Cover of Sustainable Neighbourhood Development GuideSustainable neighbourhoods — dense, walkable, mixed-use communities — foster healthy lifestyles and strong social connections, save on municipal operating costs and achieve environmental goals. To encourage sustainable neighbourhood development, municipalities across Canada must overcome common challenges including strict regulations, financial barriers and more.

This guide, Sustainable Neighbourhood Development: Practical Solutions to Common Challenges, is designed to help you re-imagine your municipality's approach to planning, development and regulation.

Learn how to apply proven solutions to drive sustainable development, including:

  • Financial solutions, such as partnerships, incentives and green loans
  • Supportive policies, flexible regulations and expedited approvals processes
  • Marketing to showcase the benefits of sustainable neighbourhoods to home buyers and developers
  • Contracting requirements to ensure you get the results you want from the development of municipal land

Designed for elected officials, municipal staff and private developers, this guide includes:

  • A comprehensive list of resources to help build your case and earn buy-in for these proven solutions
  • Case studies and success stories from Canadian communities of all sizes to help you find and connect with others
  • A checklist of steps to help you apply the solutions in the guide 

Download the guide.

Download the accessible version. 

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