Funding Snapshot

Maximum Award:
  • Grant for up to 50%* of eligible costs
  • Up to a maximum of $500,000
Open To:

The following organizations are eligible for GMF funding.

Canadian municipal governments (e.g., towns, cities, regions, districts, and local boards)

Municipal partners, which include:

  • Private sector entities
  • Municipally-owned corporations
  • Regional, provincial or territorial organizations delivering municipal services
  • Non-governmental organizations
  • Not-for-profit organizations
  • Research institutes (e.g., universities)
  • An Indigenous community is an eligible lead applicant if they are partnering with a Canadian municipal government on an eligible project, or if they have a shared service agreement with a Canadian municipal government related to municipal infrastructure, climate change or adaptation
Expected Output:

A pilot project that evaluates innovative GHG reduction solutions in real-world conditions.

Application Deadline:

Applications are accepted year-round, though this offer may close when all funding has been allocated.

Eligible Costs:

* The following applicants may qualify for a grant of up to 80 percent of eligible project costs:

  • municipalities (or their partners) with a population of 10,000 or under;
  • regional governments or groups of municipalities where the average population of the member municipalities is 10,000 or under;
  • eligible Indigenous communities; and,
  • northern communities

Northern and eligible Indigenous communities that are applying to GMF for the first time may qualify for a grant of up to 100 percent of eligible costs. 

Contact us to learn more

The North is defined as the three territories and the northern extent of seven provinces. This includes portions of the following provinces defined by Statistics Canada codes: Newfoundland and Labrador (10), Québec (24), Ontario (35), Manitoba (46), Saskatchewan (47), Alberta (48) and British Columbia (59).

What we fund

We fund pilot projects that evaluate innovative GHG reduction solutions in real-world conditions. To be eligible, your pilot must lead to quantifiable GHG reductions. Using verifiable evaluation processes, you will need to assess the GHG benefits that were achieved as part of your pilot project.

Pilot projects are limited in scope, duration and resource commitment. They are small-scale, preliminary trials of new solutions or approaches that are used to assess the viability, effectiveness, and scalability of those solutions or approaches and determine their potential impacts and benefits. Pilot projects assess how well a proposed concept works in practice and helps identify any potential challenges or issues that might arise during full-scale implementation.

Your pilot project can involve:

  • Comparing several options or assessing one option.
  • Testing a new material, technique, or process within a larger project.
  • Applying novel approaches that have yet to be tested in Canada or within a particular market segment (e.g., in northern communities).

When applying for funding, you will be asked to:

  • Explain why the solution or approach needs to be tested prior to full-scale implementation.
  • Clearly identify the hypotheses or assumptions that you will be testing.
  • Outline how you will collect data and analyze results to assess your pilot’s success and effectiveness.
  • Define how you will decide whether or not to proceed with full-scale implementation, based on the pilot’s outcomes.
  • Articulate what a full-scale implementation would look like.
  • Explain how the lessons learned from this pilot will be applied to future projects and shared with others.

What your project needs to achieve

All projects that meet the criteria on this page are eligible. Please note that we consider several factors in making a funding decision. We strive to fund the most innovative and impactful initiatives, so not all eligible projects will be approved for funding.

There are no pre-set environmental targets or thresholds for this funding offer.

Further details and requirements regarding the offer are found in the Net-Zero Transformation application guide


To be eligible, your project must be considered innovative. It must target a significant improvement in performance over best practice through:

  • The development and/or application of new knowledge, policy, practice, business model, or advanced technology; or,
  • A new or emerging application of an existing technology or practice (e.g., in a new context) in a manner that represents a substantive change to current operating conditions or performance.
Significant GHG reduction potential 

To be eligible for funding, your project must have the potential to generate or enable significant reductions in GHG emissions in the long-term either:

  • Directly from project implementation (e.g., through increased energy efficiency and energy recovery); or,
  • Indirectly by creating the required enabling conditions (e.g., through net-zero design guidelines).

Direct GHG reductions must be quantifiable, while indirect reductions must be supported by a strong rationale and clear assumptions for how the project unlocks GHG reductions in the short, medium and/or long term. 

GMF will assess whether your project has the potential to lead to significant GHG reductions. This assessment will be based on:

  • The scale of the project’s GHG reductions (direct or indirect); and,
  • The project’s replication potential.

A project is considered to have a high potential for replication when:

  • It has clear performance benefits, which can be demonstrated through commonly understood metrics and measures.
  • The solution addresses a key challenge for many municipalities (need-to-have, not nice-to-have).
  • There are strong drivers for the adoption of solution (e.g., a strong financial business case due to cost savings over status quo or financial returns).

Projects must meet minimum requirements related to climate resilience:

  • All pilot and capital projects that include new infrastructure assets must be built outside the current 100-year floodplain of the most recent floodplain map, unless evidence can be provided of protection to safeguard the asset.
  • Projects with new infrastructure assets valued over $2 million must conduct a Climate Risk Assessment (i.e., Infrastructure Canada Climate lens, ISO 14091, PIEVC High Level Screening Guide or equivalent) and address risks identified. A Climate Risk Assessment must be included in study workplans (where relevant) and is submitted as part of the pre-application for relevant pilot and capital projects.   
Equity considerations

GMF recognizes that many urgent social issues are interrelated, and that climate action and sustainability initiatives need to be designed to ensure fair distribution of benefits and burdens, across all segments of a community and across generations. Projects will be assessed on their potential to result in improved socio-economic outcomes and a more equitable distribution of benefits and burdens among the community, for present and future generations. While projects can be eligible without incorporating these considerations, preference is given to projects that:

  • Integrate principles of anti-racism, equity, inclusion and reconciliation.
  • Apply inclusive community engagement practices.
  • Implement social procurement.
  • Generate significant socio-economic benefits, such as increased accessibility, improved outdoor spaces, and inclusive employment and apprenticeship.

As you develop your project approach, consider the following questions:

  1. How can you design an engagement approach that would enable you to consider the diverse needs, experiences, and voices of all stakeholders and rights holders in this project?
  2. Which equity-deserving groups might benefit the most, and/or be burdened, directly or indirectly, by this project? How are these groups positively or negatively impacted?
  3. Are there opportunities to address or mitigate negative impacts?
  4. Are there opportunities to rectify existing or potential biases, discrimination, or exclusionary practices in your project planning, design, funding, and implementation?
  5. How can you maximize the socio-economic benefits that your project generates?
  6. How can you leverage your procurement practices to generate more positive social, economic and environmental outcomes within your community and region?

GMF seeks to fund the very best examples of municipal initiatives that achieve a multitude of benefits for the environment, communities and local economies. Higher application evaluation scores are given to projects that demonstrate excellence in one or more of the following areas:

  • potable water conservation
  • sustainable materials management
  • biodiversity
  • other environmental benefits
  • socio-economic benefits 
  • meaningful engagement and collaboration with rights holders and stakeholders.


Need help to see if this is the right funding for you?

Contact our Outreach team who can answer any questions you have relating to this funding opportunity.

See all Net-Zero Transformation funding

Develop and demonstrate new, innovative solutions to support the municipal transition to net-zero