If your municipality is developing a Request for Proposals (RFP) for asset management services, read this tip sheet for information on:

  • How to narrow down the number of proposals you receive in response to a future RFP
  • Developing an RFP that will yield proposals that are easy to compare and evaluate
  • How to feel more confident about making key choices during the procurement process
  • Ensuring that the consultant you hire meets your needs and provides the services you are expecting

A common challenge: After issuing a Request for Proposals, municipalities may receive a wide range of responses with vastly different prices and offerings, making it difficult to select a consultant. Sometimes a municipality is well into a project with a consultant before realizing that the work is not what they were anticipating.

Tips and strategies

Icon of a dart board To clearly define and communicate your objectives and the scope of work:

Take a moment before you begin the procurement process to ensure that you know what you want and what you need. Then, write a well-thought-out RFP that clearly states your requirements.

Before starting the procurement process:

  • Clarify your objectives.
    • Complete a needs assessment.
    • Confirm your assumptions with decision-makers and team members.
    • Understand and articulate how this work fits into your strategic objectives and plan, internal processes and organizational culture.
  • Identify the type of service you require. In asset management, consultants provide two main types of service:
    • Completing a clearly defined task, such as a condition assessment of specific infrastructure
    • Coaching you through a process, where your municipal team will do much of the work and learn from the process
  • Consider your available resources (municipal team, time and funds).
  • Consider the employee time required during the project.
    • If your consultant is completing a task for you, you’ll need to identify someone to oversee the project, provide any needed information, and review the work.
    • If your consultant is coaching you through a process, you’ll need team members who can undertake the work.
  • Consider whether your municipality has the capacity to utilize the resulting work effectively.
  • Establish your budget and time frame for the work.
    • Know your budget before determining the scope of the work.
    • Include a contingency fund for unexpected costs.
    • Consider partnering with other municipalities or bundling similar work.
    • Consider partnering with non-profit organizations who may complete some or all of the work.

"With regards to the building condition surveys, next time we would try to narrow the scope of work perhaps reducing the number of submissions and increasing the quality of work. Also would involve more departmental supervisors from the onset of the project."

– Town in Ontario (population 9,000)

The scope of work includes both the main project deliverables and your additional expectations. For example, you may want the consultant to prepare an asset management plan, but you may also want the process to help build internal capacity, change the way the asset register is structured, or facilitate an evidence-based conversation with council. 

Define the scope of work to be done. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What is the purpose of the project?
  • Which people and departments will be impacted?
  • Why is the work a priority?
  • Will this work impact our asset management plan (requiring an update) or our asset management policy?
  • What is our timeline for completion of the work and specific milestones?
  • Will employees need training in order to use the results of the consultant’s work? Depending on your budget, you may choose to include that training in the scope.
  • Do we want to include a meeting or presentation to the asset management steering committee, senior management team or council?
  • Will engaging neighbouring municipalities at any stage add value to the project?

Icon of a key Key

The more specific you are about everything you hope to achieve, the better chance you will have of a consultant’s proposal meeting your needs.

Business casual team working on graphsStill not sure how to define your objectives or scope of work or how to settle on a budget?

  • Reach out to neighbouring municipalities to learn about their experiences.
  • For tools and best practices, connect with associations, your local provincial/territorial municipal association (PTA), communities of practice and other orders of government for tools and best practices.
  • Use potential consultants as a sounding board to help you identify an achievable scope of work for your budget.
  • Set up the work to unfold in stages, and make objective-setting the first milestone. This can be a separate engagement or phase one of a multi-phase project.

While developing the Request for Proposals:

  • Clearly articulate all your expectations—both the deliverables and the other outcomes you hope to achieve. Be specific.
  • Decide whether you want to declare your available budget. You have two options:
    •  Declare your budget and compare proposals based on what is being offered for that budget.
    •  Avoid declaring your budget, but outline the scope of work in detail, and compare proposals based on price.
  • Where possible, use common “asset management” language. Tools like FCM’s Asset Management Readiness Scale can help.

"A municipality receives report submissions from multiple engineering firms over the years. The City has experienced situations where a consultant would like to develop a report in a template that is not consistent with previous reports received. We provide a detailed and standardized scope of work to ensure consistency of deliverables to achieve the project goal."

– City of Greater Sudbury, ON (population 164,926)

Icon of a key Key

Remember to build in flexibility as you plan this work! A well-defined scope at the onset will help avoid future surprises, and you can leave room to review and update the scope or deliverables as the project unfolds.

Map of PlessisvilleMaximizing the benefits of working with a consultant: City of Plessisville, QC (population 6,688)

The City of Plessisville, QC (population 6,688), hired a consultant to help it introduce new asset management software, to improve the quality of information used for decision-making. While the software is now functional and well-implemented, the project faced many issues during the early years of implementation. At first, the scope of the project and the complexity of the software were not appropriate for the city’s needs. The scope of the project was just too large—the city did not have the capacity to implement it correctly. In discussion with the consultant, Plessisville decided to simplify the software, which is greatly customizable. At the same time, the city reduced the scope of the project to implement it, at first, only in the most organized division (water management) as a pilot project. The city learned that it as easier to implement it in a division that was already practicing some kind of asset management, than in another division that was less organized. Furthermore, the city’s experience with the pilot helped it identify and correct any issues before implementing the software in other divisions.

