Study for a new energy-efficient (LEED) fire station in Dieppe

Dieppe has conducted a feasibility study with a view to building a fire station. This project has two objectives: considerably reduce energy consumption and improve public safety. For this new building, which will meet LEED certification requirements, the City will use emerging technology, including a computerized building management system, solar walls and geothermal heat pumps. A retention pond will also provide the water the firemen need for their training. Construction of this building should generate annual savings of $1.6 million.

To prepare for the project, Dieppe visited new fire stations in some Canadian cities. Dieppe plans to share the concepts used for its fire station with other communities that are planning a similar building.


Environmental Economic Social
  • The fire station will be partly run on two kinds of renewable energy: solar thermal and photovoltaic panels.
  • Dieppe expects to reduce its GHG emissions by 151,956 COeq. per year.
  • Reduced operating costs, based on New Brunswick electricity rates, reflect annual savings of $37,000.
  • This project will save the community a total of $1,637,500 per year.
  • Construction of the new fire station will improve public safety because emergency response by the firemen will be better.
  • Construction will enhance contractors' and citizens' awareness of energy efficiency and renewable energy sources.


  • The biggest challenge was to build the new fire station within budget. Some worthwhile components had to be dropped to comply with the initial budget.
  • It took longer than expected to prepare the funding application because Dieppe had to answer all the questions in light of GMF requirements.

Lessons learned

  • When developing a project, allow time for the FCM funding application process because it does not progress at the same rate as the municipality's production schedule.
  • It would have been relevant to submit the grant application before finalizing the answer details because the document had to be changed later. By submitting it earlier, Dieppe would have been able to synchronize project and funding progress.

Partners and Collaborators

Project Contact

Rémi Comeau
Assistant Director
Municipal Buildings and Environment
City of Dieppe, N.B.
T. 506 877-5037

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