GMF's Brownfield Roadmaps provide a detailed overview of the process of bringing contaminated or abandoned sites back into productive use in your province or territory.

Developed in close consultation with provincial and territorial governments, each roadmap provides you with an easy-to-follow path through three focus areas:

  • Process: the steps typically followed when redeveloping a brownfield site in Canada
  • Legislation: provincial/territorial laws and policy requirements associated with each step in the process
  • Funding: financial support and incentive programs available to municipalities and their partners

Read our roadmaps to:

  • Know the steps involved in a brownfield redevelopment project and be better prepared to avoid potential delays or cost overruns.
  • Learn where to look for funding, including grants and incentive programs.
  • Structure your discussions and consultations with project stakeholders.
  • Improve your understanding of the brownfields regulatory framework in your province.

2021 Brownfield Roadmaps

Roadmap: Alberta
Roadmap: British Columbia
Roadmap: Manitoba 
Roadmap: New Brunswick
Roadmap: Newfoundland and Labrador
Roadmap: Northwest Territories
Roadmap: Nova Scotia 
Roadmap: Nunavut
Roadmap: Ontario
Roadmap: Prince Edward Island
Roadmap: Quebec
Roadmap: Saskatchewan
Roadmap: Yukon

Note: The information presented in the roadmaps is current to the publication date and may not capture all relevant programs. Please contact the responsible organizations to verify up-to-date information.

Each roadmap summarizes current provincial or territorial legislation and must not be regarded as a formal legal interpretation. Please refer to the identified legislation for complete details on requirements and seek legal advice if necessary.

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