Learn how you can reduce your community’s vulnerability to climate change

Our communities are becoming increasingly vulnerable to the hazards and impacts posed by the changing climate. While no two communities are alike in their experience, there are ways to manage the risks and maintain the services that residents and businesses have come to expect.

One of the most important things you can do is integrate climate change into your asset management practices and decision-making. Municipal service delivery depends on the local built and natural infrastructure, and climate impacts can put those infrastructure assets at risk. As Canadian municipalities enter a period of significant asset renewal, we can collectively ensure that resilient infrastructure is part of the solution.

If you’d like to learn more about how climate action and asset management can fit together in your municipality, we want to help. We’ve designed this web page and the resources on it to help you better understand how it all fits together. Below you’ll find a video, two fact sheets and a guide. With each resource we tell you what you’ll learn and how long it will take to complete that step on the journey.

We invite you to join us for this learning journey. Enjoy these resources in order or skip ahead to the information that’s most valuable to you.

Part one: Why use asset management to build climate resilience? (video)

Time investment: 5 minutes

Discover the many reasons why integrating climate change into your asset management decisions and practices can help your municipality.

You’ll learn:

  • What climate change looks like in communities across Canada
  • The impact on municipal infrastructure and capacity to deliver services
  • How integrating climate change into asset management can help
  • Key steps to balancing cost, level of service and potential risks

Watch: Why use asset management to build climate resilience?


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Part two: Considering climate change in risk management (fact sheet)

Time investment: 8 minutes

Discover how you can improve your community’s resilience by integrating climate change into your asset management, through a risk assessment process.

You’ll learn:

  • What risk is, and the unique challenges of climate-related risks
  • Hazards that can affect municipal infrastructure and services
  • How your local government can get started in managing risk
  • The benefits of proactive risk management

Part three: Considering climate change in levels of service (fact sheet)

Time investment: 8 minutes

What are the services your community relies on and how do you plan for your community to sustainably deliver these services in the future? Consider how climate change might influence the costs, time and risks associated with levels of service.

You’ll learn:

  • Key features that characterize municipal “levels of service”
  • The role of infrastructure assets
  • Risks posed by climate change
  • How your local government can begin integrating climate change into asset management to protect services


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Part four: Guide for integrating climate change considerations into municipal asset management

Time investment: 1.5 hours (to read the entire guide). Exercises may require an additional time to complete.

Learn and apply your knowledge about risk management and levels of service. Integrating climate change into asset management is not easy. Climate change and its implications for municipal services and infrastructure are complex. Using this guide you will help your municipality establish a clear process and framework.

You’ll learn:

  • Definitions of key terms related to risk, climate and levels of service
  • How municipal staff can enhance community resilience by focusing on service delivery
  • How to incorporate climate change considerations into your processes for managing risk and maintaining levels of service—through a single framework for action

Use this guide in four ways:

There are four ideal ways to use this guide. It’s important to choose a path that meets your municipality’s needs. The framework presented in the guide was developed with diverse municipal experiences in mind.

Begin by reviewing the pathways outlined below and select the chapters and activities your municipality needs to complete.

Icon of arrow pointing up

Pathway: Begin from the ground up.This pathway involves preparing a linked risk and levels of service framework that considers climate change. This approach is great for small communities and is a logical first step to help you identify what climate change will mean for your community and help you develop strategies to respond.

Icon of flag

Pathway: Focus on levels of service. If you are interested in documenting and assessing levels of service based on climate change considerations.

Icon of a caution sign

Pathway: Focus on risk management. If you are interested in assessing and managing risk based on climate change considerations.

Icon of a compass

Pathway: Adapt an existing framework. If you already have an asset management framework in place that has established levels of service targets and applies risk management practices, and would like to adapt it to consider climate change.

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This resource was developed by the Municipalities for Climate Innovation Program (2017-2022). This program was delivered by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and funded by the Government of Canada.

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Icon of three people sitting around a table.

Do you want to raise awareness in your municipal council about how improving your asset management practices can enhance infrastructure decisions and benefit your community? Do you want support articulating how your community’s asset management approach can bolster your resilience to climate change and integrate equity and reconciliation considerations in decision-making?

Use the Starting the conversation about asset management toolkit below to develop a presentation that raises awareness of how asset management sustains the services your community cares about. The toolkit includes two presentation templates, a facilitator’s guide and a worksheet. Using the tools, you can assess your community's current asset management needs as well as customize messaging to convey your local government’s context and inspire action on asset management.

Step one: Select and download a presentation template

Speak directly to your audience based on their understanding, awareness and engagement with asset management.

Download one of the fully customizable presentation templates based on your audience:

Icon of green hand holding a sapling.

Getting started on asset management presentation template

Asset management in 10 minutes

Use this template if:

  • You have limited time to present (10–15 min)
  • Some or all of council is new to asset management
  • Your municipality is beginning its asset management journey

Icon green plant rooted in the earth.

