Funding Snapshot

Maximum Award:
  • Grant for up to 50%* of eligible costs
  • Up to a maximum of $200,000
Open To:

The following organizations are eligible for GMF funding.

Canadian municipal governments (e.g., towns, cities, regions, districts, and local boards)

Municipal partners, which include:

  • private sector entities
  • municipally owned corporations
  • regional, provincial or territorial organizations delivering municipal services
  • non-governmental organizations
  • not-for-profit organizations
  • research institutes (e.g., universities)
  • An Indigenous community is an eligible lead applicant if they are partnering with a Canadian municipal government on an eligible project, or if they have a shared service agreement with a Canadian municipal government related to municipal infrastructure, climate change or adaptation.
Expected Output:

A study that assesses the feasibility of the transition to zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) to significantly reduce GHG emissions associated with your municipal and/or transit fleet.

Application Deadline:

Applications are accepted year-round, though this offer may close when all funding has been allocated.

Eligible Costs:

* The following applicants may qualify for a grant of up to 80 percent of eligible project costs:

  • municipalities (or their partners) with a population of 10,000 or under;
  • regional governments or groups of municipalities where the average population of the member municipalities is 10,000 or under;
  • eligible Indigenous communities; and,
  • northern communities

Northern and eligible Indigenous communities that are applying to GMF for the first time may qualify for a grant of up to 100 percent of eligible costs. 

Contact us to learn more

The North is defined as the three territories and the northern extent of seven provinces. This includes portions of the following provinces defined by Statistics Canada codes: Newfoundland and Labrador (10), Québec (24), Ontario (35), Manitoba (46), Saskatchewan (47), Alberta (48) and British Columbia (59).

What we fund

We fund studies that assess the feasibility of the transition to zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs, including battery-electric, plug-in hybrid electric and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles) to significantly reduce GHG emissions associated with your municipal and/or transit fleet in line with Canada's 2030 and 2050 targets. Your study should also assess the potential economic, social and other environmental impacts of the transition to ZEVs.

Your study should include the following elements:

  • Assess the entire fleet
    • Your study should include an assessment of the entire municipal and/or transit fleet (i.e., all the vehicles owned by the municipality or transit agency) and may also consider private vehicles that deliver municipal services (e.g., leased vehicles, or contracted services such as waste management).
  • Develop a fleet transition plan
    • Your study will include the development of a baseline fleet assessment, documenting baseline fuel consumption, operating cost, and GHG emissions, and a fleet replacement analysis to determine optimal timelines for a ZEV transition based on optimized economic lifecycles for each vehicle category, while considering the current or projected availability of ZEV replacements.
    • It will assess the total cost of ownership for each vehicle category and model potential solutions over a defined period to estimate their environmental (GHG reductions) and financial (capital and operating expenses) impacts relative to the baseline.
    • Charging or fueling infrastructure needs will be identified for each vehicle.
  • Identify and model an optimized scenario
    • Based on a review of current fleet utilization rates and use cases, your study will identify and model at least one scenario that reflects feasible options for downsizing and right-sizing (reducing the number of vehicles in your fleet and selecting smaller vehicles sized for the task at hand).
  • If you are considering hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, identify and assess a low-carbon supply of hydrogen.
    • Your study will include an assessment of the carbon intensity of the hydrogen source(s) that could be used to supply your vehicles. At least one of those sources should demonstrate a low carbon intensity level for hydrogen production, defined as a threshold of 4 kg CO2e per kg of hydrogen.
  • Include an equity assessment by answering, at minimum, the following questions:
    • Which equity-deserving groups might benefit the most from the project, and/or be burdened, directly or indirectly, by the project or decision? How are these groups positively or negatively impacted by the project or decision?
    • What strategies can be used to address barriers or mitigate negative impacts?
    • What data sources, reports, or mapping resources can help illuminate equity issues in your local context?

What your project needs to achieve

All projects that meet the criteria on this page are eligible. Please note that we consider several factors in making a funding decision. We strive to fund the most innovative and impactful initiatives, so not all eligible projects will be approved for funding.

Further information regarding the offer can be found in the Municipal Fleet Electrification application guide


Projects must meet minimum requirements related to climate resilience:

  • Capital projects that include new infrastructure assets must be built outside the current 100-year floodplain of the most recent floodplain map, unless evidence can be provided of protection to safeguard the asset.
  • Projects with new infrastructure assets valued over $2 million must conduct a Climate Risk Assessment (i.e., Infrastructure Canada Climate lens, ISO 14091, PIEVC High Level Screening Guide or equivalent) and address risks identified. A Climate Risk Assessment must be included in study workplans (where relevant) and is submitted as part of the pre-application for relevant capital projects.
Equity considerations

GMF recognizes that many urgent social issues are interrelated, and that climate action and sustainability initiatives need to be designed to ensure fair distribution of benefits and burdens, across all segments of a community and across generations. Projects will be assessed on their potential to result in improved socio-economic outcomes and a more equitable distribution of benefits and burdens among the community, for present and future generations. While projects can be eligible without incorporating these considerations, preference is given to projects that:

  • Integrate principles of anti-racism, equity, inclusion and reconciliation.
  • Apply inclusive community engagement practices.
  • Implement social procurement.
  • Generate significant socio-economic benefits, such as increased accessibility, improved outdoor spaces, and inclusive employment and apprenticeship.

As you develop your project approach, consider the following questions:

  1. How can you design an engagement approach that would enable you to consider the diverse needs, experiences, and voices of all stakeholders and rights holders in this project?
  2. Which equity-deserving groups might benefit the most, and/or be burdened, directly or indirectly, by this project? How are these groups positively or negatively impacted?
  3. Are there opportunities to address or mitigate negative impacts?
  4. Are there opportunities to rectify existing or potential biases, discrimination, or exclusionary practices in your project planning, design, funding, and implementation?
  5. How can you maximize the socio-economic benefits that your project generates?
  6. How can you leverage your procurement practices to generate more positive social, economic and environmental outcomes within your community and region?

GMF seeks to fund the very best examples of municipal initiatives that achieve a multitude of benefits for the environment, communities and local economies. Higher application evaluation scores are given to projects that demonstrate excellence in one or more of the following areas:

  • sustainable materials management
  • socio-economic benefits 
  • meaningful engagement and collaboration with rights holders and stakeholders.

Required documents

To apply for GMF funding, you must submit:

  • a pre-application form
  • an application form
  • a project workbook
  • all required supporting documents specified in the application guide

A GMF project officer will be your point of contact throughout the process and will review your file and provide feedback. You may be asked to revisit some steps to help you submit a complete and high-quality application.

Application process

Phase 1: Pre-application submission

You must submit a pre-application form through FCM’s funding portal. To do this, create a client profile and follow the steps in FCM’s funding portal to submit your pre-application form.

Phase 2: Eligibility determination

A GMF outreach officer or advisor will review your pre-application form. They will determine whether your organization and initiative are eligible to proceed to the next stage of the application process. You will receive a response within 15 business days of the date we receive your pre-application form.

Phase 3: Full application submission

If your organization and initiative are determined to be eligible to proceed to the next stage, your GMF outreach officer or advisor will inform you that the full application form is available through FCM’s funding portal. They will also provide you with an Excel project workbook template to complete and submit with the full application form.

It is important to note that even if a project is deemed eligible to move forward with a full application, it does not guarantee full application eligibility or that the project will be approved for funding.

As you complete the application form, contact your GMF outreach officer or advisor if you have any questions. Once you’ve filled out the application form and project workbook and attached the required supporting documents, submit it to GMF through the FCM funding portal.

Phase 4: GMF project officer review

Once the full application form is submitted a GMF project officer will be assigned to your file and will review your application for accuracy and completeness and will work with you to resolve any remaining questions.

Phase 5: Peer review and internal review

An external expert peer review panel evaluates all capital and study applications. There will also be an internal analysis to provide a funding recommendation to GMF’s managing director, the GMF Council and FCM’s Board of Directors.

Phase 6: FCM funding decision

For studies, funding decisions are determined by GMF’s managing director. The average time for a funding decision is three to five months after your full application form submission.

For capital projects, FCM’s Board of Directors approves the funding recommendation made by the GMF Council. The average time for a funding decision is four to six months after your full application form submission.

How to apply

  1. Download and review the application guide. 
  2. Reach out to a GMF representative to discuss your project at or 1-877-417-0550. 
  3. Review the list of prerequisites and supporting documents in appendix D of the application guide. 
  4. Review the eligible and ineligible costs:
  5. Ensure you have a detailed project budget in place and are securing other funding sources for your project. 
  6. Visit the FCM funding portal to create your profile and request a PIN to access the system. Already have an FCM funding portal profile? Skip to Step 7.  
  7. Complete the pre-application form available on the platform.  

Quebec municipalities

FCM has an agreement with Quebec's ministère des Affaires municipales et de l'Habitation (MAMH) that allows the ministry to review applications to GMF before they are submitted to FCM. Quebec municipalities applying for funding from GMF must follow the process below to submit their application to MAMH.

