Funding Snapshot

Maximum Award:
  • Combined grant and loan for up to 80% of eligible costs.
  • Combined grant and loan up to a maximum of $10 million.
  • Grant up to 20%** of total loan amount.

Note: The grant contribution is determined as a function of the loan and cannot be separated.

Open To:

The following organizations are eligible for GMF funding.

  • Canadian municipal governments (e.g., towns, cities, regions, districts, and local boards).
  • Municipal partners, which include:
    • private sector entities
    • municipally-owned corporations
    • regional, provincial or territorial organizations delivering municipal services
    • non-governmental organizations
    • not-for-profit organizations
    • research institutes (e.g., universities)
  • An Indigenous community is an eligible lead applicant if they are partnering with a Canadian municipal government on an eligible project, or if they have a shared service agreement with a Canadian municipal government related to municipal infrastructure, climate change or adaptation.
Expected Output:

A capital project that implements one or more phases of a selected GHG reduction pathway.

Application Deadline:

Applications are accepted year-round, though this offer may close when all funding has been allocated.

Eligible Costs:

** Municipalities with exceptional projects may qualify for a higher loan and grant amount. Contact us to find out if your municipality is eligible.

Contact us to learn more

What we fund

We offer combined loan and grant funding to support municipalities in implementing one or more phases of a selected GHG reduction pathway. Eligible projects may focus on a single building or a portfolio of municipal buildings. 

Your capital project should consist of one or more phases in a sequence of retrofit measures (pathway) to reduce emissions from your municipal building by at least 50 percent within 10 years and achieve best practice energy targets within 20 years. Applications are encouraged to demonstrate a pathway that reduces the most amount of GHGs in the near term (ie., in the next 10 years), through the pursuit of a deep energy retrofit and fuel-switch.

You are strongly encouraged to consider a portfolio of municipal buildings and consider parallel interventions in those buildings.

An application is also recommended to follow all elements identified in the GHG reduction pathway retrofit feasibility study guidance document.

This offer funds retrofits of municipal buildings and new builds of municipal and municipally-owned community buildings. See our Community Buildings Retrofit initiative for more details on retrofitting other community buildings.

What is a municipal building?

A municipal building is a workplace that is:

  • Owned by a municipal government.
  • Primarily used by administrative or service staff to carry out their duties to the public.
  • Not necessarily accessible to the public, but may have a public interface.

What is a community building?

A community building is an enclosed public place or an enclosed workplace that is:

  • Primarily used to deliver athletic, recreational, cultural and community programs or services to the local community.
  • Widely accessible to everyone, offering services that enhance the health and well-being, skills development and economic development of individuals and communities.

What your project needs to achieve

All projects that meet the criteria on this page are eligible. Please note that we consider several factors in making a funding decision. We strive to fund the most innovative and impactful initiatives, so not all eligible projects will be approved for funding.

Retrofits are eligible if they consist of one or more phases of a GMF-funded GHG reduction pathway retrofit feasibility study, if they meet the best practice energy targets defined in this offer respective of climate zone or if they consist of one or more phases supported by equivalent feasibility work.

Further information regarding the offer can be found in the Sustainable Municipal Buildings application guide

Best practice energy targets

For the retrofit of non-community municipal buildings applicants should strive to meet best practice energy targets. These proposed targets are based on:

  • Energy Use Intensity (EUI): Performance requirement for building energy consumed per year per unit area (square metre) for a new building (with adjustments for buildings that do not fit office typologies).
  • Thermal Energy Demand Intensity (TEDI): Performance targets for the heating demand per year per unit area (square metre) for a new build (with adjustments for buildings that do not fit office typologies).

Targets are to be established based on climate zone and building typology.

Energy Use Intensity target

EUI targets are established for administrative building types by climate zone as shown in the figure below. In the municipal context, administrative buildings would be equivalent to the office typology target.

Climate zone

Office (EUI)







7 & 8

.0078 x HDD18 + 78

Table 1: EUI targets for office and multi-unit residential buildings by Canadian climate zone, adapted from the CaGBC Zero Carbon Building Standard.

Climate zone adjustment of TEDI targets

The following TEDI thresholds are based on Canadian climate zones:

Climate zone

TEDI target (kWh/m2/yr)











Table 2: Canadian climate zone TEDI targets adapted from the CaGBC Zero Carbon Building Standard.

Contact us if you need assistance determining climate zone.

Retrofit pathways

Your capital project should see you implement one or more phases of your selected GHG reduction pathway. Eligible projects may focus on single building or a portfolio of municipal buildings. 

What is a retrofit pathway?

A sequence of GHG reduction measures that allow municipal buildings to achieve significant emissions reduction in phases over time.

Example of a pathway to retrofit that strategizes the replacement of equipment when it reaches the end of its useful life:

Phase 1 – Introductory energy conservation  

Timeline: 0-10 years 

Passive strategies, minor envelope improvements and energy demand conservation measures.

Phase 2 - Partial fuel-switch to achieve 50% reduction in GHGs from baseline

Timeline: No longer than 10 years  

Capital equipment replacement and fuel-switching while maintaining backup fossil-fuel systems. Possible addition of renewable energy.

Phase 3 - Deep energy retrofit and full fuel-switch  

Timeline: 10-20 years

Complete conversion to non-fossil fuel energy sources and alignment with EUI and TEDI targets.

For additional information please see GHG reduction pathway retrofit feasibility study guidance document.

