Watch this webinar to get practical ideas for working with partners and community groups to bring abandoned properties back into productive use. You'll hear how three different municipalities discovered the right combination of plans, incentives and collaboration for redeveloping their brownfields. Each municipality won a 2016 FCM Sustainable Communities Award for their success in breathing new life into contaminated or derelict areas — projects that have also led to exciting economic opportunities.

Speakers will describe how:

  • The City of Edmonton, AB, consulted with the local oil and gas industry to design grants that fund the clean-up of contaminated sites — see project case study.
  • The Region of Waterloo, ON, and a private developer transformed a former factory into modern office space, attracting companies like Google Canada — see project case study.
  • The Village of Marwayne, AB, turned a water and sewer infrastructure project into a development opportunity by remediating a site that now hosts a farmer's market and community activities — see project case study.

You'll learn:

  • How to structure and finance brownfield incentive programs.
  • How to work more effectively with private companies to develop projects that attract investment.
  • How small communities can remediate contaminated sites as part of other projects to improve their core infrastructure.


  • Jacqueline Davis, Principal Planner, Urban Planning and Environment/Sustainable Development, City of Edmonton, AB
  • Peter Ellis, Principal Planner, Planning, Development and Legislative Services/Community Planning, Region of Waterloo, ON
  • Adrianne Bobechko, Perimeter Development Corporation, Kitchener, ON
  • Joanne Horton, Chief Administrative Officer, Village of Marwayne, AB


Brownfield Development in Edmonton, Alberta – Jacqueline Davis

Read the transcript.

Brownfields: Moving Projects Forward – Peter Ellis, Adrianne Bobechko

Read the transcript.

Marwayne Centre Street Revitalization – Joanne Horton

Read the transcript.

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