Once you have completed all the steps in the ‘How to apply’ section above, submit your application by following the steps below. Note that the content of the links is available in French only.

  • Save your application form using the appropriate file name.
    • Save the application form to your local device with the following filename: FMV_ "your municipality's name"_ "date" (YYMMDD). For example: FMV_TownofABC_180228.pdf
  • Log in to the Portail gouvernemental des affaires municipales et régionales. using your username and password.
    • To submit your form click on “File Transfer”.
    • In the “Recipient” drop-down list, select the applicable program.
    • Upload your files and select “Transfer” once your request is complete.
  • Receive confirmation from MAMH.
    • MAMH assesses the applications to ensure that the projects submitted do not conflict with Quebec's government policies and directives. Once the assessment has been completed, MAMH informs the applicant of their decision and sends compliant applications to GMF for review.
    • MAMH requires up to 15 working days to review the application and forward it to GMF.
  • Receive approval from GMF.
    • GMF will inform the applicant once they receive the application from MAMH and review the submission. If the application is approved for funding, an agreement between FCM and the applicant is prepared.

Need help to see if this is the right funding for you?

Contact our Outreach team who can answer any questions you have relating to this funding opportunity.

See all Municipal Fleet Electrification funding

Reduce fuel costs and achieve corporate GHG reductions

Funding Snapshot

Maximum Award:
  • Combined grant and loan for up to 80% of eligible costs
  • Combined grant and loan to a maximum of $10M
  • Grant up to 15%** of the total loan amount
  • Additional 5% grant available if the project involves the remediation of a brownfield site

Note: The grant contribution is determined as a function of the loan and cannot be separated

Open To:

The following organizations are eligible for GMF funding.

Canadian municipal governments (e.g., towns, cities, regions, districts, and local boards).

Municipal partners, which include:

  • Private sector entities
  • Municipally-owned corporations
  • Regional, provincial or territorial organizations delivering municipal services
  • Non-governmental organizations
  • Not-for-profit organizations
  • Research institutes (e.g., universities)
  • An Indigenous community is an eligible lead applicant if they are partnering with a Canadian municipal government on an eligible project, or if they have a shared service agreement with a Canadian municipal government related to municipal infrastructure, climate change or adaptation
Expected Output:

A capital project that has the potential to result in a significant contribution to net-zero.

Application Deadline:

Applications are accepted year-round, though this offer may close when all funding has been allocated.

Eligible Costs:

** Municipalities with exceptional projects may qualify for a higher loan and grant amount. Contact us to find out if your municipality is eligible.

Contact us to learn more

What we fund

We provide combined loan and grant funding to support municipalities in constructing innovative infrastructure that has the potential to result in a significant contribution to net-zero. GMF capital projects are usually composed of physical assets. These are defined by following generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP).

To be eligible, you must have completed an assessment of the GHG reduction potential of your project using verifiable evaluation processes.

What your project needs to achieve

Only projects that meet the criteria on this page are eligible. Please note that we consider several factors in making a funding decision. We strive to fund the most innovative and impactful initiatives, so not all eligible projects will be approved for funding.

There are no pre-set environmental targets or thresholds for this funding offer.

Further information regarding the offer can be found in the Net-Zero Transformation application guide 


To be eligible, your project must be considered innovative. It must target a significant improvement in performance over best practice through:

  • The development and/or application of new knowledge, policy, practice, business model, or advanced technology; or,
  • A new or emerging application of an existing technology or practice (e.g., in a new context) in a manner that represents a substantive change to current operating conditions or performance.
Significant GHG reduction potential 

To be eligible for funding, your project must have the potential to generate or enable significant reductions in GHG emissions in the long-term either:

  • Directly from project implementation (e.g., through increased energy efficiency and energy recovery); or,
  • Indirectly by creating the required enabling conditions (e.g., through net-zero design guidelines).

Direct GHG reductions must be quantifiable, while indirect reductions must be supported by a strong rationale and clear assumptions for how the project unlocks GHG reductions in the short, medium and/or long term. 

GMF will assess whether your project has the potential to lead to significant GHG reductions. This assessment will be based on:

  • The scale of the project’s GHG reductions (direct or indirect); and,
  • The project’s replication potential.

A project is considered to have a high potential for replication when:

  • It has clear performance benefits, which can be demonstrated through commonly understood metrics and measures
  • The solution addresses a key challenge for many municipalities (need-to-have, not nice-to-have).
  • There are strong drivers for the adoption of solution (e.g., a strong financial business case due to cost savings over status quo or financial returns).

Projects must meet minimum requirements related to climate resilience:

  • All pilot and capital projects that include new infrastructure assets must be built outside the current 100-year floodplain of the most recent floodplain map, unless evidence can be provided of protection to safeguard the asset.
  • Projects with new infrastructure assets valued over $2 million must conduct a Climate Risk Assessment (i.e., Infrastructure Canada Climate lens, ISO 14091, PIEVC High Level Screening Guide or equivalent) and address risks identified. A Climate Risk Assessment must be included in study workplans (where relevant) and is submitted as part of the pre-application for relevant pilot and capital projects.   
Equity considerations

GMF recognizes that many urgent social issues are interrelated, and that climate action and sustainability initiatives need to be designed to ensure fair distribution of benefits and burdens, across all segments of a community and across generations. Projects will be assessed on their potential to result in improved socio-economic outcomes and a more equitable distribution of benefits and burdens among the community, for present and future generations. While projects can be eligible without incorporating these considerations, preference is given to projects that:

  • Integrate principles of anti-racism, equity, inclusion and reconciliation.
  • Apply inclusive community engagement practices.
  • Implement social procurement.
  • Generate significant socio-economic benefits, such as increased accessibility, improved outdoor spaces, and inclusive employment and apprenticeship.

As you develop your project approach, consider the following questions:

  1. How can you design an engagement approach that would enable you to consider the diverse needs, experiences, and voices of all stakeholders and rights holders in this project?
  2. Which equity-deserving groups might benefit the most, and/or be burdened, directly or indirectly, by this project? How are these groups positively or negatively impacted?
  3. Are there opportunities to address or mitigate negative impacts?
  4. Are there opportunities to rectify existing or potential biases, discrimination, or exclusionary practices in your project planning, design, funding, and implementation?
  5. How can you maximize the socio-economic benefits that your project generates?
  6. How can you leverage your procurement practices to generate more positive social, economic and environmental outcomes within your community and region?

GMF seeks to fund the very best examples of municipal initiatives that achieve a multitude of benefits for the environment, communities and local economies. Higher application evaluation scores are given to projects that demonstrate excellence in one or more of the following areas:

  • potable water conservation
  • sustainable materials management
  • biodiversity
  • other environmental benefits
  • socio-economic benefits 
  • meaningful engagement and collaboration with rights holders and stakeholders

    Need help to see if this is the right funding for you?

    Contact our Outreach team who can answer any questions you have relating to this funding opportunity.

    See all Net-Zero Transformation funding

    Develop and demonstrate new, innovative solutions to support the municipal transition to net-zero

    Funding Snapshot

    Maximum Award:
    • Grant for up to 50%* of eligible costs
    • Up to a maximum of $500,000
    Open To:

    The following organizations are eligible for GMF funding.

    Canadian municipal governments (e.g., towns, cities, regions, districts, and local boards)

    Municipal partners, which include:

    • Private sector entities
    • Municipally-owned corporations
    • Regional, provincial or territorial organizations delivering municipal services
    • Non-governmental organizations
    • Not-for-profit organizations
    • Research institutes (e.g., universities)
    • An Indigenous community is an eligible lead applicant if they are partnering with a Canadian municipal government on an eligible project, or if they have a shared service agreement with a Canadian municipal government related to municipal infrastructure, climate change or adaptation
    Expected Output:

    A pilot project that evaluates innovative GHG reduction solutions in real-world conditions.

    Application Deadline:

    Applications are accepted year-round, though this offer may close when all funding has been allocated.

    Eligible Costs:

    * The following applicants may qualify for a grant of up to 80 percent of eligible project costs:

    • municipalities (or their partners) with a population of 10,000 or under;
    • regional governments or groups of municipalities where the average population of the member municipalities is 10,000 or under;
    • eligible Indigenous communities; and,
    • northern communities

    Northern and eligible Indigenous communities that are applying to GMF for the first time may qualify for a grant of up to 100 percent of eligible costs. 

    Contact us to learn more

    The North is defined as the three territories and the northern extent of seven provinces. This includes portions of the following provinces defined by Statistics Canada codes: Newfoundland and Labrador (10), Québec (24), Ontario (35), Manitoba (46), Saskatchewan (47), Alberta (48) and British Columbia (59).

