Our Sustainable Affordable Housing initiative supports local affordable housing providers – including municipal, not-for-profit organizations and housing co-ops – to retrofit existing affordable housing units, or construct energy efficient new builds that emit lower greenhouse gas emissions. 

This list of curated resources provides useful information on your affordable housing retrofit or new build project. It is focused on the different project stages including: discovery; planning; study; pilot and capital projects; and operations and maintenance. Learn more about:

  • the most effective and energy efficient methods to make buildings more sustainable
  • various operations and maintenance recommendations for efficient buildings
  • the steps required to begin the retrofit of an existing multi-unit residential building
  • how to select different energy efficient technologies for your housing project
  • energy efficient methods to make buildings more sustainable
  • and much more

We will continue to update this page with additional resources as they become available.

Please note: all files appear in the language in which they were provided, and are organized by category: retrofit, retrofit and new build and new build.  

Understanding energy efficiency
Energy conservation measures
Getting inspired on energy efficiency
Developing a business case for an energy efficiency retrofit
Working with consultants
Engaging residents in energy efficiency projects
Operations and maintenance
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