Since 2000, the Federation of Canadian Municipalities’ Green Municipal Fund (FCM’s GMF) has been one of Canada’s premier investors in local sustainability. FCM’s flagship program, we help local governments accelerate the transformation to resilient, net-zero communities. 

Our start-up capital has de-risked projects that have gone on to attract millions in private investment—let us be your bridge to investing in local sustainability across Canada. 

 Learn how we set projects up for success

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sustainability projects approved

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$1.6 billion

worth of approved sustainability projects

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2.9 million

tonnes of greenhouse gases avoided

Community wide icon


person-years of national employment

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$1.24 billion

contributed to the national GDP

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FCM’s Green Municipal Find is uniquely positioned to act as conduit between municipalities, their partners and private investors. Let's discuss how we can connect you with one of dozens of partnership opportunities. 

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Leading in sustainable investment 

We have nearly 25 years of experience in identifying great sustainability projects. We’ve helped municipal governments leverage investments through funding and capacity building, and as a highly ranked signatory to the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment, our commitment to sustainability begins with our own operations.  

If you’re looking to invest in scalable projects that offer measurable economic and environmental impacts and a strong potential for ROI, you can look to us as a reliable, experienced partner.  

Read about our achievements in FY 23-24 and learn about our approach to impact investing.

GMF’s approach to impact investing

Leading in sustainable financial management

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Explore dozens of partnership opportunities

Community Efficiency Financing 

GMF’s Community Efficiency Financing (CEF) initiative is transforming the home energy upgrade market. CEF is Canada’s only national program offering communities innovative financing solutions for home energy efficiency upgrades, addressing the high up-front costs that stop many homeowners from undertaking home energy retrofits while establishing successful, enduring financing models that can be scaled across the country. 

CEF projects yield measurable environmental, social and economic benefits and create a replicable model that is set to grow exponentially across the country – and private investors can work with GMF to take these projects to scale.  

Read the executive summary

Contact us to discuss opportunities

Learn about CEF’s innovative financing models and the success being replicated across the country.

Community Efficiency Financing

Plan, implement and scale up home-energy upgrade financing programs for residential energy projects.

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Case Study: An innovative path toward net-zero homes

How Better Homes Ottawa leveraged a private-sector partnership to finance home energy-efficiency retrofits.

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District energy

GMF has successfully de-risked large infrastructure projects for significant follow-on investment. Municipalities can influence nearly half of Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions through infrastructure upgrades and other sustainability projects. But these communities face challenges accessing private and public capital markets to finance sustainable projects. 

GMF's early support has catalyzed the growth of large energy projects, attracting significant private capital. Investors who partner with GMF can benefit from reduced risk, increased project credibility, and the potential for substantial returns as projects scale up.    

Contact us to discuss our renewable energy opportunities 

Learn more about how we’re working to accelerate the adoption of large energy and infrastructure projects.

Community Energy Systems

Meet community energy needs, increase energy efficiency, and build grid resilience

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A first-of-its-kind geothermal community in Markham: The Berczy Glen Geoexchange Community Energy System

A neighbourhood in Markham, Ontario, will be the first net-zero community in Canada to connect all of its houses to a geothermal energy system.

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Delivered by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, GMF manages approximately $2.4B in programs funded by the Government of Canada.


The Region of Waterloo in southern Ontario treats its wastewater at a number of plants including the three largest: Waterloo, Kitchener and Galt.  These three plants produce 13,000 to 22,200 cubic metres of methane-rich biogas per day (equivalent to the carbon footprint of 2,700 people) as a byproduct of processing. They use some of this biogas to produce heat for their own use, while flaring off excess biogas and purchasing electricity from the grid for their energy needs. 

As the Region’s population grows, the amount of wastewater is expected to increase, leading to higher electricity consumption and emissions created from flaring biogas—both of which are contrary to the Region’s mandate to improve air quality, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and produce and use renewable energy. Electricity costs in Ontario are also expected to rise, increasing municipal costs. The Region saw these projections as an opportunity to upgrade facility infrastructure to better align with climate change–related goals and help in the transition toward net zero. 

Project goals

The Region planned to lower electricity costs and eliminate biogas flaring by installing dual-fuel (biogas and natural gas) cogeneration facilities at all three wastewater treatment plants. These facilities would utilize 100 percent of their biogas and reduce emissions.