    What we fund

    We fund pilot projects that evaluate innovative GHG reduction solutions in real-world conditions. To be eligible, your pilot must lead to quantifiable GHG reductions. Using verifiable evaluation processes, you will need to assess the GHG benefits that were achieved as part of your pilot project.

    Pilot projects are limited in scope, duration and resource commitment. They are small-scale, preliminary trials of new solutions or approaches that are used to assess the viability, effectiveness, and scalability of those solutions or approaches and determine their potential impacts and benefits. Pilot projects assess how well a proposed concept works in practice and helps identify any potential challenges or issues that might arise during full-scale implementation.

    Your pilot project can involve:

    • Comparing several options or assessing one option.
    • Testing a new material, technique, or process within a larger project.
    • Applying novel approaches that have yet to be tested in Canada or within a particular market segment (e.g., in northern communities).

    When applying for funding, you will be asked to:

    • Explain why the solution or approach needs to be tested prior to full-scale implementation.
    • Clearly identify the hypotheses or assumptions that you will be testing.
    • Outline how you will collect data and analyze results to assess your pilot’s success and effectiveness.
    • Define how you will decide whether or not to proceed with full-scale implementation, based on the pilot’s outcomes.
    • Articulate what a full-scale implementation would look like.
    • Explain how the lessons learned from this pilot will be applied to future projects and shared with others.

    What your project needs to achieve

    All projects that meet the criteria on this page are eligible. Please note that we consider several factors in making a funding decision. We strive to fund the most innovative and impactful initiatives, so not all eligible projects will be approved for funding.

    There are no pre-set environmental targets or thresholds for this funding offer.

    Further details and requirements regarding the offer are found in the Net-Zero Transformation application guide


    To be eligible, your project must be considered innovative. It must target a significant improvement in performance over best practice through:

    • The development and/or application of new knowledge, policy, practice, business model, or advanced technology; or,
    • A new or emerging application of an existing technology or practice (e.g., in a new context) in a manner that represents a substantive change to current operating conditions or performance.
    Significant GHG reduction potential 

    To be eligible for funding, your project must have the potential to generate or enable significant reductions in GHG emissions in the long-term either:

    • Directly from project implementation (e.g., through increased energy efficiency and energy recovery); or,
    • Indirectly by creating the required enabling conditions (e.g., through net-zero design guidelines).

    Direct GHG reductions must be quantifiable, while indirect reductions must be supported by a strong rationale and clear assumptions for how the project unlocks GHG reductions in the short, medium and/or long term. 

    GMF will assess whether your project has the potential to lead to significant GHG reductions. This assessment will be based on:

    • The scale of the project’s GHG reductions (direct or indirect); and,
    • The project’s replication potential.

    A project is considered to have a high potential for replication when:

    • It has clear performance benefits, which can be demonstrated through commonly understood metrics and measures.
    • The solution addresses a key challenge for many municipalities (need-to-have, not nice-to-have).
    • There are strong drivers for the adoption of solution (e.g., a strong financial business case due to cost savings over status quo or financial returns).

    Projects must meet minimum requirements related to climate resilience:

    • All pilot and capital projects that include new infrastructure assets must be built outside the current 100-year floodplain of the most recent floodplain map, unless evidence can be provided of protection to safeguard the asset.
    • Projects with new infrastructure assets valued over $2 million must conduct a Climate Risk Assessment (i.e., Infrastructure Canada Climate lens, ISO 14091, PIEVC High Level Screening Guide or equivalent) and address risks identified. A Climate Risk Assessment must be included in study workplans (where relevant) and is submitted as part of the pre-application for relevant pilot and capital projects.   
    Equity considerations

    GMF recognizes that many urgent social issues are interrelated, and that climate action and sustainability initiatives need to be designed to ensure fair distribution of benefits and burdens, across all segments of a community and across generations. Projects will be assessed on their potential to result in improved socio-economic outcomes and a more equitable distribution of benefits and burdens among the community, for present and future generations. While projects can be eligible without incorporating these considerations, preference is given to projects that:

    • Integrate principles of anti-racism, equity, inclusion and reconciliation.
    • Apply inclusive community engagement practices.
    • Implement social procurement.
    • Generate significant socio-economic benefits, such as increased accessibility, improved outdoor spaces, and inclusive employment and apprenticeship.

    As you develop your project approach, consider the following questions:

    1. How can you design an engagement approach that would enable you to consider the diverse needs, experiences, and voices of all stakeholders and rights holders in this project?
    2. Which equity-deserving groups might benefit the most, and/or be burdened, directly or indirectly, by this project? How are these groups positively or negatively impacted?
    3. Are there opportunities to address or mitigate negative impacts?
    4. Are there opportunities to rectify existing or potential biases, discrimination, or exclusionary practices in your project planning, design, funding, and implementation?
    5. How can you maximize the socio-economic benefits that your project generates?
    6. How can you leverage your procurement practices to generate more positive social, economic and environmental outcomes within your community and region?

    GMF seeks to fund the very best examples of municipal initiatives that achieve a multitude of benefits for the environment, communities and local economies. Higher application evaluation scores are given to projects that demonstrate excellence in one or more of the following areas:

    • potable water conservation
    • sustainable materials management
    • biodiversity
    • other environmental benefits
    • socio-economic benefits 
    • meaningful engagement and collaboration with rights holders and stakeholders.

    Need help to see if this is the right funding for you?

    Contact our Outreach team who can answer any questions you have relating to this funding opportunity.

    See all Net-Zero Transformation funding

    Develop and demonstrate new, innovative solutions to support the municipal transition to net-zero

    Funding Snapshot

    Maximum Award:
    • Grant for up to 50%* of eligible costs
    • Up to a maximum of $200,000
    Open To:

    The following organizations are eligible for GMF funding.

    Canadian municipal governments (e.g., towns, cities, regions, districts, and local boards)

    Municipal partners, which include:

    • Private sector entities
    • Municipally owned corporations
    • Regional, provincial or territorial organizations delivering municipal services
    • Non-governmental organizations
    • Not-for-profit organizations
    • Research institutes (e.g., universities)
    • An Indigenous community is an eligible lead applicant if they are partnering with a Canadian municipal government on an eligible project, or if they have a shared service agreement with a Canadian municipal government related to municipal infrastructure, climate change or adaptation.
    Expected Output:

    A feasibility study that assesses in detail new approaches and solutions to bring your community closer to net-zero.

    Application Deadline:

    Applications are accepted year-round, though this offer may close when all funding has been allocated.

    Eligible Costs:

    * The following applicants may qualify for a grant of up to 80 percent of eligible project costs:

    • municipalities (or their partners) with a population of 10,000 or under;
    • regional governments or groups of municipalities where the average population of the member municipalities is 10,000 or under;
    • eligible Indigenous communities; and,
    • northern communities

    Northern and eligible Indigenous communities that are applying to GMF for the first time may qualify for a grant of up to 100 percent of eligible costs. 

    Contact us to learn more

    The North is defined as the three territories and the northern extent of seven provinces. This includes portions of the following provinces defined by Statistics Canada codes: Newfoundland and Labrador (10), Québec (24), Ontario (35), Manitoba (46), Saskatchewan (47), Alberta (48) and British Columbia (59).

    What we fund

    We fund feasibility studies that assess in detail new approaches and solutions to bring your community closer to net-zero. Your feasibility study should explore solutions with significant GHG reduction benefits.

    Your study should aim to:

    • Determine the practicality and viability of a potential solution;
    • Assess the potential impacts and benefits;
    • Mitigate risks;
    • Identify implementation requirements; and,
    • Recommend a specific course of action.

    Your study will need to consider, at minimum, the following questions:

    • What are the GHG impacts of the solution or approach being studied?
    • Climate risk assessment (required for projects studying new infrastructure assets valued over $2 million; optional for other projects
    • An equity assessment that answers, at minimum, the following questions:
      • Which equity-deserving groups might benefit the most from the project, and/or be burdened, directly or indirectly, by the project or decision? How are these groups positively or negatively impacted by the project or decision?
      • What strategies can be used to address barriers or mitigate negative impacts?
      • What data sources, reports, or mapping resources can help illuminate equity issues in your local context?

    Eligible activities undertaken as part of your study include:

    • An assessment of the target market or users.
    • An evaluation of technical requirements.
    • A financial analysis (e.g., cost estimates, revenue projections, return on investment (ROI), and funding options).
    • An examination of the legal and regulatory context and implications.
    • An evaluation of the organization’s ability to deliver the solution.
    • An assessment of environmental and social impacts and benefits.
    • Detailed project planning.
    • Stakeholder engagement.

    Ultimately, your study should equip you with the information you need to undertake a pilot project or implement a capital project.

    What your project needs to achieve

    Only projects that meet the criteria on this page are eligible. Please note that we consider several factors in making a funding decision. We strive to fund the most innovative and impactful initiatives, so not all eligible projects will be approved for funding.

