The Green Municipal Fund’s Sustainable Affordable Housing (SAH) initiative offers support to affordable housing providers—including municipal and not-for-profit organizations and housing co-ops—to construct energy-efficient new builds or retrofit existing affordable housing units that reduce GHG emissions.

Because a deep energy retrofit can be disruptive, engaging with residents is an important part of the process. This webinar aims to help housing providers develop their own plans for resident engagement that consider the unique circumstances of each project.

This webinar was delivered in English with French simultaneous interpretation. 

Watch the webinar recording to learn:

  • How to effectively communicate to residents the challenges and disruptions associated with a deep energy retrofit, as well as the tangible benefits they’ll see as a result
  • Examples of best practices for resident engagement, such as training for new equipment
  • The positive effects of effectively engaging with residents to emphasize benefits such as energy efficiency, cost savings and quality of life
  • Lessons learned from previous projects that can be adapted and applied to your own project
  • How SAH’s funding and resources can help your project


  • Kaitlin Carroll, The Atmospheric Fund
  • Jon Jackson, Sarcee Meadows Co-op

FCM’s Sustainable Affordable Housing initiative is delivered through our Green Municipal Fund and funded by the Government of Canada.

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