Looking at a building’s total energy performance when planning upgrades is an excellent way to ensure you’re making cost-effective decisions that also contribute to your community’s climate goals and quality of life for your residents. But limited budget, staff capacity and unexpected challenges can create barriers.

Combining data-backed asset management practices with long-term climate planning can ensure you focus your retrofit efforts for maximum impact. The Town of Halton Hills, ON, used this approach to extend the life of some of their much-loved local buildings, while saving time, money and cutting their community emissions.

And we’re sharing the story of their success so your municipality can do it too.

Practical decision-making tips for your next project

The Town faced some common challenges when they began – like rising energy costs, rapid population growth and a portfolio of aging, high-emissions community buildings requiring upgrades. They’d also made the commitment to become net-zero by 2030. It was clear an impactful, long-term approach was needed to address these realities – but how would they do it? And where should they start?

Read the two case studies below to learn about the Town’s journey to retrofitting their community building portfolio.

roadmap iconMaking the case for community building retrofits

Learn more about the strategic approach the Town of Halton Hills took when retrofitting their community facilities and how they built community-wide support to invest in reductions.

In this case study, you will:

  • Discover their step-by-step strategy and business case for retrofitting four community buildings
  • Understand the value of conducting a whole building retrofit over time
  • Learn how they worked with internal stakeholders to take action across various municipal departments
  • Learn where to access funding for community building retrofit projects

Read the case study

Tool iconOptimizing energy performance through comprehensive facility retrofits

Developed for municipal staff, including facility and energy managers, this case study looks at the Town of Halton Hills’ journey using data to inform their low carbon retrofit priorities.

In this case study, you will:

  • Learn their strategy for continuous building improvement and identify measures to support a successful GHG reduction pathway
  • Discover monitoring systems and solutions used to collect energy and emissions data and model outcomes
  • Understand how to use that data to support decision-making in energy retrofit projects
  • Gain tips to help build energy management knowledge

Read the case study

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