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Since 2011, the Circular Cities and Regions Initiative (CCRI) has been providing local governments across Canada with the knowledge and tools needed to accelerate circular economy solutions.

In a circular economy, materials are reused and recycled rather than thrown away, which can improve climate resilience, increase productivity, create new economic opportunities and address social inequities.

Through its Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Network, CCRI has catalyzed a nationwide conversation on circular economy best practices and fostered tangible progress in 25 cities and regions. This includes offering direct support, guidance, and peer-to-peer exchange to Canadian communities transitioning towards circularity. 

Join us on Thursday, July 11, 11:30 a.m. ET for a lively discussion with leading Canadian circular economy experts from Quebec to learn from their results, successes and experiences and discover how to apply them in your own community. 


  • Chantal Rossignol, CERIEC, ÉTS (in French: Centre d'études et de recherches intersectorielles en économie circulaire, École de technologie supérieure)
  • Yona Qi, Conseil régional de l'environnement de la Montérégie
  • Jennifer Pinna, Centre for Technology Transfer in Industrial Ecology (CTTÉI)

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