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Explore our tips for working with a consultant

Click on each tip below to learn how to anticipate and avoid common challenges.

Owning the products developed with an asset management consultant

Tips to ensure you can edit, adapt and share the finished work

Read more

Ensuring continuation of asset management once consultant services are complete

Tips to engage your municipal team to ensure post-project momentum

Read more

This resource was developed by the Municipal Asset Management Program(MAMP)

MAMP is designed to help Canadian municipalities strengthen their infrastructure investment decisions based on reliable data and sound asset management practices. This eight-year, $110-million program is funded by the Government of Canada and delivered by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities. It is being implemented in partnership with municipal, provincial and territorial associations and other key stakeholders.


GuideWhat is asset management software?

While there is no official definition of “asset management software,” this document refers to applications designed to help you collect, manage, store, visualise and/or analyze your asset-related data. Options range significantly in price and functionality from inexpensive applications like programmed excel spreadsheets, to more costly and integrated software suites that can incorporate any mix of inventory, financial, maintenance, and asset life-cycle functions.

Ask yourself...

1. Do we need it?
Asset management is a business practice, not a software solution. Many communities find that a spreadsheet is all they need to get started.

2. Are we ready for it?
Software is only useful when it is populated with good data and supports sound business practices. Before buying software, collect and organize your data and put your asset management processes in place. It is also critical to allocate budget for keeping data current and maintaining the software system.


Asset management software CAN... Asset management software CANNOT...
  • Store data in a central place         
  • Process large amounts of information
  • Help link data across functional groups (e.g. finance and public works)
  • Incorporate geo-spatial data into your analysis
  • Facilitate the modeling of different scenarios
  • Help conduct standard asset management analysis of your data (e.g. risk, life-cycle costs)       
  • Flag events to support decision-making  
  • Present data in a way that supports decision-making
  • Support corporate memory
  • Make decisions for you              
  • Define your asset management processes
  • Collect data or keep your data up to date
  • Ensure the quality of your data
  • Develop an asset management plan
  • Tell you what information is useful in your decision-making process
  • Test the logic of your outcomes
  • Innovate or improve your asset management practices
  • Provide leadership on asset management in your organization

Important tips

  • Make software a team decision
    Asset management is cross-functional. The purchase of asset management software should include the same group of professionals from across your organization.
  • Know the outputs you want to get from your software
    What analysis do you want the software to do? What business processes will it feed? How do you want the information to be displayed or reported?                  
    • Hint: Try mapping your requirements using a spreadsheet first!
  • Training and implementation support are essential to success
    Have a plan for training staff and a succession plan in case key staff leave. It takes time and energy to adopt a new software system – budget for training and implementation support for staff across your organization.



Questions to ask suppliers

  • How well does your solution align with my data and business processes?                
  • Is your solution compatible with my current information systems?           
  • Is the data structure open or proprietary?
  • Can I add functionality later and how expensive might that be?
  • What level of technical support is available and at what cost?
  • How close is the nearest technical support?
  • What training is included in the set up of the software? How much would each additional session cost?
  • Will I own my data?
  • Where is the data stored?
  • What are the licensing and maintenance fees?
  • Will I need to upgrade my hardware?
  • What is your commitment to maintenance and updates?
  • Have other municipalities used this solution and can I talk to them?             

Download the guide.

This content was developed by the Technical Working Group of FCM's Municipal Asset Management Program. The Technical Working Group is comprised of an exceptional group of municipal practitioners and experts from across Canada.

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This resource was developed by the Municipal Asset Management Program(MAMP)

MAMP is designed to help Canadian municipalities strengthen their infrastructure investment decisions based on reliable data and sound asset management practices. This eight-year, $110-million program is funded by the Government of Canada and delivered by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities. It is being implemented in partnership with municipal, provincial and territorial associations and other key stakeholders.


Are you planning to work with a consultant on an asset management project? Read on if you:

  • Plan to share the knowledge or tools developed by your consultant
  • Would like to publish portions of the material created by the consultant—either on a website or in some other form
  • Expect to edit, update or modify any final products (such as plans, asset data or other materials) in the future

A common challenge: Did you know that hiring a consultant to develop a product does not necessarily grant you the ability to modify, update or share the material? The consultant may retain sole copyright on deliverables, unless you specify a different arrangement. And if you don’t identify the file format you want, you might end up with something that you can view but not edit.

Tips and strategies

Icon of a paper and penIf you would like to edit, adapt and share the finished work:

Include clear statements regarding copyright and file format in your Request for Proposals and in the contract, and double-check the final deliverables to confirm that they meet your requirements.

While developing the Request for Proposals (RFP):

  • Consult with employees to ensure that you understand which software and file formats they can work with.
  • If your project includes creating a resource or tool that involves software new to your team, consider adding an employee training component to the RFP.
  • Stipulate the file format(s) you require for the final deliverables.
  • State the type of copyright you will retain for all deliverables.