Going deeper on asset management presentation template

Advanced concepts and examples

Use this template if:

  • You have 30–40 min to present
  • Your council is familiar with asset management or is highly technical
  • You are presenting during a smaller committee meeting or as part of workshop
  • Your council has been asking about or is interested in specific asset management topics

Step two: Customize your presentation using these tools

Download and use the tools below to help you adapt the presentation to resonate with your audience and suggest ways to maintain your municipality’s asset management momentum.

Icon of green hammers and arrows.

Facilitator’s Guide for Starting the Conversation about Asset Management

Use this resource to assess your municipality’s asset management needs and tailor your presentation to speak directly to your council’s interests.

Icon of a green clipboard.

Facilitator’s Worksheet for Starting the Conversation about Asset Management

Answer the questions in this fillable worksheet as you refer to the Facilitator’s Guide. The worksheet will help you reflect on your municipality and what examples and projects will resonate with your council.

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This resource was developed by the Municipal Asset Management Program(MAMP)

MAMP is designed to help Canadian municipalities strengthen their infrastructure investment decisions based on reliable data and sound asset management practices. This eight-year, $110-million program is funded by the Government of Canada and delivered by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities. It is being implemented in partnership with municipal, provincial and territorial associations and other key stakeholders.


Some program achievements as of October 10, 2023, include:

icon land use


municipal PACE/CEIP bylaws passed in Alberta

icon journey


active projects and 65 completed projects

icon CO2

240 tCO2e

of GHG savings annually

icon energy

328,611 kWh

of renewable energy generated annually


Municipalities across the country have launched programs to help homeowners finance energy-efficiency and renewable energy upgrades. In Alberta, Alberta Municipalities (ABmunis) has used a collaborative approach to centralize administration of these programs so communities can streamline processes by working together. Uptake has been high and ABmunis is now aiming to have programs in more than 20 municipalities by the end of 2024.


Improving home energy efficiency and transitioning to renewable energy are key steps in moving Canada toward net-zero. But upfront costs and concerns over recovering the cost of investment when a property is sold can be significant barriers for homeowners seeking to make the necessary retrofits.

GMF's Community Efficiency Financing (CEF) program provides municipalities with funding and tools to implement locally relevant financing to help residents upgrade their homes through several different models, including Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) programs.

With PACE, property owners can access flexible, long-term financing through their municipality, covering up to 100 percent of project costs. Financing is repaid through an added charge to the participant’s property tax bill. If the property is sold, the new owner can assume repayment of the financing, while enjoying the benefits of the upgrades installed.

The challenge

While many resources such as CEF are available to Canadian municipalities for the net-zero transition, communities often have a tough time accessing and administering them due to resource and capacity constraints.

To help overcome this, the Government of Alberta passed An Act to Enable Clean Energy Improvements in 2018. It allows municipalities to implement local PACE programs, known as the Clean Energy Improvement Program (CEIP). CEIP has a unique delivery model, whereby a designated central administrator—ABmunis—administers the program on behalf of all participating municipalities. This approach enables municipalities of all sizes to participate as ABmunis takes on the bulk of the administrative work.

ABmunis has a deep relationship with municipalities all over Alberta and a history of helping them cooperate on mutually beneficial initiatives. As a result, it made sense for them to become the provincial administrator for CEIP.


ABmunis and participating municipalities share the responsibilities involved in planning, delivering, and administering local programs. For example, ABmunis supports municipalities through the application process for GMF funding, which is value-added support for smaller municipalities with limited staff. ABmunis also provides technical support through building business cases, sourcing capital, reviewing bylaws, and developing program materials. Once a local program launches, ABmunis leads program implementation, including technical application review, customer service and contractor management, while municipalities manage the recording of the approved financing amount on the property tax account and processing the repayments over time.

Once a program is in place and capital is secured, homeowners can apply for financing. When an application is approved, the homeowner signs a financing agreement with their municipality and moves forward with the project. ABmunis verifies completion and pays contractors directly using municipal funds, and homeowners repay the financing over time through a charge incorporated into their property tax bill.

Eligible types of projects include:

  • doors, windows, insulation, and air sealing
  • heating, ventilation, and air conditioning
  • lighting controls and fixtures
  • renewable energy
  • water heating

In addition to administering the program, ABmunis builds relationships between municipalities. By cooperating on CEIP, participating municipalities convene, connect, share resources, and learn from one another.


To date, CEF has supported CEIP programs in 11 Alberta communities, ranging in size from Devon (population 6,454) to Calgary (population 1.3 million). More are working to pass applicable bylaws. (ABmunis has a list of municipalities that have active programs or are in the program development stage). Demand is high, and programs often fill up ahead of schedule.

Some program achievements as of October 10, 2023, include:

  • 27 municipal PACE/CEIP bylaws passed in Alberta.
  • 12 residential and 1 commercial PACE programs in the market, 5 of which are in their second year.
  • 541 active projects.
  • 65 completed projects with a total GHG savings of 240 tCO2e/yr and annual renewable energy generation of 328,611 kWh/yr.
  • Approximately $25M in financing committed (for active and completed projects).


In addition to supporting the transition to net-zero, CEIP offers additional benefits for homeowners. Energy efficiency and renewable energy upgrades make homes more comfortable, enhance property values and reduce utility bills. For example, replacing furnaces with heat pumps means many households will gain access to cooling, making homes more resilient as the climate changes.

