Corporate and Community Energy and Emission Plans

Cyclists stopped at an intersection

The City of Kelowna developed corporate and community action plans to reduce both energy consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The corporate plan is an effort to reduce GHG emissions from City activities by up to 26 per cent by 2017. The community plan is intended to reduce emissions by 33 per cent from 2007 levels by 2020. The plans will encourage residents to conserve energy at home and to change their commuting habits. Businesses will also be encouraged to reduce energy consumption.


Environmental Economic Social
  • Reduces corporate GHG emissions by as much as 26 percent by 2017
  • Reduces community GHG emissions by 33 percent of 2007 levels by 2020
  • Reduces kilometres driven by 20%
  • Energy cost savings to repay $2.8 billion investment under municipal plan within seven years
  • Annual energy savings of approximately $423,000 after the first seven years
  • Adding energy efficiency and GHG reduction to business cases for municipal projects 
  • Job creation through
    energy efficiency improvements
  • Offers active transportation options that improve population health and air quality, increase social interaction and strengthen neighbourhoods


  • Reducing GHG emissions was not the only priority of City staff, and the benefits were not clearly communicated to them.
  • Baseline energy and emissions data were disorganized.
  • The consultant was late with deliverables for both plans.

Lessons learned

  • Ensure energy and emission inventory data is up-to-date and accessible.
  • Ensure consultant can prepare deliverables on time.
  • Ensure that schedule allows key stakeholders to contribute to the plan.


Partners and Collaborators

Project Contact

Lorna Gunn
Grants Manager
City of Kelowna
T. 250-469-8936

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