At the contracting stage:

  • Use your own contract template (if available).
  • Ensure that you retain the appropriate copyright to the deliverables. Include wording that says you have either copyright assignment or copyright license (see “A note on copyright” below). Consult your legal counsel for examples of specific wording you can use.
  • Specify your preferred software format for deliverables. Require all documents and data to be delivered in a format that you can edit (such as Microsoft Word or GIS-compatible files) if that is desirable, in addition to any non-editable versions you would like (such as PDF).
  • Include in the contract your right to approve the deliverables.

As the project wraps up:

  • Ensure that all the deliverables are complete, satisfactory and in the requested format(s).
  • Check for the appropriate copyright statements (as stipulated in the contract) in the deliverables.
  • Compare the results with the contract.

Icon of a paper with a seal A note on copyright…

  • With copyright assignment, you become the owner of the material.
  • With a copyright license, you are not the owner but you have a license and the right to publish or sublicense the material.
  • Open-source content, software and tools are free for all to use, modify and share.

In some cases, copyright assignment (full ownership) is desirable, particularly for asset data that a consultant collects for your municipality; however, it can also make sense to share copyright with the consultant so that they can adapt the work for others. Consult with your legal counsel to ensure that you plan for all your needs. You should also check to see if there are specific requirements associated with any public funding you receive for the project.

Icon of a keyKey

The freedom to share and publish knowledge and tools is key to building asset management communities of practice that benefit everyone. This is an important consideration for both municipalities and consultants when establishing copyright agreements.

Road to Nakusp, British ColumbiaThe open-source approach: Village of Nakusp, BC

The Village of Nakusp, BC (population 1,605), had a limited budget for its project. The village found an asset management consultant that uses open-source software and tools. The open-source GIS software, called QGIS, is free to download and has no restrictions on the quantity of licenses issued. The spreadsheet-based asset management reporting tools used by the consultant were also open-source—built for the community, by the community. Any improvements are shared with all the municipalities that use the software. The use of open-source software and tools have allowed the village to grow its asset management initiative together with neighbouring municipalities.

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Explore our tips for working with a consultant

Click on each tip below to learn how to anticipate and avoid common challenges.

Scoping your asset management project

Tips to help you clearly define and communicate your objectives to consultants

Read more

Ensuring continuation of asset management once consultant services are complete

Tips to engage your municipal team to ensure post-project momentum

Read more

This resource was developed by the Municipal Asset Management Program(MAMP)

MAMP is designed to help Canadian municipalities strengthen their infrastructure investment decisions based on reliable data and sound asset management practices. This eight-year, $110-million program is funded by the Government of Canada and delivered by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities. It is being implemented in partnership with municipal, provincial and territorial associations and other key stakeholders.


So, you’ve decided to hire a consultant to help your municipality move forward on its asset management journey. How can you ensure a successful partnership?

Hiring a consultant to support your asset management process can be an important strategic decision and opportunity, but if you’ve never hired a consultant for this type of work it can be difficult to anticipate the possible challenges. One of the most powerful things you can do to ensure success is to be aware of common challenges before you develop your Request for Proposals—and put strategies in place to avoid those challenges.

We’ve identified three common challenges experienced by municipalities in their work with consultants, and some simple actions you can take to steer clear of these issues and enjoy a positive relationship with your consultant and get the outcomes you want.

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Please offer suggestions that will improve the learning center for you:

Explore our tips for working with a consultant

Click on each tip below to learn how to anticipate and avoid common challenges.

Owning the products developed with an asset management consultant

Tips to ensure you can edit, adapt and share the finished work

Read more

Scoping your asset management project

Tips to help you clearly define and communicate your objectives to consultants

Read more

Ensuring continuation of asset management once consultant services are complete

Tips to engage your municipal team to ensure post-project momentum

Read more

This resource was developed by the Municipal Asset Management Program(MAMP)

MAMP is designed to help Canadian municipalities strengthen their infrastructure investment decisions based on reliable data and sound asset management practices. This eight-year, $110-million program is funded by the Government of Canada and delivered by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities. It is being implemented in partnership with municipal, provincial and territorial associations and other key stakeholders.


Are you an affordable housing provider looking to retrofit existing units or construct energy-efficient new builds?

The Regional Energy Coaches (REC) program, is an innovative initiative dedicated to enhancing energy efficiency and sustainability in Canada's affordable housing sector. With funding from the Green Municipal Fund (GMF) and the Community Housing Transformation Centre (CHTC) Opens in a new tab., and delivered in partnership with the BC Non-Profit Housing Association, Manitoba Non-Profit Housing Association, Fédération des coopératives d'habitation de Québec, Indigenous Clean Energy, Co-operative Housing Federation of Canada and the Clean Foundation, the REC program is at the forefront of promoting healthier, more sustainable living environments.  