    To be eligible for this offer, your study should estimate the anticipated GHG reduction potential of the recommended actions and alternatives in relation to the most likely scenario in the absence of these actions (i.e., baseline) following GHG quantification best practice.

    There are no pre-set environmental targets or thresholds for this funding offer.

    Further details and requirements regarding the offer are found in the Net-Zero Transformation application guide


    To be eligible, your project must be considered innovative. It must target a significant improvement in performance over best practice through:

    • The development and/or application of new knowledge, policy, practice, business model, or advanced technology; or,
    • A new or emerging application of an existing technology or practice (e.g., in a new context) in a manner that represents a substantive change to current operating conditions or performance.
    Significant GHG reduction potential 

    To be eligible for funding, your project must have the potential to generate or enable significant reductions in GHG emissions in the long-term either:

    • Directly from project implementation (e.g., through increased energy efficiency and energy recovery); or,
    • Indirectly by creating the required enabling conditions (e.g., through net-zero design guidelines).

    Direct GHG reductions must be quantifiable, while indirect reductions must be supported by a strong rationale and clear assumptions for how the project unlocks GHG reductions in the short, medium and/or long term. 

    GMF will assess whether your project has the potential to lead to significant GHG reductions. This assessment will be based on:

    • The scale of the project’s GHG reductions (direct or indirect); and,
    • The project’s replication potential.

    A project is considered to have a high potential for replication when:

    • It has clear performance benefits, which can be demonstrated through commonly understood metrics and measures.
    • The solution addresses a key challenge for many municipalities (need-to-have, not nice-to-have).
    • There are strong drivers for the adoption of solution (e.g., a strong financial business case due to cost savings over status quo or financial returns).

    Projects must meet minimum requirements related to climate resilience:

    • All capital projects that include new infrastructure assets must be built outside the current 100-year floodplain of the most recent floodplain map, unless evidence can be provided of protection to safeguard the asset.
    • Projects with new infrastructure assets valued over $2 million must conduct a Climate Risk Assessment (i.e., Infrastructure Canada Climate lens, ISO 14091, PIEVC High Level Screening Guide or equivalent) and address risks identified. A Climate Risk Assessment must be included in study workplans (where relevant) and is submitted as part of the pre-application for relevant pilot and capital projects. 
    Equity considerations

    GMF recognizes that many urgent social issues are interrelated, and that climate action and sustainability initiatives need to be designed to ensure fair distribution of benefits and burdens, across all segments of a community and across generations. Projects will be assessed on their potential to result in improved socio-economic outcomes and a more equitable distribution of benefits and burdens among the community, for present and future generations. While projects can be eligible without incorporating these considerations, preference is given to projects that:

    • Integrate principles of anti-racism, equity, inclusion and reconciliation.
    • Apply inclusive community engagement practices.
    • Implement social procurement.
    • Generate significant socio-economic benefits, such as increased accessibility, improved outdoor spaces, and inclusive employment and apprenticeship.

    As you develop your project approach, consider the following questions:

    1. How can you design an engagement approach that would enable you to consider the diverse needs, experiences, and voices of all stakeholders and rights holders in this project?
    2. Which equity-deserving groups might benefit the most, and/or be burdened, directly or indirectly, by this project? How are these groups positively or negatively impacted?
    3. Are there opportunities to address or mitigate negative impacts?
    4. Are there opportunities to rectify existing or potential biases, discrimination, or exclusionary practices in your project planning, design, funding, and implementation?
    5. How can you maximize the socio-economic benefits that your project generates?
    6. How can you leverage your procurement practices to generate more positive social, economic and environmental outcomes within your community and region?

    GMF seeks to fund the very best examples of municipal initiatives that achieve a multitude of benefits for the environment, communities and local economies. Higher application evaluation scores are given to projects that demonstrate excellence in one or more of the following areas:

    • potable water conservation
    • sustainable materials management
    • biodiversity
    • other environmental benefits
    • socio-economic benefits 
    • meaningful engagement and collaboration with rights holders and stakeholders.

    Need help to see if this is the right funding for you?

    Contact our Outreach team who can answer any questions you have relating to this funding opportunity.

    See all Net-Zero Transformation funding

    Develop and demonstrate new, innovative solutions to support the municipal transition to net-zero

    Funding Snapshot

    Maximum Award:
    • Grant for up to 50%* of eligible costs
    • Up to a maximum of $200,000
    Open To:

    The following organizations are eligible for GMF funding.

    Canadian municipal governments (e.g., towns, cities, regions, districts, and local boards)

    Municipal partners, which include:

    • Private sector entities
    • Municipally owned corporations
    • Regional, provincial or territorial organizations delivering municipal services
    • Non-governmental organizations
    • Not-for-profit organizations
    • Research institutes (e.g., universities)
    • An Indigenous community is an eligible lead applicant if they are partnering with a Canadian municipal government on an eligible project, or if they have a shared service agreement with a Canadian municipal government related to municipal infrastructure, climate change or adaptation
    Expected Output:

    A plan that sets a high standard for municipal planning exercises and sets the stage for a net-zero future.

    Application Deadline:

    Applications are accepted year-round, though this offer may close when all funding has been allocated.

    Eligible Costs:

    * The following applicants may qualify for a grant of up to 80 percent of eligible project costs:

    • municipalities (or their partners) with a population of 10,000 or under;
    • regional governments or groups of municipalities where the average population of the member municipalities is 10,000 or under;
    • eligible Indigenous communities; and,
    • northern communities

    Northern and eligible Indigenous communities that are applying to GMF for the first time may qualify for a grant of up to 100 percent of eligible costs. 

    Contact us to learn more

    The North is defined as the three territories and the northern extent of seven provinces. This includes portions of the following provinces defined by Statistics Canada codes: Newfoundland and Labrador (10), Québec (24), Ontario (35), Manitoba (46), Saskatchewan (47), Alberta (48) and British Columbia (59).

    What we fund

    Net-Zero Transformation plans set a high standard for municipal planning exercises—they set the stage for a net-zero future, employ innovative approaches (e.g., for stakeholder engagement or data analysis), translate into action (e.g., new bylaws) and lead to tangible results (e.g., a net-zero neighbourhood).  

    To be eligible, your proposed plan must:

    • Demonstrate a high-level of innovation (e.g., in terms of scope or partnerships).
    • Have the potential to contribute to significant long-term greenhouse gas reductions.
    • Use an integrated planning approach (i.e., a collaborative process that integrates the work of various disciplines working alongside each other, developing a plan that achieves multi-disciplinary objectives).
    • Include an operationalization strategy that identifies plan implementation requirements (e.g., projected capital and operational funding needs, alternative engineering standards).

    What your project needs to achieve

    Only projects that meet the criteria on this page are eligible. Please note that we consider several factors in making a funding decision. We strive to fund the most innovative and impactful initiatives, so not all eligible projects will be approved for funding.

    There are no pre-set environmental targets or thresholds for this funding offer.

    Further details and requirements regarding the offer are found in the Net-Zero Transformation application guide


    To be eligible, your project must be considered innovative. It must target a significant improvement in performance over best practice through:

    • The development and/or application of new knowledge, policy, practice, business model, or advanced technology; or,
    • A new or emerging application of an existing technology or practice (e.g., in a new context) in a manner that represents a substantive change to current operating conditions or performance.
    Significant GHG reduction potential 

    To be eligible for funding, your project must have the potential to generate or enable significant reductions in GHG emissions in the long-term either:

    • Directly from project implementation (e.g., through increased energy efficiency and energy recovery); or,
    • Indirectly by creating the required enabling conditions (e.g., through net-zero design guidelines).

    Direct GHG reductions must be quantifiable, while indirect reductions must be supported by a strong rationale and clear assumptions for how the project unlocks GHG reductions in the short, medium and/or long term. 

    GMF will assess whether your project has the potential to lead to significant GHG reductions. This assessment will be based on:

    • The scale of the project’s GHG reductions (direct or indirect); and,
    • The project’s replication potential.

    A project is considered to have a high potential for replication when:

    • It has clear performance benefits, which can be demonstrated through commonly understood metrics and measures.
    • The solution addresses a key challenge for many municipalities (need-to-have, not nice-to-have).
    • There are strong drivers for the adoption of solution (e.g., a strong financial business case due to cost savings over status quo or financial returns).

    Projects must meet minimum requirements related to climate resilience:

    • All capital projects that include new infrastructure assets must be built outside the current 100-year floodplain of the most recent floodplain map, unless evidence can be provided of protection to safeguard the asset.
    • Projects with new infrastructure assets valued over $2 million must conduct a Climate Risk Assessment (i.e., Infrastructure Canada Climate lens, ISO 14091, PIEVC High Level Screening Guide or equivalent) and address risks identified. A Climate Risk Assessment must be included in study workplans (where relevant) and is submitted as part of the pre-application for relevant pilot and capital projects. 
    Equity considerations

    GMF recognizes that many urgent social issues are interrelated, and that climate action and sustainability initiatives need to be designed to ensure fair distribution of benefits and burdens, across all segments of a community and across generations. Projects will be assessed on their potential to result in improved socio-economic outcomes and a more equitable distribution of benefits and burdens among the community, for present and future generations. While projects can be eligible without incorporating these considerations, preference is given to projects that:

    • Integrate principles of anti-racism, equity, inclusion and reconciliation.
    • Apply inclusive community engagement practices.
    • Implement social procurement.
    • Generate significant socio-economic benefits, such as increased accessibility, improved outdoor spaces, and inclusive employment and apprenticeship.

