When it comes to corporate sustainability, the Green Municipal Fund walks the talk.

For 25 years, we’ve helped municipal governments leverage investments in sustainability projects through funding and capacity building. We aim to entrench these bedrock principles of sustainable development in every aspect of our operations and financial stewardship.

Investment policies and beliefs

GMF’s commitment to sustainability begins with its primary purpose and organizational values. That’s why we have established sustainable investment principles to guide our organization's financial decisions, promoting long-term environmental stewardship and social responsibility.

Read our Sustainable Investment Policy to learn more about guidelines and objectives related to the investment of the Fund’s assets. 

Read our Statement of Investment Beliefs to discover more about our investment strategy. 




United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment 

GMF is a global leader in sustainable investing and a signatory to the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment. This public demonstration of our commitment has seen us integrate environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) considerations into our investment management processes. 

Our governance bodies hold us accountable, and the integration of these considerations into our investment management processes as commitment to each ensures GMF delivers on its purpose. 

Scorecard: United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment

Our UNPRI scorecard allows us to benchmark our practices against thousands of other committed asset owners in our peer group. Each year, the report helps us improve and identify further measures we can implement to better meet our sustainability objectives.

The results from 2024 speak to increased transparency in our approach, leading to tangible improvements over the past fiscal year. Our scores are consistently above the median, indicating that we are a top-performer in our approach to sustainable investment.


ModuleFCM’s scoreStar scorePRI median
Policy governance and strategy74/1004/561/100
Indirect – listed equity - active89/1004/561/100
Indirect – fixed income - active81/1004/561/100
Indirect – real estate91/1005/564/100
Indirect - infrastructure91/1005/576/100
Confidence building measures80/1004/580/100

Contact us for access to the Summary Scorecard, Private Assessment Report, and Private Full Transparency Report.


Delivered by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, GMF manages approximately $2.4B in programs funded by the Government of Canada.