What we offer 

Our REC program provides comprehensive support to affordable housing providers, including: 

  • Tailored guidance: RECs offer specialized support, from conducting energy walkthrough assessments, support with funding applications, to technical assistance and support working with consultants

  • Strategic planning: RECs can help you identify retrofit opportunities, evaluate project feasibility, and understand the available technologies and funding mechanisms

  • Hands-on coaching: Our coaches work closely with you through one-on-one sessions, ensuring you have the knowledge and tools to succeed

REC program expansion 

After a successful three-year pilot phase, we're adding more coaches and partners with expertise to support the unique needs of each region of Canada. With additional RECs, we are aiming to empower housing providers nationwide with the resources they need to implement sustainable energy solutions.  

Get in touch with a REC in your region to get started on your energy efficient journey.

For more information about the REC program, visit our FAQ page.  

How a REC can make your next project become a reality 

Explore how the Valemount Senior Citizens Housing Society in British Columbia and the Otter Housing Association in Newfoundland and Labrador, with the support of a Regional Energy Coach, achieved sustainable, energy-efficient housing solutions. From feasibility studies to innovative construction methods, RECs provide the expertise and guidance needed to bring your energy-efficient housing projects to life. 

…I value the work that we do together. The coach’s assistance and advice has been invaluable for moving our projects forward and making ours a better world in which to live through co-operation, advice, connections and extremely organized and timely assistance.”

– BC Housing Society

…thank you to the Centre for connecting CMHC, FCM, and our team together this morning to talk about how our organization continues to move towards expansion and/or renovation of our housing. Our team got so much out of that session and it could not have happened without your facilitation.”

– Housing Provider

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Project cash flow calculator

Evaluate the economic feasibility of an energy efficiency project

Read more

Funders list for sustainable affordable housing

Learn about additional funding sources to support your next affordable housing project

Read more

Webinar recording: Transform your approach to energy efficiency with the Housing Providers’ Toolkit

Learn how this toolkit can help you optimize energy efficiency and make your affordable housing projects more viable and impactful.

Read more


Thanks to extensive consultations, astute financial management and the incorporation of energy-saving technologies, a 67-unit development in Ontario’s Niagara Region provides affordable housing for seniors, and delivers environmental and social benefits without an ongoing operating subsidy.



Birchwood Place





Owner & Developer

Niagara Regional Housing



$9.9 million



Brouwer Construction Ltd.



Macdonald Zuberec Ensslen Architects Inc.


Affordable Housing units

23 (rent-geared-to-income)
26 affordable (80% of the average rents as published in CMHC’s annual market survey)
18 (low end of local market rates)



Province of Ontario (Municipal Affairs and Housing’s Delivering Opportunities to Ontario Renters program)
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)
Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM)


Ontario’s Niagara region, like many regions across Canada, faces a longstanding and chronic shortage of affordable housing, particularly for seniors. Niagara Regional Housing (NRH) is responsible for community housing in the area. Governed by a Board of Directors comprised of Niagara Regional Councillors and community members, NRH provides a spectrum of low-income housing options through a combination of legislated programs and services. NRH’s current wait times for affordable housing range from 3 to 18 years, depending on the applicant’s location and requirements.

To ease the chronic shortage, NRH partnered with several funders to design and construct a financially sustainable 67-unit low-rise building. Rental rates range from rent-geared-to-income (RGI) to affordable (80% of the average rents as published in CMHC’s annual market survey) to the low end of local market rates. The project, located in Welland, also delivers a wealth of environmental and social benefits, and funds a 50-year capital reserve for the replacement of key systems and infrastructure.


NRH chose to locate the project adjacent to one of its existing buildings and to consult extensively with the 29 seniors who reside there. NRH also hosted sessions at Welland City Hall to consult with the general public, promote the project and offer assistance to interested applicants. Input from existing tenants informed several design choices, such as layouts and the inclusion of one-piece shower units (instead of bathtubs with showers).Other principles that guided the project include: universal accessibility; aging-in-place wellness model; incorporating a mix of geared-to-income and market rents; and exceeding current building-code requirements for energy by at least 40%. To ensure ongoing financial self-sufficiency, the project’s operating budget funds the replacement of all building components over their lifecycle.

“Birchwood Place demonstrates that a new community housing project can be financially self-sufficient while minimizing environmental impacts and fostering a good quality of life for residents.”
– Donna Woiceshyn, CEO, Niagara Regional Housing


Environmental Measures

  • Geothermal system circulates water through underground loops and into each unit for heating and cooling. Should the system prove inadequate, tenants can activate electric heaters from the temperature controller installed in each unit.
  • Regenerative-drive elevators require less energy to operate and generate less heat. When descending, the elevator’s braking mechanism powers a turbine that generates electricity to be fed back into the grid.
  • Tenants collect organic waste and deposit it in bins that maintenance staff put out for curbside collection
  • Rainwater collected and used for site irrigation, reducing consumption of treated water
  • Low-flow water fixtures reduce consumption of treated water
  • Charging station for electric vehicles encourages their use
  • Green living wall in lobby improves quality of indoor air
  • Smoke-free building

Birchwood Place

Fully occupied since its completion in 2014, the project earned the Region of Niagara its first LEED® Silver certification for a social housing building. The project also incorporates common areas and outdoor spaces to promote socialization and well-being. The site is adjacent to public transit and has limited parking spaces for vehicles. “The tenants love the building and are proud of the sense of community it helps to create,” says Donna Woiceshyn, CEO, Niagara Regional Housing. “They run activities such as bingo and celebrations, and decorate the common room for various holidays.”