Equity considerations

GMF recognizes that many urgent social issues are interrelated, and that climate action and sustainability initiatives need to be designed to ensure fair distribution of benefits and burdens, across all segments of a community and across generations. Projects will be assessed on their potential to result in improved socio-economic outcomes and a more equitable distribution of benefits and burdens among the community, for present and future generations. While projects can be eligible without incorporating these considerations, preference is given to projects that:

  • Integrate principles of anti-racism, equity, inclusion and reconciliation.
  • Apply inclusive community engagement practices.
  • Implement social procurement.
  • Generate significant socio-economic benefits, such as increased accessibility, improved outdoor spaces and inclusive employment and apprenticeship.

As you develop your project approach, consider the following questions:

  1. How can you design an engagement approach that would enable you to consider the diverse needs, experiences and voices of all stakeholders and rights holders in this project?
  2. Which equity-deserving groups might benefit the most, and/or be burdened, directly or indirectly, by this project? How are these groups positively or negatively impacted?
  3. Are there opportunities to address or mitigate negative impacts?
  4. Are there opportunities to rectify existing or potential biases, discrimination or exclusionary practices in your project planning, design, funding and implementation?
  5. How can you maximize the socio-economic benefits that your project generates?
  6. How can you leverage your procurement practices to generate more positive social, economic and environmental outcomes within your community and region?

GMF seeks to fund the very best examples of municipal initiatives that achieve a multitude of benefits for the environment, communities and local economies. Higher application evaluation scores are given to projects that demonstrate excellence in one or more of the following areas:

  • potable water conservation
  • sustainable materials management
  • biodiversity
  • socio-economic benefits
  • meaningful engagement and collaboration with rights holders and stakeholders

Required documents

To apply for GMF funding, you must submit:

  • a pre-application form
  • an application form
  • a project workbook
  • all required supporting documents specified in the application guide

A GMF project officer will be your point of contact throughout the process and will review your file and provide feedback. You may be asked to revisit some steps to help you submit a complete and high-quality application.

Application process

Phase 1: Pre-application submission

You must submit a pre-application form through FCM’s funding portal. To do this, create a client profile and follow the steps in FCM’s funding portal to submit your pre-application form.

Phase 2: Eligibility determination

A GMF outreach officer or advisor will review your pre-application form. They will determine whether your organization and initiative are eligible to proceed to the next stage of the application process. You will receive a response within 15 business days of the date we receive your pre-application form.

Phase 3: Full application submission

If your organization and initiative are determined to be eligible to proceed to the next stage, your GMF outreach officer or advisor will inform you that the full application form is available through FCM’s funding portal. They will also provide you with an Excel project workbook template to complete and submit with the full application form.

It is important to note that even if a project is deemed eligible to move forward with a full application, it does not guarantee full application eligibility or that the project will be approved for funding.

As you complete the application form, contact your GMF outreach officer or advisor if you have any questions. Once you’ve filled out the application form and project workbook and attached the required supporting documents, submit it to GMF through the FCM funding portal.

Phase 4: GMF project officer review

Once the full application form is submitted a GMF project officer will be assigned to your file and will review your application for accuracy and completeness and will work with you to resolve any remaining questions.

Phase 5: Peer review and internal review

An external expert peer review panel evaluates all capital and study applications. There will also be an internal analysis to provide a funding recommendation to GMF’s managing director, the GMF Council and FCM’s Board of Directors.

Phase 6: FCM funding decision

For studies, funding decisions are determined by GMF’s managing director. The average time for a funding decision is three to five months after your full application form submission.

For capital projects, FCM’s Board of Directors approves the funding recommendation made by the GMF Council. The average time for a funding decision is four to six months after your full application form submission.

How to apply

  1. Download and review the application guide. 
  2. Reach out to a GMF representative to discuss your project at or 1-877-417-0550. 
  3. Review the list of prerequisites and supporting documents in appendix D of the application guide. 
  4. Review the eligible and ineligible costs:
  5. Ensure you have a detailed project budget in place and are securing other funding sources for your project. 
  6. Visit the FCM funding portal to create your profile and request a PIN to access the system. Already have an FCM funding portal profile? Skip to Step 7.  
  7. Complete the pre-application form available on the platform.  

Quebec municipalities

FCM has an agreement with Quebec's ministère des Affaires municipales et de l'Habitation (MAMH) that allows the ministry to review applications to GMF before they are submitted to FCM. Quebec municipalities applying for funding from GMF must follow the process below to submit their application to MAMH.

Once you have completed all the steps in the ‘How to apply’ section above, submit your application by following the steps below. Note that the content of the links is available in French only.

  • Save your application form using the appropriate file name.
    • Save the application form to your local device with the following filename: FMV_ "your municipality's name"_ "date" (YYMMDD). For example: FMV_TownofABC_180228.pdf
  • Log in to the Portail gouvernemental des affaires municipales et régionales. using your username and password.
    • To submit your form click on “File Transfer”.
    • In the “Recipient” drop-down list, select the applicable program.
    • Upload your files and select “Transfer” once your request is complete.
  • Receive confirmation from MAMH.
    • MAMH assesses the applications to ensure that the projects submitted do not conflict with Quebec's government policies and directives. Once the assessment has been completed, MAMH informs the applicant of their decision and sends compliant applications to GMF for review.
    • MAMH requires up to 15 working days to review the application and forward it to GMF.
  • Receive approval from GMF.
    • GMF will inform the applicant once they receive the application from MAMH and review the submission. If the application is approved for funding, an agreement between FCM and the applicant is prepared.

Need help to see if this is the right funding for you?

Contact our Outreach team who can answer any questions you have relating to this funding opportunity.

See all Sustainable Municipal Buildings funding

Reduce GHG emissions and save on energy costs with net-zero new builds and deep energy retrofits