Peace River Regional Energy and Emissions Project

Community meeting

To save money, cut energy use, and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, the Peace River Regional District and four adjoining municipalities collectively developed plans to promote renewable-resource power and heating systems, as well as energy-efficient land use, waste disposal, travel and construction practices.

The communities split the cost of a consultant, who gathered input from civic officials, developers, farmers, business people and residents and set provincially mandated targets to lower GHG emissions in each municipality.

The plans offer tailor-made suggestions for educational campaigns, financial incentives, and research projects that encourage energy conservation among residents in the five communities.


Environmental Economic Social
  • Individual GHG emission reduction targets and actions for reaching them
  • Plans for energy-efficient waste disposal, construction and other services
  • Lower energy costs due to efficiency and conservation measures
  • Reduced risk from exposure to variable conventional-energy prices
  • Increased public awareness of energy-efficiency benefits
  • Enhanced public health and quality of life from cleaner air


  • Meeting provincial requirements for GHG reductions plans in small centres with few staff resources.
  • Financing GHG emissions inventories, consultant costs and energy-efficiency plans with limited municipal budgets.
  • Convincing a rural population skeptical about climate change to make lifestyle sacrifices that reduce emissions.

Lessons learned

  • Small jurisdictions can more easily finance costly energy plans when they pool resources.
  • Municipal collaboration creates conditions for a coordinated, successful campaign to reduce GHG emissions.
  • Get public buy-in with district trade fairs showcasing energy-efficient improvements that provide immediate cost savings.

Partners and Collaborators

Project Contact

Bruce Simard
General Manager of Development Service
Peace River Regional District, BC
T. 250-784-3204

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