Lessons Learned

Self-subsidization works.
Of the 67 units, 23 (34%) are rent-geared-to-income, 26 (39%) are affordable (at 80% of CMHC market rates). The market rents charged for other units, along with relatively low mortgage rates and the initial support of funders, enable the project to operate without ongoing operating subsidy.

New technologies can be more challenging and costlier to maintain than current ones.
NRH found it difficult to obtain the mechanical expertise locally needed to maintain the project’s geothermal system and regenerative-drive elevators, due to the newness of the technologies. The contractor who installed the geothermal system maintained it for the first year; NRH then found a company from nearby St. Catharines that trains its own technicians to perform ongoing maintenance work. Expertise is likely more available in larger cities and for technologies that are more established. NRH advises those considering similar projects to require that installers of key building components provide maintenance manuals and onsite staff training, and that the training be videotaped and shared with future staff.

Investments in geothermal heating and cooling systems may not generate positive returns.
The geothermal systems at Birchwood Place deliver valuable environmental benefits, including reduced greenhouse gas emissions. However, the installation and maintenance costs have negated the savings in avoided energy costs at current rates. NRH originally anticipated that these savings would cover the cost of the geothermal system within 25 years. It currently estimates that the system will at best break even over its lifecycle, as higher-than-anticipated maintenance costs reduce return on investment.

Regenerative-drive elevators can be more expensive to install and maintain than traditional models.
Higher-than-anticipated maintenance costs for the regenerative-drive elevators also reduce return on investment. NRH’s experience with the elevators and geothermal system suggests that housing providers should study in detail any new technology’s costs and benefits, paying attention to the availability of local expertise and evaluating operational costs, before deciding to use the technology.

Educate tenants about proper operation of energy-efficient equipment.
Each apartment connects to the geothermal network and has a temperature controller. Should the network fail, the tenant can use the temperature controller to activate the electric-heat backup system. Initially, some tenants activated the back-up system unnecessarily, incurring additional utility costs. Part of the problem is that the controllers are relatively complex to operate. While the tenant handbook describes how to operate the controllers properly, some tenants required additional guidance. Maintenance staff now work with each new tenant to set a heating and cooling schedule that meets their needs.

Use LEED-like principles rather than pay for certification process.
The LEED® certification process required additional costs, but provided no additional value or benefits to tenants. NRH recommends that project leads consider LEED standards instead of LEED certification.


Donna Woiceshyn

Donna Woiceshyn
CEO, Niagara Regional Housing

Want to explore all GMF-funded projects? Check out the Projects Database for a complete overview of funded projects and get inspired by municipalities of all sizes, across Canada. 

Visit the projects database

If you’re a municipal, non-profit or co-operative housing provider, our $300 million Sustainable Affordable Housing (SAH) initiative is for you. Whether you want to complete an energy efficient retrofit or engage in a new capital project, SAH funding can help you increase the quality, affordability and energy efficiency of your buildings.

Watch this webinar recording to learn about the various forms of grant, loan and capacity building support we offer to help you retrofit existing units or build new ones. It includes a discussion on the many ways we can help during any stage of your project.


  • Benjamin Koczwarski, Outreach Advisor, FCM Programs
  • Jen Arntfield, Lead, Sustainable Affordable Housing, Green Municipal Fund

Interested in more SAH resources? These factsheets will help you get started.

This webinar was recorded June, 2020 as part of GMF’s Webby Week.

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GMF’s Municipal Energy Roadmap gives elected officials and municipal staff a framework to identify and design innovative sustainable energy projects. The support tool helps you identify the best solutions for Canadian communities to achieve significant GHG emissions reductions and meet your long-term sustainability objectives.

These fifteen factsheets offer specific guidance around building-level solutions, community-level solutions, and long-term strategies to achieve your goals. Whether you want to discover financing options to adopt sustainable energy technologies or implement specific solutions like low-carbon water heating, these resources provide targeted insights to help you drill down and meet your objectives.

Strategy: Local development policies and bylaws

Strategy: Local development policies and bylawsAlthough Canadian municipalities generally do not have the legal authority to adopt their own building or energy code, they can create local development policies and bylaws to set building requirements that exceed or complement the provincial code. Find out more.

Strategy: Financing options

Strategy: Financing optionsDiscover how municipalities can use innovative financing options to target clean energy and energy-efficiency improvements in local homes and businesses, municipal buildings, and community-scale initiatives.

Strategy: Home/building energy rating and disclosure

Strategy: Home/building energy rating and disclosureRead about how municipalities can use home and building energy rating and disclosure (HERD/BERD) policies and programs as strategies for transforming the market over the long term.

Strategy: Incentive programs

Strategy: Incentive programsLearn how incentive programs offer support to reduce participants’ costs and improve the business case for energy-efficiency and clean energy measures, thus removing barriers and increasing uptake of those technologies.

