Brownfield Redevelopment Strategy

Population Plan adopted Total project value
26,000 2012 $10,000


In the City of Langley, BC, a new Brownfield Redevelopment Strategy has delivered $192 million in new construction and 850 new jobs. The first of its kind in the province, the strategy involves marketing sites to developers, working closely with them to expedite development approvals, and partnering on projects that fit with the city's vision.

Under the strategy, the city helps developers identify prime sites, clarifies how they were previously used, and also provides basic information about probable risks. A website and other communications tools explain the benefits, challenges, and options to reduce risks.

Langley is small city, only about 10 square kilometres, with few greenfield sites available. It has identified brownfield development as way to catalyze growth, attract employment, improve property values and increase the city's tax base. Site remediation will remove contaminants from soil and water, improving the quality of life for all residents.


Environmental Economic Social
  • Site remediation removes contami­na­tion and improves soil and water quality

  • Brownfield projects help limit urban sprawl and preserve greenfield lands

  • $192 million in new construction 

  • 850 jobs created

  • Higher property values and tax revenue

  • Reusing existing municipal infra­structure saves tax dollars

  • Strategy supports city's pedestrian, resident, and business-friendly vision

  • Increased economic activity and a larger tax base allows the city to improve services


  • With few remaining greenfield sites, the city needs to attract investment and convince developers that brownfields are viable and potentially profitable.

Lessons learned

  • Have a clear vision about future land use and don't be shy about marketing brownfield opportunities.
  • Develop local champions who can facilitate communication and work with stakeholders to foster partnerships.
  • Conduct market research to determine the demand for the projects you envision. Market research can help convince developers that opportunities are real and projects are viable.
  • Develop an action plan that incorporates: innovative approaches to land-use planning; site remediation and financial incentives; a commitment to expedite approvals and to partner with developers; and information on new technologies that make clean-up easier and more economical.


Partners and Collaborators

Project Contact

Gerald Minchuk
Director, Devel­opment Services and Eco­nomic Development
City of Langley, BC 
T. 604-514-2815

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