Town Hall

The City of Delta's new Community Energy and Emissions Plan (CEEP) is a long-term strategy for sustainable development. The plan will help the city reduce its energy costs and vulnerability to energy markets, mitigate climate change, improve air quality, encourage alternative transportation choices, and create new jobs and business opportunities.

The plan identifies 37 areas for action and lays out a 25-year timetable for the city to achieve its sustainability goals. The goals include developing compact neighbourhoods, reducing vehicle travel, increasing renewable energy use, and improving waste management. The plan will also provide the framework to promote healthy and affordable homes and help businesses make the transition to a low-carbon economy.


Environmental Economic Social
  • 21% reduction from 2007 per capita electrical use levels by 2040
  • 31% reduction in overall per capita energy use from 2007 levels by 2040
  • 12% reduction from 2007 GHG emission levels by 2040
  • Increase capture and re-use of waste heat and use of renewable energy
  • Reduce vehicular travel and provide opportunities for low-carbon mobility
  • Reuse, recycle and recover more materials from solid waste
  • Increase density in urban nodes with the potential to develop district energy systems
  • Develop compact neighbourhoods with reduced energy consumption
  • Promote efficient, healthy, affordable homes



  • Two key members left the consulting firm while Delta's CEEP project was underway. City staff had to adapt quickly and work closely with the remaining consultant to complete the project.

Lessons learned

  • Assign a dedicated staff member as a liaison between consultants and the city's senior management and staff.
  • Go beyond climate change when framing the plan: issues of resilience, cost savings, liveability, health and affordability all resonated with Delta's stakeholders and staff.
  • Facilitated workshops with members of the community are exceptional tools for eliciting ideas and developing buy-in.

Partners and Collaborators

Project Contact

Mike Brotherston
Manager of Climate Action and Environment
City of Delta,  BC
T. 604-946-3281

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