Strategy: Lead by example

Strategy: Lead by exampleMunicipalities can lead by implementing policies and demonstrating the practices they want to encourage within the community to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and drive top-level energy performance in municipal buildings and facilities. Find out how.

Community-level solution: District energy systems

Community-level solution: District energy systemsDistrict energy systems, also referred to as thermal grids, supply heating and, in some cases, cooling, to multiple buildings. Learn how municipalities can play a critical role in influencing the speed and success of district energy development within their communities.

Community-level solution: Wind and solar energy generation

Community-level solution: Wind and solar energy generationDiscover the advantages of community-level wind and solar energy generation: local economic development, community resiliency, reduced GHGs, and energy dollars staying in the community.

Building-level solution: High-efficiency indoor ice rinks

Building-level solution: High-efficiency indoor ice rinksIndoor ice rinks use large amounts of energy for heating, refrigeration, lighting, pumping and hot water. Capital and operational measures can improve the energy efficiency of these processes.

Building-level solution: Building envelope upgrades

Building-level solution: Building envelope upgradesBuilding envelope upgrades improve the building shell so that it better controls the flow of heat, air and moisture in and out of the building. Find out how to leverage these upgrades for energy efficiency and reduced GHGs.

Building-level solution: Heat pumps replacing electric resistance

Building-level solution: Heat pumps replacing electric resistanceHeat pumps provide efficient heating by drawing heat from outside air, the ground or a water body, and transferring that heat into a building. Learn more about the use of electric-powered heat pumps in place of electric resistance heating like baseboards, electric furnaces and electric boilers.

Building-level solution: Heat pumps replacing gas or oil

Building-level solution: Heat pumps replacing gas or oilHeat pumps provide efficient heating by drawing heat from outside air, the ground or a water body, and transferring that heat into a building. Learn more about the use of electric-powered heat pumps in place of gas or oil-based heating systems.

Building-level solution: Improved HVAC controls

Building-level solution: Improved HVAC controls Heating, ventilation and air conditioning account for a large proportion of a building’s energy use. Controlling them with intelligent technology can deliver substantial energy savings and GHG reductions while also improving thermal comfort and reducing maintenance requirements. Learn how.

Building-level solution: High-efficiency lighting and reduced plug loads

Building-level solution: High-efficiency lighting and reduced plug loadsDiscover how energy consumption from lighting can be reduced by switching to energy-efficient light bulbs, improving lighting controls, and using natural light as a source of illumination.

Building-level solution: Rooftop solar PV

Building-level solution: Rooftop solar PVSolar PV systems are primarily used to reduce utility bills by offsetting the building’s own electricity consumption. Learn how these systems can also be paired with battery storage to provide a number of additional benefits.

Building-level solution: Low-carbon water heating

Building-level solution: Low-carbon water heatingGreenhouse gas emissions from water heating can be reduced by improving the efficiency of water heating or by switching to a lower-carbon energy source. Read about three technologies in the residential sector with the greatest potential for GHG reductions.

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Lethbridge County, Alberta, (population 10,061) started working on its asset management in 2018 because its employees and Council recognized the need for a reliable and ongoing strategy to manage the municipality’s assets. After receiving a grant from the Municipal Asset Management Program (MAMP) in 2018, the team began moving through the program’s Asset Management Readiness Scale (AMRS). (MAMP has approved 71 grants in Alberta since its founding and provided training through MAMP-funded partners to more than 350 Albertans.) By using the AMRS, the team knew they’d chart a safe and smart path forward to guide the city’s decision making for decades to come.


  • Completed in-house training for a large group (at a reduced rate)
  • Increased interest in asset management and related processes
  • Prioritized asset management as a budgetary and departmental priority


Though it had already moved through Level 1 of the AMRS, the team needed a new plan to bring its asset management to life. It required a clear strategy and a roadmap to move from theory to action. This was the focus of its Policy & Governance work in Level 2.


Members of the asset management team benefitted immensely from training provided by several of MAMP’s partner organizations. Elected officials and municipal staff members participated in a variety of awareness-building and training events offered by Alberta Urban Municipalities Association and Rural Municipalities of Alberta (jointly), Canadian Urban Transit Association, NAMS Canada and the Canadian Network of Asset Managers

The municipality also hired an asset management consultant to help the team make accurate assessments before it crafted an implementation plan.


It can be a challenge to ensure that Council members are regularly trained and engaged on relevant aspects of asset management, alongside staff. Though the Council participated as much as possible, employee team members had more training in asset management processes and its benefits than others involved in the process. This knowledge gap was noticeable during the early stages of the project.


Lethbridge moved to Level 2 in the AMRS’s Policy & Governance competency by completing three steps:

  1. Policy and objectives: It completed its formal Asset Management Policy, which was adopted by council and endorsed by the senior management team.
  2. Strategy and framework: It completed a State of Maturity Report and a Systems Maturity Report, both of which contain strategies for the next two phases of work.
  3. Measurement and monitoring: It outlined, documented and tracked its objectives through regularly scheduled asset management team meetings and an ‘Action Tracker’.