The planning phases for the project involved projecting population growth (and the corresponding increase in wastewater quantities) and determining how that would affect the plants’ capacities and electricity and heat requirements. Modelling suggested that while the cogeneration facilities would initially use natural gas as a supplement, the proportion of natural gas needed would decrease as additional wastewater and therefore biogas became available.

One key idea was to coordinate facility capacity with population growth over the equipment’s estimated 20-year lifespan to maximize biogas usage and reduce emissions, rather than matching their capacity to current biogas availability.

After consulting with community members and other stakeholders, the Region designed and constructed the project. They completed and brought the cogeneration facilities online in 2022.


Upon project completion, the Region began monitoring and optimizing performance. They diverted all biogas into the new system, eliminating that source of emissions while also creating electricity and heat, providing an annual savings of $1.5 million and approximately 1,900 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e). Over the 20-year lifespan of the facilities, the Region forecasts overall net savings of more than $16 million and 38,000 tCO2e.

The project won a 2022 Award of Excellence at the Canadian Consulting Engineering Awards.

Lessons learned

This project was highly complex both technically and contractually. The Region found it helpful to have a single contractor responsible for all three facility installations to find efficiencies and learnings throughout the development process. For instance, they redirected workers from site to site as needed to minimize downtime.

Working with multiple facilities also meant working with multiple electricity distribution companies. Fully understanding the differences between various local connection requirements and approval processes from the outset would have helped avoid delays.

Better understanding how the gas conditioning and cogeneration systems interface with each other would made it easier for operations staff to troubleshoot issues and seek technical support.  Entering a long-term service agreement with the gas conditioning supplier, like the one with the cogeneration supplier, may also have been beneficial.

A certain amount of technical troubleshooting related to with thermal efficiencies was required at system launch, which could have been avoided with a clearer understanding in advance of how the hot water loop systems were set up.

Next steps

The facilities are now in operation and ready to utilize current biogas levels as well as increased levels in the future as the population grows. As the amount of available biogas increases, the need for natural gas required will decrease—until eventually, there might be minimal to no need for it at all.

Outdoor view of three tall metal tanks mounted to concrete, with ladders for access.

Want to explore all GMF-funded projects? Check out the Projects Database for a complete overview of funded projects and get inspired by municipalities of all sizes, across Canada. 

Visit the projects database

Innovation in construction: ENBIX's role in advancing emissions-neutral buildings

Launched in December 2023, the Emissions-Neutral Buildings Information Exchange (ENBIX) brings together partners to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the construction, renovation and operation of buildings. Hosted by the Alberta Ecotrust Foundation and their local LC3 Centre the Climate Innovation Fund, this initiative is accelerating the transition to an emissions-neutral built environment for new and existing buildings across Alberta.

Launched in December 2023, the Emissions-Neutral Buildings Information Exchange (ENBIX) brings together partners to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the construction, renovation and operation of buildings. Hosted by the Alberta Ecotrust Foundation and their local LC3 Centre the Climate Innovation Fund, this initiative is accelerating the transition to an emissions-neutral built environment for new and existing buildings across Alberta.  

The new initiative promotes sharing of innovative ideas, solutions, best practices and lessons among interested parties in the building and construction ecosystem, providing information on industry training opportunities, bringing together peer groups and zeroing in key topics like embodied carbon. It is industry-governed, with foundational support from the City of Calgary, the Calgary Construction Association, the City of Edmonton and its Emissions-Neutral Building Industry Advisory Group, and the Smart Sustainable Resilient Infrastructure Association.   

ENBIX is based on similar models including British Columbia’s Zero Emissions Building Exchange (ZEBx) hosted by ZEIC, the Metro Vancouver region’s LC3 Centre. During the development of ENBIX, ZEBx provided lessons learned from their early years of operations including information about the relationship between ZEBx and industry partners in BC.  

Meanwhile, the Halifax LC3 Centre, the Halifax Climate Investment, Innovation and Impact Fund (HCi3) has provided $80,000 in funding for another multi-party building exchange program that is preparing Nova Scotia’s building sector for a net-zero future. The Building to Zero Exchange (BTZx) is now live, growing capacity to scale up the creation of high-performance buildings.  

With three advanced energy performance building exchanges now launched, we have critical building industry experience being actively facilitated locally and across the LC3 Network  

Want to explore all GMF-funded projects? Check out the Projects Database for a complete overview of funded projects and get inspired by municipalities of all sizes, across Canada. 

Visit the projects database


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