This webinar recording highlights examples of municipalities that have already completed community building retrofits, including the City of Dieppe, New Brunswick. Learn how your community can retrofit public buildings to improve energy performance, lower operating and maintenance costs, and transition to cleaner energy solutions over time. Listen as we discuss successful examples of completed retrofits, how municipalities can choose the right funding options and answer any questions about the process.

Viewers will also learn about the many GMF support systems available for CBR applicants, including but not limited to, support during the application process, peer learning activities and networking sessions, and project advisory services. Your municipality can rely on GMF to provide the necessary support to successfully implement your CBR projects.

FCM’s Community Buildings Retrofit initiative is delivered through our Green Municipal Fund and funded by the Government of Canada.

Project in focus: 

This webinar showcases the City of Dieppe, New Brunswick, as they created a proactive strategy to upgrade a multi-use sports complex and reduce its projected GHG emissions by over 45%. The plan, made possible in part due to support from our Community Building Retrofit fund under the Green Municipal Fund, will make the sports complex more energy efficient through various infrastructure upgrades and additions. Read the full case study.

What you will learn during the webinar recording:

  • An in-depth breakdown of the completed work by the City of Dieppe
  • How to choose the best retrofit options for your community
  • How the Community Building Retrofit Fund can support you through all stages of project development

Discussion benefits:

  • Determine what funding options are available and which may be right for your community building retrofit
  • Review successful examples of municipalities with completed community building retrofit upgrades
  • Understand how your facility goals can fit into your communities’ climate action plans
  • Gain direct access to a GMF advisor for your specific questions

Read the transcript

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