    As you develop your project approach, consider the following questions:

    1. How can you design an engagement approach that would enable you to consider the diverse needs, experiences and voices of all stakeholders and rights holders in this project?
    2. Which equity-deserving groups might benefit the most, and/or be burdened, directly or indirectly, by this project? How are these groups positively or negatively impacted?
    3. Are there opportunities to address or mitigate negative impacts?
    4. Are there opportunities to rectify existing or potential biases, discrimination or exclusionary practices in your project planning, design, funding and implementation?
    5. How can you maximize the socio-economic benefits that your project generates?
    6. How can you leverage your procurement practices to generate more positive social, economic and environmental outcomes within your community and region?

    GMF seeks to fund the very best examples of municipal initiatives that achieve a multitude of benefits for the environment, communities and local economies. Higher application evaluation scores are given to projects that demonstrate excellence in one or more of the following areas:

    • potable water conservation
    • sustainable materials management
    • biodiversity
    • other environmental benefits
    • socio-economic benefits 
    • meaningful engagement and collaboration with rights holders and stakeholders

    Need help to see if this is the right funding for you?

    Contact our Outreach team who can answer any questions you have relating to this funding opportunity.

    See all Net-Zero Transformation funding

    Develop and demonstrate new, innovative solutions to support the municipal transition to net-zero

    Funding Snapshot

    Maximum Award:
    • Combined grant and loan for up to 80% of eligible costs.
    • Combined grant and loan up to a maximum of $10 million.
    • Grant up to 15%** of project costs.

    Additional 5% grant available if the project involves the remediation of a brownfield site.

    Note: The grant contribution is determined as a function of the loan and cannot be separate.

    Open To:

    The following organizations are eligible for GMF funding:

    • Canadian municipal governments (e.g., towns, cities, regions, districts, and local boards).
    • Municipal partners, which include:
      • private sector entities
      • municipally-owned corporations
      • regional, provincial or territorial organizations delivering municipal services
      • non-governmental organizations
      • not-for-profit organizations
      • research institutes (e.g., universities)
    • An Indigenous community is an eligible lead applicant if they are partnering with a Canadian municipal government on an eligible project, or if they have a shared service agreement with a Canadian municipal government related to municipal infrastructure, climate change or adaptation.
    Expected Output:

    A capital project to construct a 100% renewable community energy system.

    Application Deadline:

    Applications are accepted year-round, though this offer may close when all funding has been allocated.

    Eligible Costs:

    ** Municipalities with exceptional projects may qualify for a higher loan and grant amount. Contact us to find out if your municipality is eligible.

    Contact us to learn more

    What we fund

    We offer combined loan and grant funding to support municipalities and their partners in constructing, commissioning and rapidly deploying a successful implementation of a low-carbon community energy system.

    Your project should deploy a system that mitigates GHG emissions, creates social benefits, and provides solid financial payback within a targeted timeframe of three years after application approval and should be integrated into your municipality’s asset management register/plan or municipal budget.

    What your project needs to achieve

    All projects that meet the criteria on this page are eligible. Please note that we consider several factors in making a funding decision. We strive to fund the most innovative and impactful initiatives, so not all eligible projects will be approved for funding.

    This project must build on a completed feasibility study that has assessed the technical and financial feasibility of the proposed project, as well as the environmental, social, and economic impacts.

    Eligible applicants must also provide records of community support for the project including but not limited to records of approval from local government council, and initiation of the impact assessment process, where applicable.

    Further information regarding the offer, including minimum requirements for feasibility studies, can be found in the Community Energy Systems application guide

    Requirements for all Community Energy Systems projects

    Capital projects must meet the following requirements:

    • A minimum of two buildings are required for district energy projects, and renewable electricity systems should be able to power multiple systems and buildings.
    • For thermal energy projects: Your initiative must reduce GHG emissions associated with fossil fuel or grid electricity use by at least 40 percent compared to current performance.  You must be able to achieve this target within three years of implementation.

    Projects must meet minimum requirements related to climate resilience:

    • Capital projects that include new infrastructure assets must be built outside the current 100-year floodplain of the most recent floodplain map, unless evidence can be provided of protection to safeguard the asset.
    • Projects with new infrastructure assets valued over $2 million must conduct a Climate Risk Assessment (i.e., Infrastructure Canada Climate lens, ISO 14091, PIEVC High Level Screening Guide or equivalent) and address risks identified. A Climate Risk Assessment must be included in study workplans (where relevant) and is submitted as part of the pre-application for relevant capital projects.
    Equity considerations

    GMF recognizes that many urgent social issues are interrelated, and that climate action and sustainability initiatives need to be designed to ensure fair distribution of benefits and burdens, across all segments of a community and across generations. Projects will be assessed on their potential to result in improved socio-economic outcomes and a more equitable distribution of benefits and burdens among the community, for present and future generations. While projects can be eligible without incorporating these considerations, preference is given to projects that:

    • Integrate principles of anti-racism, equity, inclusion and reconciliation.
    • Apply inclusive community engagement practices.
    • Implement social procurement.
    • Generate significant socio-economic benefits, such as increased accessibility, improved outdoor spaces, and inclusive employment and apprenticeship.

    As you develop your project approach, consider the following questions:

    1. How can you design an engagement approach that would enable you to consider the diverse needs, experiences, and voices of all stakeholders and rights holders in this project?
    2. Which equity-deserving groups might benefit the most, and/or be burdened, directly or indirectly, by this project? How are these groups positively or negatively impacted?
    3. Are there opportunities to address or mitigate negative impacts?
    4. Are there opportunities to rectify existing or potential biases, discrimination, or exclusionary practices in your project planning, design, funding, and implementation?
    5. How can you maximize the socio-economic benefits that your project generates?
    6. How can you leverage your procurement practices to generate more positive social, economic and environmental outcomes within your community and region?

    GMF seeks to fund the very best examples of municipal initiatives that achieve a multitude of benefits for the environment, communities and local economies. Higher application evaluation scores are given to projects that demonstrate excellence in one or more of the following areas:

    • sustainable materials management
    • biodiversity
    • socio-economic benefits 
    • meaningful engagement and collaboration with rights holders and stakeholders.

    Required documents

    To apply for GMF funding, you must submit:

    • a pre-application form
    • an application form
    • a project workbook
    • all required supporting documents specified in the application guide

    A GMF project officer will be your point of contact throughout the process and will review your file and provide feedback. You may be asked to revisit some steps to help you submit a complete and high-quality application.

    Application process

    Phase 1: Pre-application submission

    You must submit a pre-application form through FCM’s funding portal. To do this, create a client profile and follow the steps in FCM’s funding portal to submit your pre-application form.

    Phase 2: Eligibility determination

    A GMF outreach officer or advisor will review your pre-application form. They will determine whether your organization and initiative are eligible to proceed to the next stage of the application process. You will receive a response within 15 business days of the date we receive your pre-application form.

    Phase 3: Full application submission

    If your organization and initiative are determined to be eligible to proceed to the next stage, your GMF outreach officer or advisor will inform you that the full application form is available through FCM’s funding portal. They will also provide you with an Excel project workbook template to complete and submit with the full application form.

    It is important to note that even if a project is deemed eligible to move forward with a full application, it does not guarantee full application eligibility or that the project will be approved for funding.

    As you complete the application form, contact your GMF outreach officer or advisor if you have any questions. Once you’ve filled out the application form and project workbook and attached the required supporting documents, submit it to GMF through the FCM funding portal.

    Phase 4: GMF project officer review

    Once the full application form is submitted a GMF project officer will be assigned to your file and will review your application for accuracy and completeness and will work with you to resolve any remaining questions.

    Phase 5: Peer review and internal review

    An external expert peer review panel evaluates all capital and study applications. There will also be an internal analysis to provide a funding recommendation to GMF’s managing director, the GMF Council and FCM’s Board of Directors.

    Phase 6: FCM funding decision

    For studies, funding decisions are determined by GMF’s managing director. The average time for a funding decision is three to five months after your full application form submission.

    For capital projects, FCM’s Board of Directors approves the funding recommendation made by the GMF Council. The average time for a funding decision is four to six months after your full application form submission.

