Displaying 61 - 70 of 375 Results
Case Study
Municipal fleet electrification Municipal fleet electrification
transportation Transportation

Case Study: A shift to sustainable transport in Atlantic Quebec

In an effort to reduce GHG emissions from transportation and provide more equitable transport options, a group of municipalities in the Gaspésie-Îles-de-la-Madeleine region teamed up with transit organization RÉGÎM to create TCiTé, a shared mobility project.
A REGIM branded vehicle parked in front of water and mountains in Quebec Maritimes
Case Study
land use Land Use

Case Study: How Parkland County has uncovered the value of natural infrastructure

While natural assets such as wetlands are known to provide both tangible and intangible benefits for communities, their value can be hard to put a number on. The Alberta municipality of Parkland County has been experiencing extreme weather events and degradation of natural infrastructure. They evaluated the costs and benefits of maintaining and restoring wetlands and other ecosystems.
A brown and white cow standing in front of a water basin in the wetlands
Case Study
Community efficiency financing Community efficiency financing
energy | housing Energy | Housing

Case Study: Helping Maritime homeowners boost energy efficiency

In three municipalities in P.E.I. and Nova Scotia, a new program is offering financing to homeowners to help them retrofit their houses for better efficiency — and to save money on energy costs, too.
A side view of a man removing a window inside a home for a retrofit
Case Study
waste Waste

Case Study: How Lac-Saint-Jean’s Réemploi+ program is building a circular economy

A challenge facing many municipalities is how to divert more waste from landfill, both to lower GHG emissions and to reduce their need for landfill space. In Quebec’s Lac-Saint-Jean region, communities and waste management have teamed up to create Réemploi+, an organization that is creating a system for waste diversion and reuse while also developing skills training opportunities.
A bird’s eye view of a Reemploi+ facility on a sunny day
Case Study
waste Waste

Case Study: How Guelph-Wellington is building a sustainable food future

In order to find the most impactful ways to reduce food waste, Guelph-Wellington conducted a study that examined the local food system from production to export and consumption. It found a number of solutions to the food waste problem that have the potential to both address economic inequality and reduce the community’s carbon footprint.
A large organic waste container filled with vegetables
Case Study
Municipal and community buildings Municipal and community buildings
energy Energy

Case Study: Creating a shared path to net zero ice rinks

Many Canadian municipalities have declared a climate emergency and are seeking ways to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. One major contributor to these emissions is ice rinks, which make up about one-quarter of energy usage from municipal buildings. In order to find cost-effective ways to reduce the carbon footprint of these facilities, a group of municipalities teamed up to analyze the issue and create net zero road maps for themselves, as well as a pathway for other rinks to follow.
A close up of a Zamboni crossing an indoor ice rink
Case Study

Case Study: One Ontario community teams up to save turtles

Roads and vehicle traffic are a significant source of injury and mortality for wildlife, and road ecology experts are looking for ways to improve this situation, especially for species at risk. In one Ontario community, a road construction project presented an opportunity to try a new approach to reducing its impact on turtles and snakes. A group of partners came together to rescue reptiles from the roadside and research the effectiveness of various mitigation methods. The result? More than 3,500 turtle eggs saved, at a lower cost than traditional barrier fencing.
Image of two baby turtles sitting in someone’s hand while looking up at the wetlands near them
Webinar recording
Municipal and community buildings Municipal and community buildings
energy Energy

Webinar recording: Supporting small and medium municipalities through the Community Buildings Retrofit initiative

Watch this webinar recording to learn about successful examples of completed retrofits, how municipalities can choose the right funding options and to answer any questions about the funding process.

Image depicting the arena in the City of Dieppe, NB.
Webinar recording
Municipal fleet electrification Municipal fleet electrification
transportation Transportation

Webinar recording: How to electrify your municipal fleet

Learn how to electrify your municipal fleet of vehicles, leading to reduced GHG emissions and healthier communities.

Electric car charging
Webinar recording
Sustainable affordable housing Sustainable affordable housing
energy | housing Energy | Housing

Webinar recording: Affordable housing providers’ impact on energy poverty

The webinar will feature a housing project helping moderate income households while achieving high environmental standards.

Hand holding wooden house with green forest background blurred and sun lighting