Lethbridge also moved from Level 1 to Level 2 in several other competencies in the AMRS, including People & Leadership and Planning and Decision-making. It moved to Level 3 in Data & Information as well as Contribution to Asset Management Practice. It’s worth noting that municipalities rarely work on one competency in isolation. Rather, they typically find that work on one competency helps them progress in others.

Newly constructed roads in Lethbridge County

Road in Lethbridge County, Alberta


  1. The consultant provided in-house training to a large group, which meant more people than expected received training for a lower-than-anticipated cost. The team transferred the savings to the rest of the project and had a well-trained team.
  2. The group training increased interest in asset management and related processes. Employees who thought they might not have a significant role in asset management now understand where they fit in.
  3. Asset management is now a budgetary and departmental priority. It’s a budget item, and generates significant discussions amongst Council.

"We know we’re moving in the right direction with our asset management. Our project team is connecting departments in new ways so that, as a municipality, we continuously strive to improve our decision-making processes together. We all have a stake in getting asset management right so that we can ensure we provide safe, reliable and sustainable services to our residents and improve levels of service."

– Michael Bly, GIS and Asset Coordinator, Lethbridge County

What they learned

Get support: Having clear support from Council and senior management is critical. It allowed the team to complete this project and deem it a success. With the right support, the team was able to adjust finances and resources as required.

Assign a lead: Assign a champion to head up your asset management project to lead the team through the necessary steps. This person plays a major role in keeping team members and others engaged in the process and in maintaining momentum. It’s tough to progress without someone leading the effort.

Establish a cross-functional team: Having a focused, engaged and dedicated asset management team helps make asset management a high priority in your organization. Ensure that all members have dedicated time assigned to this project so they can put in the effort needed to help it succeed.

Schedule regular team meetings: This keeps each team member engaged in the overall project work. It also encourages the regular discussion of progress across teams that depend on each other to accomplish overarching objectives.

Prioritize Council’s asset management awareness: Council’s support is not enough. You have to keep up their asset management-related educational opportunities. It’s imperative that they understand asset management’s importance, benefits and processes as well as the employee team, so everyone can make well-informed decisions together.

Next steps

The Lethbridge team is focused on three areas for next steps:

  1. Asset inventory validation: They will continue to work with a consultant to help disaggregate and validate spatial data against financial data.
  2. Gap analysis and lifecycle strategy: They will further strengthen their data by defining life cycle strategies and applying these against their assets. This will involve identifying deficiencies and addressing them, and further refining and developing risk models against all asset classes.
  3. Policies and processes: They will develop formal asset management processes within the organization. They will also create a data governance policy (i.e., define asset management practices and work flows across the organization to ensure that data integrity is maintained).

There’s significant work ahead, but the team understands the positive impact that accomplishing these objectives will have on its long-term asset planning.


Devon Thiele, Infrastructure Manager, Lethbridge County

Michael Bly, GIS and Asset Coordinator

Related resource

  1. International Infrastructure Management Manual (IIMM)

This resource was developed by the Municipal Asset Management Program(MAMP)

MAMP is designed to help Canadian municipalities strengthen their infrastructure investment decisions based on reliable data and sound asset management practices. This eight-year, $110-million program is funded by the Government of Canada and delivered by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities. It is being implemented in partnership with municipal, provincial and territorial associations and other key stakeholders.


Want to explore all GMF-funded projects? Check out the Projects Database for a complete overview of funded projects and get inspired by municipalities of all sizes, across Canada. 

Visit the projects database

In 2007, the Municipality of Brockton, Ontario, initiated its work in asset management, knowing that it wanted to lay out clear asset management objectives and create an implementation plan. It hoped to bring multiple teams across the organization into alignment through common goals.

MAMP has provided 686 asset management grants in Ontario since its founding and provided training through MAMP-funded partners to more than 1,500 Ontarians.


  • Council endorsed an Asset Management Policy
  • A formalized asset management team is now in place
  • Employees and Council are both more aware of the benefits of asset management planning
  • Employees participated in multiple training and awareness-building opportunities
  • Staff recommended infrastructure fees to offset future replacement and maintenance costs for key assets
  • Employees and elected officials are making better long-range replacement decisions based on concrete information

The challenge

This municipality has the third lowest taxable assessment within Bruce County, ON. Yet it has hundreds more kilometres of roadway and more than double the number of bridges and culverts of nearby areas. Like many other municipalities, its human resources are stretched thin and its municipal employees wear multiple work hats.

Like many other municipalities, Brockton began preparing to meet Ontario regulations for asset management in 2009. It updated its asset management plan in 2016. Its employees and Council also recognized the need to get a handle on the municipality’s long-term financial stability and ongoing infrastructure renewal.

Practically, the team needed some training and guidance from a consultant so it could chart a path forward, working together on the templates for gathering information.


Team members benefited significantly from training with the Municipal Asset Management Program’s (MAMP’s) partner organizations. They participated in opportunities including an event facilitated by the Association of Ontario Road Supervisors on “Asset Management for Small to Medium Sized Municipalities”, attending a webinar hosted by the Canadian Network of Asset Managers, taking the NAMS Professional Certificate in Asset Management Planning and attending asset management training offered by the Ontario Society of Professional Engineers (OSPE).

