipal asset management process after completing a workshop.
Local Leadership for Climate Adaptation
See Case Study
Want to explore all GMF-funded projects? Check out the Projects Database for a complete overview of funded projects and get inspired by municipalities of all sizes, across Canada.