At different stages of your project, you will need various types of expertise to help you to plan, assess, remediate or manage the risk associated with a brownfield site.

Site assessment and planning

Activities Expertise or service required
  • Complete environmental site assessments.
  • Analyze samples and interpret data.
  • Complete risk assessment (if required).
  • Determine remedial objectives.
  • Conduct remediation/risk management feasibility studies/optimization.
  • Develop remedial/risk management action plan.
  • Environmental consultant with site assessment, risk assessment and remediation/risk management experience
  • Engineers, geoscientists
  • Well drillers
  • Remediation technology provider
  • Analytical laboratories

Remediation and risk management 

  • Complete building demolition and remove waste.
  • Remediate site or implement risk management strategies.
  • Receive confirmation of compliance/contaminated site closure.
  • Demolition company
  • Waste hauler
  • Consultants
  • Remediation technology provider
  • Environmental consultant with remediation/risk management experience
  • Analytical laboratories


There are many sources that can help you find the expertise you need. These lists are not comprehensive and are provided as examples only. We will update them from time to time with new registries.

Provincial and territorial governments

Province or territory Requirements Registry
British Columbia The Ministry Procedures for the Roster of Approved Professionals  require specific contaminated site activities to be undertaken by approved professionals. Contaminated Sites Approved Professional Society
Ontario The Records of Site Condition Regulation (O.Reg 153/04) require specific types of contaminated site activities to be performed by a qualified person. No online registry
Quebec The Soil Protection and Contaminated Sites Rehabilitation Policy requires expert certification to confirm site characterization documentation. No online registry
New Brunswick The New Brunswick Site Professional Qualifications require specific types of contaminated site activities to be performed by a site professional. No online registry
Newfoundland and Labrador The Guidance Document for the Management of Impacted Sites requires some types of contaminated site activities to be performed by a site professional. No online registry
Nova Scotia The Guidelines for Management of Contaminated Sites in Nova Scotia require specific types of contaminated site activities to be performed by an environmental site professional. Registered Site Professionals

Registered Certified Clean-up Contractors
Northwest Territories The Environmental Guideline for Contaminated Site Remediation defines the requirements for and the activities that must be performed by a qualified person. No online registry

Environmental industry associations 

Other service providers

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