    How to apply

    1. Download and review the application guide. 
    2. Reach out to a GMF representative to discuss your project at or 1-877-417-0550. 
    3. Review the list of prerequisites and supporting documents in appendix D of the application guide. 
    4. Review the eligible and ineligible costs:
    5. Ensure you have a detailed project budget in place and are securing other funding sources for your project. 
    6. Visit the FCM funding portal to create your profile and request a PIN to access the system. Already have an FCM funding portal profile? Skip to Step 7.  
    7. Complete the pre-application form available on the platform.  

    Quebec municipalities

    FCM has an agreement with Quebec's ministère des Affaires municipales et de l'Habitation (MAMH) that allows the ministry to review applications to GMF before they are submitted to FCM. Quebec municipalities applying for funding from GMF must follow the process below to submit their application to MAMH.

    Once you have completed all the steps in the ‘How to apply’ section above, submit your application by following the steps below. Note that the content of the links is available in French only.

    • Save your application form using the appropriate file name.
      • Save the application form to your local device with the following filename: FMV_ "your municipality's name"_ "date" (YYMMDD). For example: FMV_TownofABC_180228.pdf
    • Log in to the Portail gouvernemental des affaires municipales et régionales. using your username and password.
      • To submit your form click on “File Transfer”.
      • In the “Recipient” drop-down list, select the applicable program.
      • Upload your files and select “Transfer” once your request is complete.
    • Receive confirmation from MAMH.
      • MAMH assesses the applications to ensure that the projects submitted do not conflict with Quebec's government policies and directives. Once the assessment has been completed, MAMH informs the applicant of their decision and sends compliant applications to GMF for review.
      • MAMH requires up to 15 working days to review the application and forward it to GMF.
    • Receive approval from GMF.
      • GMF will inform the applicant once they receive the application from MAMH and review the submission. If the application is approved for funding, an agreement between FCM and the applicant is prepared.

    Need help to see if this is the right funding for you?

    Contact our Outreach team who can answer any questions you have relating to this funding opportunity.

    See all Community Energy Systems funding

    Meet community energy needs, increase energy efficiency, and build grid resilience

    Funding Snapshot

    Maximum Award:
    • Grant for up to 50%* of eligible costs
    • Up to a maximum of $200,000
    Open To:

    The following organizations are eligible for GMF funding:

    • Canadian municipal governments (e.g., towns, cities, regions, districts, and local boards).
    • Municipal partners, which include:
      • private sector entities
      • municipally-owned corporations
      • regional, provincial or territorial organizations delivering municipal services
      • non-governmental organizations
      • not-for-profit organizations
      • research institutes (e.g., universities)
    • An Indigenous community is an eligible lead applicant if they are partnering with a Canadian municipal government on an eligible project, or if they have a shared service agreement with a Canadian municipal government related to municipal infrastructure, climate change or adaptation.
    Expected Output:

    A detailed feasibility assessment outlining the design of a proposed low-carbon energy system.

    Application Deadline:

    Applications are accepted year-round, though this offer may close when all funding has been allocated.

    Eligible Costs:

    * The following applicants may qualify for a grant of up to 80 percent of eligible project costs:

    • municipalities (or their partners) with a population of 10,000 or under;
    • regional governments or groups of municipalities where the average population of the member municipalities is 10,000 or under;
    • eligible Indigenous communities; and,
    • northern communities

    Northern and eligible Indigenous communities that are applying to GMF for the first time may qualify for a grant of up to 100 percent of eligible costs. 

    Contact us to learn more

    The North is defined as the three territories and the northern extent of seven provinces. This includes portions of the following provinces defined by Statistics Canada codes: Newfoundland and Labrador (10), Québec (24), Ontario (35), Manitoba (46), Saskatchewan (47), Alberta (48) and British Columbia (59).

    What we fund

    We fund feasibility studies that outline the design of a proposed community energy system. This funding helps Canadian cities evaluate local sources of renewable energy that will ultimately power multiple systems and buildings resulting in a net GHG emission reduction.

    Your feasibility study should build on your business case assessing low-carbon energy systems viable for a given site and the capacity to implement each system. A business case and feasibility study may be undertaken together as one project, eligible for a grant of up to a maximum of $200,000 for the project as a whole.

    Your study should aim to:

    • Confirm the practicality and viability of constructing and operating the proposed energy system.
    • Incorporate feedback from stakeholder engagement and public consultation.
    • Complete system design and quantify expected costs and revenue streams.
    • Quantify the environmental, social, and economic impacts and benefits.
    • Confirm partnerships.
    • Detail proposed business model, including project ownership, operations, and financing.
    • Identify risks and mitigation options (including climate risk assessment).
    • A site condition assessment.

    Your study will need to include, at minimum, the following:

    • The GHG impacts of the solution or approach being studied.
    • A confirmation of the proposed operational and financial model planned for the project.
    • Climate risk assessment (required for projects studying new infrastructure assets valued over $2 million; optional for other projects).
    • An equity assessment that answers, at minimum, the following questions:  
      • Which equity-deserving groups might benefit the most from the project, and/or be burdened, directly or indirectly, by the project or decision? How are these groups positively or negatively impacted by the project or decision?
      • What strategies can be used to address barriers or mitigate negative impacts?
      • What data sources, reports, or mapping resources can help illuminate equity issues in your local context?

    Eligible activities undertaken as part of your study include:

    • Detailed project design.
    • Verification of availability of local energy sources.
    • Verification of end users for energy and other products created by the proposed system.
    • Detailed financial analysis (e.g., cost estimates, revenue projections, return on investment (ROI), and funding options).
    • Developing terms and conditions for going to tender for the capital project.
    • Stakeholder engagement and public consultation.
    • Regulatory approval processes.
    • Impact assessment process.
    • Climate risk assessment.

    Ultimately, your study should equip you with the information you need to implement a capital project.

    What your project needs to achieve

    All projects that meet the criteria on this page are eligible. Please note that we consider several factors in making a funding decision. We strive to fund the most innovative and impactful initiatives, so not all eligible projects will be approved for funding.

    It is strongly recommended that you complete a business case ahead of your feasibility study.

    A business case and feasibility study may be undertaken together as one project, eligible for a grant of up to a maximum of $200,000 for the project as a whole.

    Further information regarding the offer can be found in the Community Energy Systems application guide

    Requirements for all Community Energy Systems projects

    The following must be accounted for in the applicant’s business case, and fulfilled in their feasibility study:

    • A minimum of two buildings are required for district energy projects, and renewable electricity systems should be able to power multiple systems and buildings.
    • For thermal energy projects: Your initiative must reduce GHG emissions associated with fossil fuel or grid electricity use by at least 40 percent compared to current performance.  You must be able to achieve this target within three years of implementation.  

    Projects must meet minimum requirements related to climate resilience:

    • Capital projects that include new infrastructure assets must be built outside the current 100-year floodplain of the most recent floodplain map, unless evidence can be provided of protection to safeguard the asset.
    • Projects with new infrastructure assets valued over $2 million must conduct a Climate Risk Assessment (i.e., Infrastructure Canada Climate lens, ISO 14091, PIEVC High Level Screening Guide or equivalent) and address risks identified. A Climate Risk Assessment must be included in study workplans (where relevant) and is submitted as part of the pre-application for relevant capital projects.
    Equity considerations

    GMF recognizes that many urgent social issues are interrelated, and that climate action and sustainability initiatives need to be designed to ensure fair distribution of benefits and burdens, across all segments of a community and across generations. Projects will be assessed on their potential to result in improved socio-economic outcomes and a more equitable distribution of benefits and burdens among the community, for present and future generations. While projects can be eligible without incorporating these considerations, preference is given to projects that:

    • Integrate principles of anti-racism, equity, inclusion and reconciliation.
    • Apply inclusive community engagement practices.
    • Implement social procurement.
    • Generate significant socio-economic benefits, such as increased accessibility, improved outdoor spaces, and inclusive employment and apprenticeship.

    As you develop your project approach, consider the following questions:

    1. How can you design an engagement approach that would enable you to consider the diverse needs, experiences, and voices of all stakeholders and rights holders in this project?
    2. Which equity-deserving groups might benefit the most, and/or be burdened, directly or indirectly, by this project? How are these groups positively or negatively impacted?
    3. Are there opportunities to address or mitigate negative impacts?
    4. Are there opportunities to rectify existing or potential biases, discrimination, or exclusionary practices in your project planning, design, funding, and implementation?
    5. How can you maximize the socio-economic benefits that your project generates?
    6. How can you leverage your procurement practices to generate more positive social, economic and environmental outcomes within your community and region?

    GMF seeks to fund the very best examples of municipal initiatives that achieve a multitude of benefits for the environment, communities and local economies. Higher application evaluation scores are given to projects that demonstrate excellence in one or more of the following areas:

    • sustainable materials management
    • biodiversity
    • socio-economic benefits 
    • meaningful engagement and collaboration with rights holders and stakeholders.

    Required documents

    To apply for GMF funding, you must submit:

    • a pre-application form
    • an application form
    • a project workbook
    • all required supporting documents specified in the application guide

    A GMF project officer will be your point of contact throughout the process and will review your file and provide feedback. You may be asked to revisit some steps to help you submit a complete and high-quality application.

