The Town of Ladysmith developed a Sustainable Action Plan that provides the framework for sustainable prosperity throughout the 21st century. Adopting the plan is an important step toward achieving the Town's Sustainability Vision, which it developed in 2008-2009.

The plan focuses on five broad goals: a prosperous green economy, a healthy community, a flourishing natural environment, a compact built environment, and smart, transparent governance.

The plan covers a comprehensive set of community issues: land use, transportation, green buildings, multi-use landscapes, infrastructure, community health, economic diversity, and a local food system. Specific goals and targets include reducing GHG emissions, cutting fossil fuel consumption, and improving wastewater treatment and solid waste management.

Ladysmith's Town Council and staff will use the Sustainability Action Plan to set priorities, guide decision-making about future projects and actions, monitor performance, and report annually on outcomes.


Environmental Economic Social
  • Reduce GHG and other emissions
  • Replace fossil fuel consumption with renewables
  • Reduce potable water use and manage wastewater efficiently
  • Reduce or eliminate waste
  • Protect and enhance ecosystems and biodiversity
  • Increase consumption of locally produced and processed food
  • Provide stable, diverse and prosperous local economic opportunities
  • Increase diversity of land use to enhance community's self-reliance
  • Increase population density to support transit and business development
  • Enhance town's pedestrian orientation
  • Create a healthy community with a healthy population


  • Stability of personnel: Over the course of the project there were two changes of lead consultant.  

Lessons learned

  • Set a short time frame and be prepared to make adjustments.
  • Build on existing plans. Move towards recognizable goals, but don't expect the plan to be perfect.
  • Include many stakeholders. The process revealed what other stakeholders were doing and produced several valuable spinoff projects.


Partners and Collaborators

Project Contact

Ruth Malli
City Manager
Town of Ladysmith, B.C.
T. 205-245-6400

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