gmf-brownfields-guide-enhancing-your-brownfield-programs2.JPGEvaluating your municipality's brownfield programs on a regular basis can help you identify ways to improve and enhance their performance and impact. Reporting on your progress and showcasing your successes demonstrates the value of brownfield redevelopment projects to key stakeholders, such as residents and decision-makers. This guide presents case studies illustrating the evaluation process and its benefits, and offers lessons you can apply in your city or community. 

In this guide, learn how to:

  • Improve your brownfield programs by regularly evaluating and reporting on their performance
  • Adjust your program offering based on lessons learned and enhance your impact in the future
  • Communicate your successes to generate interest and support from your community and stakeholders

The guidebook is designed for municipal staff, such as brownfield coordinators, planners and economic development officers, who are responsible for overseeing brownfield redevelopment in their community.

Read the guide

This free publication is part of a series of guidebooks on brownfield redevelopment, created through FCM's Green Municipal Fund and the Leadership in Brownfield Renewal program.

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