The team also built its in-house capacity by hiring an external consultant to guide it as it created a plan to accomplish the objectives in Level 2 of FCM’s Asset Management Readiness Scale (AMRS).

In particular, the team was interested in fulfilling objectives in the Policy & Governance competency, which requires that municipalities put asset management policies and objectives in place and start bringing them to life. It also focused on the Data & Information competency.

Brockton’s employees used a workbook to help frontline workers conduct consistent condition assessments of the Municipality's assets and record accurate data. The tool can be populated with identifiers and location data, physical properties data and financial data. The tool’s design links several departments’ interests, a key element of good asset management governance.

"This work really allowed our municipality to get a handle on managing our assets responsibly. It’s a relief to know where we stand and what we need to do next so we can provide our community with a continuous level of service."

–Trish Serratore, Chief Financial Officer, Municipality of Brockton


Despite the contextual barriers already mentioned (low taxation and high infrastructure needs), the team’s work was relatively barrier-free insofar as it had great support from Council.

Over the course of this multi-year initiative, leadership changes led to challenges in knowledge transfer for certain aspects of the project. However, with diligence and perseverance, everyone on the team had the knowledge base required to ensure data accuracy and keep the project schedule on track. The team worked steadily toward its goals.


Brockton’s successes in several areas contributed to its achieving Level 2 in the AMRS Policy & Governance competency:

  1. Policy and objectives: It completed an asset management policy, which was adopted as Asset Management By-Law: 2018 -075.
  2. Strategy and roadmap: It drafted An Asset Management Maturity Report.

It also took a meaningful step under the Data & Information competency by creating Condition Assessment Guidelines and a workbook to encourage consistent data collection.

Completing an asset management policy that has been endorsed by Council means there’s concrete direction available to the team. The employees and Council now understand the usefulness of the policy and it serves as a reference point, not a dust collector.

Ariel view of city streets

Caption: Ariel view of the Municipality of Brockton.


  1. The focus on Policy & Governance helped the team clarify its next steps in asset management and plan a path forward.
  2. With new tools and data, the team is establishing a comprehensive overview of the city’s assets. Employees and elected officials are already making better long-range replacement decisions based on concrete information. For example, in recent budget discussions, employees recommended a new hydrant fee to offset operational costs for hydrants (condition assessments, future capital upgrades, etc.).
  3. There’s a more formalized asset management team now in place to provide regular updates.
  4. Employees and Council understand the importance of maintaining comprehensive records so they can avoid short-term reactions and embrace more stable, long-term planning.

What they learned

Develop a team: It’s essential to have employees with different skill sets and perspectives involved from the beginning of your asset management process. Create a cross-functional asset management planning team—they’ll have key knowledge you might not initially realize is important.

Get buy-in from everyone: Creating the team is the first step, but it’s essential that you create a policy that can be followed by everyone who will need to help implement it. Getting buy-in, even at the policy stage, is crucial, so you know that it’s realistic and can be carried forward.

Start early: It takes time to complete the requirements at each level of the AMRS well. Bringing an entire city’s asset data up to date means staying on top of the ongoing process, so the sooner you start, the better. One of the best ways to get things moving is creating a policy that moves an asset management agenda forward. Later on, you can set up a database that simplifies tracking your information so you can see what’s out of date and address it.

Take time, don't rush: Moving too quickly can lead to results that are incomplete, insufficient or incorrect. Your source data must be correct and analyzed to ensure that it’s accurate. If there are errors, employees, Council and the public won’t trust the new system you’ve built. It’s better to establish a diverse team early on and work slowly, together, to develop something strong and reliable.

Next steps

In terms of asset management, Brockton’s Council has now completed its road and infrastructure condition assessment as well as the camera survey of the city’s sewers.

Its next steps will include a deeper look at facility assessments, which it began in 2019 by looking at its arena and school. The team is looking to complete more detailed needs assessments and condition assessments for a daycare, library and several community centres.

In terms of its Policy & Governance focus, Brockton plans to add measurement and monitoring to its asset management work. That’s part of achieving Level 3 on the AMRS.

The team is moving steadily through the scale and is already seeing the positive results of its new approach.


For infrastructure inquires, contact Jessica Rodgers
GIS Technician, Municipality of Brockton

For financial information and planning, contact Trish Serratore
Chief Financial Officer, Municipality of Brockton

Related resources

  1. Municipality of Brockton’s Asset Management Policy and Asset Management Plan
  2. NAMS Canada Professional Certificate in Asset Management Planning

This resource was developed by the Municipal Asset Management Program(MAMP)

MAMP is designed to help Canadian municipalities strengthen their infrastructure investment decisions based on reliable data and sound asset management practices. This eight-year, $110-million program is funded by the Government of Canada and delivered by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities. It is being implemented in partnership with municipal, provincial and territorial associations and other key stakeholders.


Want to explore all GMF-funded projects? Check out the Projects Database for a complete overview of funded projects and get inspired by municipalities of all sizes, across Canada. 

Visit the projects database


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