    Application process

    Phase 1: Pre-application submission

    You must submit a pre-application form through FCM’s funding portal. To do this, create a client profile and follow the steps in FCM’s funding portal to submit your pre-application form.

    Phase 2: Eligibility determination

    A GMF outreach officer or advisor will review your pre-application form. They will determine whether your organization and initiative are eligible to proceed to the next stage of the application process. You will receive a response within 15 business days of the date we receive your pre-application form.

    Phase 3: Full application submission

    If your organization and initiative are determined to be eligible to proceed to the next stage, your GMF outreach officer or advisor will inform you that the full application form is available through FCM’s funding portal. They will also provide you with an Excel project workbook template to complete and submit with the full application form.

    It is important to note that even if a project is deemed eligible to move forward with a full application, it does not guarantee full application eligibility or that the project will be approved for funding.

    As you complete the application form, contact your GMF outreach officer or advisor if you have any questions. Once you’ve filled out the application form and project workbook and attached the required supporting documents, submit it to GMF through the FCM funding portal.

    Phase 4: GMF project officer review

    Once the full application form is submitted a GMF project officer will be assigned to your file and will review your application for accuracy and completeness and will work with you to resolve any remaining questions.

    Phase 5: Peer review and internal review

    An external expert peer review panel evaluates all capital and study applications. There will also be an internal analysis to provide a funding recommendation to GMF’s managing director, the GMF Council and FCM’s Board of Directors.

    Phase 6: FCM funding decision

    For studies, funding decisions are determined by GMF’s managing director. The average time for a funding decision is three to five months after your full application form submission.

    For capital projects, FCM’s Board of Directors approves the funding recommendation made by the GMF Council. The average time for a funding decision is four to six months after your full application form submission.

    How to apply

    1. Download and review the application guide. 
    2. Reach out to a GMF representative to discuss your project at or 1-877-417-0550. 
    3. Review the list of prerequisites and supporting documents in appendix D of the application guide. 
    4. Review the eligible and ineligible costs:
    5. Ensure you have a detailed project budget in place and are securing other funding sources for your project. 
    6. Visit the FCM funding portal to create your profile and request a PIN to access the system. Already have an FCM funding portal profile? Skip to Step 7.  
    7. Complete the pre-application form available on the platform.  

    Quebec municipalities

    FCM has an agreement with Quebec's ministère des Affaires municipales et de l'Habitation (MAMH) that allows the ministry to review applications to GMF before they are submitted to FCM. Quebec municipalities applying for funding from GMF must follow the process below to submit their application to MAMH.

    Once you have completed all the steps in the ‘How to apply’ section above, submit your application by following the steps below. Note that the content of the links is available in French only.

    • Save your application form using the appropriate file name.
      • Save the application form to your local device with the following filename: FMV_ "your municipality's name"_ "date" (YYMMDD). For example: FMV_TownofABC_180228.pdf
    • Log in to the Portail gouvernemental des affaires municipales et régionales. using your username and password.
      • To submit your form click on “File Transfer”.
      • In the “Recipient” drop-down list, select the applicable program.
      • Upload your files and select “Transfer” once your request is complete.
    • Receive confirmation from MAMH.
      • MAMH assesses the applications to ensure that the projects submitted do not conflict with Quebec's government policies and directives. Once the assessment has been completed, MAMH informs the applicant of their decision and sends compliant applications to GMF for review.
      • MAMH requires up to 15 working days to review the application and forward it to GMF.
    • Receive approval from GMF.
      • GMF will inform the applicant once they receive the application from MAMH and review the submission. If the application is approved for funding, an agreement between FCM and the applicant is prepared.

    Need help to see if this is the right funding for you?

    Contact our Outreach team who can answer any questions you have relating to this funding opportunity.

    See all Community Energy Systems funding

    Meet community energy needs, increase energy efficiency, and build grid resilience

    Funding Snapshot

    Maximum Award:
    • Grant for up to 50%* of eligible costs
    • Up to a maximum of $100,000
    Open To:

    The following organizations are eligible for GMF funding:

    • Canadian municipal governments (e.g., towns, cities, regions, districts, and local boards).
    • Municipal partners, which include:
      • private sector entities
      • municipally-owned corporations
      • regional, provincial or territorial organizations delivering municipal services
      • non-governmental organizations
      • not-for-profit organizations
      • research institutes (e.g., universities)
    • An Indigenous community is an eligible lead applicant if they are partnering with a Canadian municipal government on an eligible project, or if they have a shared service agreement with a Canadian municipal government related to municipal infrastructure, climate change or adaptation.
    Expected Output:

    A business case that assesses low-carbon energy systems viable for a given site.

    Application Deadline:

    Applications are accepted year-round, though this offer may close when all funding has been allocated.

    Eligible Costs:

    * The following applicants may qualify for a grant of up to 80 percent of eligible project costs:

    • municipalities (or their partners) with a population of 10,000 or under;
    • regional governments or groups of municipalities where the average population of the member municipalities is 10,000 or under;
    • eligible Indigenous communities; and,
    • northern communities

    Northern and eligible Indigenous communities that are applying to GMF for the first time may qualify for a grant of up to 100 percent of eligible costs. 

    Contact us to learn more

    The North is defined as the three territories and the northern extent of seven provinces. This includes portions of the following provinces defined by Statistics Canada codes: Newfoundland and Labrador (10), Québec (24), Ontario (35), Manitoba (46), Saskatchewan (47), Alberta (48) and British Columbia (59).

    What we fund

    We fund business cases that result in a technical exploration of low-carbon energy systems viable for a given site and the capacity to implement each system. This funding helps Canadian cities and communities to adopt a streamlined approach to assess and deploy a variety of low-carbon energy systems, reducing local GHG emissions in line with a net-zero future.

    Your business case should prepare you for a feasibility study. A business case and feasibility study may be undertaken together as one project, eligible for a grant of up to a maximum of $200,000 for the project as a whole.

    Business cases are expected to identify a preferred community energy option(s) at a neighborhood scale, and should aim to:

    • Determine the practicality and viability of a preferred energy system.
    • Assess the potential environmental, social, and economic impacts and benefits.
    • Quantify expected costs and potential revenue streams.
    • Identify partnership opportunities.
    • Define proposed business model, including recommendations for project ownership, operations, and financing.
    • Identify risks and mitigation options.

    Your business case will need to consider, at minimum, the following: 

    • What are the GHG impacts of the solution or approach being studied? 
    • What is the economic benefit to the municipality?
    • The stakeholders involved in the options considered (e.g., utilities, authority granting bodies, property holders, etc.).
    • Considerations for successful implementation, including right of way, zoning and access.
    • An equity assessment that answers, at minimum, the following questions:
      • Which equity-deserving groups might benefit the most from the project, and/or be burdened, directly or indirectly, by the project or decision? How are these groups positively or negatively impacted by the project or decision?
      • What strategies can be used to address barriers or mitigate negative impacts?
      • What data sources, reports, or mapping resources can help illuminate equity issues in your local context?

    Eligible activities that may be undertaken as part of your business case include:

    • A scan and evaluation of available energy sources.
    • A scan and evaluation of available local energy providers.
    • An assessment of the market for energy and other products created by the proposed system.
    • An evaluation of available sites and/or site viability for an energy system.
    • A financial analysis (e.g., cost estimates, revenue projections, return on investment (ROI), and funding options).
    • An examination of the legal and regulatory context and implications for the project.
    • An evaluation of the organization’s ability to deliver the solution.
    • An assessment of partnership opportunities and business model options.
    • An assessment of environmental, social, and economic impacts and benefits.
    • Stakeholder engagement.

    What your project needs to achieve

    All projects that meet the criteria on this page are eligible. Please note that we consider several factors in making a funding decision. We strive to fund the most innovative and impactful initiatives, so not all eligible projects will be approved for funding.

    Further information regarding the offer can be found in the Community Energy Systems application guide

    Requirements for all Community Energy Systems projects

    The following must be accounted for in the applicant’s business case, and fulfilled in their feasibility study:

    • A minimum of two buildings are required for district energy projects, and renewable electricity systems should be able to power multiple systems and buildings.
    • For thermal energy projects: Your initiative must reduce GHG emissions associated with fossil fuel or grid electricity use by at least 40 percent compared to current performance.  You must be able to achieve this target within three years of implementation.
    Equity considerations

    GMF recognizes that many urgent social issues are interrelated, and that climate action and sustainability initiatives need to be designed to ensure fair distribution of benefits and burdens, across all segments of a community and across generations. Projects will be assessed on their potential to result in improved socio-economic outcomes and a more equitable distribution of benefits and burdens among the community, for present and future generations. While projects can be eligible without incorporating these considerations, preference is given to projects that:

    • Integrate principles of anti-racism, equity, inclusion and reconciliation.
    • Apply inclusive community engagement practices.
    • Implement social procurement.
    • Generate significant socio-economic benefits, such as increased accessibility, improved outdoor spaces, and inclusive employment and apprenticeship.

    As you develop your project approach, consider the following questions:

    1. How can you design an engagement approach that would enable you to consider the diverse needs, experiences, and voices of all stakeholders and rights holders in this project?
    2. Which equity-deserving groups might benefit the most, and/or be burdened, directly or indirectly, by this project? How are these groups positively or negatively impacted?
    3. Are there opportunities to address or mitigate negative impacts?
    4. Are there opportunities to rectify existing or potential biases, discrimination, or exclusionary practices in your project planning, design, funding, and implementation?
    5. How can you maximize the socio-economic benefits that your project generates?
    6. How can you leverage your procurement practices to generate more positive social, economic and environmental outcomes within your community and region?

    GMF seeks to fund the very best examples of municipal initiatives that achieve a multitude of benefits for the environment, communities and local economies. Higher application evaluation scores are given to projects that demonstrate excellence in one or more of the following areas:

    • sustainable materials management
    • biodiversity
    • socio-economic benefits 
    • meaningful engagement and collaboration with rights holders and stakeholders

    Required documents

    To apply for GMF funding, you must submit:

    • a pre-application form
    • an application form
    • a project workbook
    • all required supporting documents specified in the application guide

    A GMF project officer will be your point of contact throughout the process and will review your file and provide feedback. You may be asked to revisit some steps to help you submit a complete and high-quality application.

    Application process

    Phase 1: Pre-application submission

    You must submit a pre-application form through FCM’s funding portal. To do this, create a client profile and follow the steps in FCM’s funding portal to submit your pre-application form.

    Phase 2: Eligibility determination

    A GMF outreach officer or advisor will review your pre-application form. They will determine whether your organization and initiative are eligible to proceed to the next stage of the application process. You will receive a response within 15 business days of the date we receive your pre-application form.

    Phase 3: Full application submission

    If your organization and initiative are determined to be eligible to proceed to the next stage, your GMF outreach officer or advisor will inform you that the full application form is available through FCM’s funding portal. They will also provide you with an Excel project workbook template to complete and submit with the full application form.

    It is important to note that even if a project is deemed eligible to move forward with a full application, it does not guarantee full application eligibility or that the project will be approved for funding.

    As you complete the application form, contact your GMF outreach officer or advisor if you have any questions. Once you’ve filled out the application form and project workbook and attached the required supporting documents, submit it to GMF through the FCM funding portal.

    Phase 4: GMF project officer review

    Once the full application form is submitted a GMF project officer will be assigned to your file and will review your application for accuracy and completeness and will work with you to resolve any remaining questions.

    Phase 5: Peer review and internal review

    An external expert peer review panel evaluates all capital and study applications. There will also be an internal analysis to provide a funding recommendation to GMF’s managing director, the GMF Council and FCM’s Board of Directors.

    Phase 6: FCM funding decision

    For studies, funding decisions are determined by GMF’s managing director. The average time for a funding decision is three to five months after your full application form submission.

    For capital projects, FCM’s Board of Directors approves the funding recommendation made by the GMF Council. The average time for a funding decision is four to six months after your full application form submission.

    How to apply

    1. Download and review the application guide. 
    2. Reach out to a GMF representative to discuss your project at or 1-877-417-0550. 
    3. Review the list of prerequisites and supporting documents in appendix D of the application guide. 
    4. Review the eligible and ineligible costs:
    5. Ensure you have a detailed project budget in place and are securing other funding sources for your project. 
    6. Visit the FCM funding portal to create your profile and request a PIN to access the system. Already have an FCM funding portal profile? Skip to Step 7.  
    7. Complete the pre-application form available on the platform.  

    Quebec municipalities

    FCM has an agreement with Quebec's ministère des Affaires municipales et de l'Habitation (MAMH) that allows the ministry to review applications to GMF before they are submitted to FCM. Quebec municipalities applying for funding from GMF must follow the process below to submit their application to MAMH.

    Once you have completed all the steps in the ‘How to apply’ section above, submit your application by following the steps below. Note that the content of the links is available in French only.

    • Save your application form using the appropriate file name.
      • Save the application form to your local device with the following filename: FMV_ "your municipality's name"_ "date" (YYMMDD). For example: FMV_TownofABC_180228.pdf
    • Log in to the Portail gouvernemental des affaires municipales et régionales. using your username and password.
      • To submit your form click on “File Transfer”.
      • In the “Recipient” drop-down list, select the applicable program.
      • Upload your files and select “Transfer” once your request is complete.
    • Receive confirmation from MAMH.
      • MAMH assesses the applications to ensure that the projects submitted do not conflict with Quebec's government policies and directives. Once the assessment has been completed, MAMH informs the applicant of their decision and sends compliant applications to GMF for review.
      • MAMH requires up to 15 working days to review the application and forward it to GMF.
    • Receive approval from GMF.
      • GMF will inform the applicant once they receive the application from MAMH and review the submission. If the application is approved for funding, an agreement between FCM and the applicant is prepared.

    Need help to see if this is the right funding for you?

    Contact our Outreach team who can answer any questions you have relating to this funding opportunity.

    See all Community Energy Systems funding

    Meet community energy needs, increase energy efficiency, and build grid resilience

    Our Community Buildings Retrofit initiative is dedicated to assisting small and rural communities and municipalities in enhancing the sustainability and energy efficiency of their existing public facilities and structures by completing building retrofits.

    Within this factsheet page, you will find informative resources designed to guide you through the process of successful retrofit and energy management projects. These resources offer valuable insights into the numerous advantages that these projects bring, including increased affordability, reduced greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and an improved quality of life for the community members who utilize these buildings. If you seek to optimize the energy efficiency of your current community structures, our resources will provide essential information to help you meet your performance goals.

    Planning an emissions reduction pathway for community buildings

    Planning an emissions reduction pathway for community buildings

    Discover how planning an emissions reduction pathway for your community buildings is essential for achieving climate goals within budget constraints. Municipalities manage a vast portfolio of community structures that significantly contribute to GHG emissions. By implementing targeted GHG reduction measures, like enhancing energy efficiency and adopting renewable energy solutions, you can align your climate action objectives with your financial realities.

    Explore the diverse benefits of GHG reduction pathways, from long-term planning and climate accountability to financial efficiency and interdepartmental collaboration. Our tailored roadmap outlines five actionable steps, from building selection to feasibility studies, to help you succeed. Real-world success stories show you how other municipalities have achieved remarkable emissions reductions and cost-effective investments, inspiring you to take meaningful action.

    Read the guide.

    Supporting new energy and climate staff

    CBR Guide

    Dive into our short guide to learn more about how Canadian municipalities can better support new staff with effective onboarding and training that will eliminate decision-making delays and inefficiencies in the implementation of their energy and climate programs.

    To ensure new hires can quickly become productive members of the department, they need to be equipped with the proper knowledge, skills, and relationships. Our guide is packed with strategies, from succession planning to knowledge retention, as well as key steps for a successful onboarding process that will help your team thrive. It also provides examples of leading professional development and networking opportunities to encourage continuous learning and skill development for all staff.

    Read the guide.

    Getting to net-zero in community centres with indoor swimming pools

    Getting to net-zero in community centres with indoor swimming pools cover

    Chinguacousy Wellness Centre in Brampton, Ontario

    The City of Brampton is focusing on decarbonizing its most energy-intensive buildings to reach its goal of reducing community-wide emissions by 50% from 2016 levels by 2041. As part of this strategy, the Chinguacousy Wellness Centre—a 25-year-old building with three indoor swimming pools—conducted a net-zero feasibility study to plan the way forward. The study identified two potential low-carbon scenarios: deep retrofits to aggressively reduce GHG emissions and immediate low-cost measures without retrofits.

    Discover results from this study and important recommendations provided by Junaid-Saleem Khan, Supervisor, Energy Management, City of Brampton.

    Read the case study.

    Achieving energy and carbon reduction in community buildings through asset management plans

    GMF CBR asset management guide cover

    Asset management plans help local governments construct, maintain and dispose of municipal infrastructure assets while minimizing risk and cost to the community and maximizing service delivery. They also provide a strategic opportunity to support energy and carbon reduction goals.

    This guide aims to give Canadian municipalities a better understanding of asset management planning, including the benefits of integrating energy and carbon reduction into asset management planning, the first steps in achieving this, and a list of resources.

    Read the guide.

    Measurement and verification for energy efficient community buildings guide cover

    Measurement and verification for energy-efficient community buildings

    To ensure that energy-saving measures and building operations are achieving their intended energy-efficiency targets, well-executed measurement and verification (M&V) is crucial.

    This guide introduces the M&V process, explains the benefits of a robust M&V plan, provides key steps of the process and provides additional M&V resources.

    Read the guide.

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