CEIP’s centralized delivery model has led to more municipalities collaborating, which has saved a lot of time and resources even for bigger cities. This approach has enabled a lot of cooperation and efficiency, as municipalities can leverage existing assets such as application infrastructure and templates. 

Lessons learned

Regional collaboration between a central administrator and multiple municipalities is an effective and efficient way to run PACE programs and scale uptake. One success factor for the approach used in Alberta has been ensuring that roles and responsibilities for all parties are clear at the outset, which includes consulting all municipal departments involved in delivery, including finance and tax teams. This can be done by establishing an internal working group.

There has been tremendous uptake for CEIP in participating communities, which has created some challenges for ABmunis and the municipalities in terms of managing demand. For example, when the initial wave of programs launched, the allocation of funds for the first year were in some cases committed within 24 hours. Newer programs have addressed this challenge by increasing the amount of financing available, having multiple intake dates throughout the year, and maintaining a waiting list of interested homeowners.

Next steps

Demand for CEIP remains strong as the number of interested municipalities continues to grow. ABmunis aims to have more than 20 residential programs in the market by the end of 2024.

While the growth in PACE across Canada has been focused on residential properties, helping commercial property owners retrofit their buildings is also top of mind. In 2022, the City of Edmonton and ABmunis partnered to launch Canada’s only active commercial PACE program, and ABmunis intends to have five commercial PACE programs in the market by the end of 2025.

As a result of the unique delivery model and impressive results over the past two years, ABmunis was recognized with a 2024 Canada’s Clean50 Tomap Project Award for the Clean Energy Improvement Program.

Want to explore all GMF-funded projects? Check out the Projects Database for a complete overview of funded projects and get inspired by municipalities of all sizes, across Canada. 

Visit the projects database

Read the transcript

This webinar recording aims to encourage and educate small francophone municipalities that want to apply for GMF funding by spotlighting examples of ambitious projects that other francophone communities have initiated and the different strategies they employed to overcome barriers and challenges. From early project stages to funding approval, this webinar recording explains the funding process, including finding the expertise to support your ambitions and building a feasibility study.

This webinar was delivered in French with English simultaneous interpretation.

Funding is delivered through FCM’s Green Municipal Fund and funded by the Government of Canada.

Watch the webinar recording to learn more about:

  • Viable paths to applying for support for a feasibility study, from project ideation to funding approval.
  • The accessibility of GMF funding for small francophone municipalities.
  • The experiences of other small francophone municipalities who overcame barriers and successfully accessed GMF funds to deliver important projects in their communities.


  • Clément Mousset, Sustainable Development Coordinator, Association of Francophone Municipalities of New Brunswick
  • Karine Lehoux, Director, Department of Ecological Transition and Innovation, Ville de Candiac
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GMF’s Organic Waste-to-Energy offer supports communities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by generating energy from organic waste streams or landfill gas.

We fund business case developmentfeasibility studies and capital projects that allow municipalities to produce and use local sources of energy and generate additional valuable products such as digestate and fertilizers.

What we fund

  • Projects that generate energy from landfill gas, anaerobic digestion, or aerobic composting with heat recovery.
  • Energy systems that use organic feedstocks including food waste, yard waste, biosolids, or the organic fraction of construction/demolition waste, packaging, agricultural or forestry waste.
  • Business cases that assess viable waste-to-energy systems and business models for a given site and/or feedstock.
  • Detailed technical assessments outlining the design of a proposed organic waste-to-energy system.
  • Construction of organic waste-to-energy systems.


  • Reduce corporate GHG emissions in line with Canada’s 2030 and 2050 targets.
  • Recover energy from material that would otherwise end up in landfills or waste disposal sites.
  • Generate additional valuable products from organic materials, such as digestate and fertilizers.
  • Produce and utilize local sources of clean energy.
  • Reduce dependence on fossil-fuel generated and/or imported sources of energy.
  • Generate savings/revenues from recovered energy and resources.

What we do not fund

The following are ineligible under this offer, but may be eligible through GMF’s Community Energy Systems offer

  • Energy generation projects that power multiple buildings through district energy systems.

The following are ineligible under this offer, but may be eligible through GMF’s Net-Zero Transformation offer:

  • pyrolysis and gasification systems (low/no oxygen systems)
  • non-organic feedstock materials
  • pilot projects trialing emerging and/or untested technologies, or the application of technologies in novel and/or untested circumstances

The following are ineligible for funding:

  • Combustion of waste (high oxygen systems).
  • Projects that rely on feedstocks that would otherwise be recycled or reused to generate higher value end products.
  • Waste collection, transfer stations, recycling facilities, eco-centres.
  • Landfill gas recovery systems and methane control monitoring for landfills that are required to control methane emissions under provincial or proposed federal landfill gas regulations. However, methane destruction devices including energy generation systems are eligible for these sites.
  • Agricultural or forestry biomass grown or harvested for the purpose of producing energy.

Available funding

We support projects at various stages of development through grants and loans. Funding amounts are based on total eligible costs. Further details on eligible costs are provided on individual funding pages.

Business case: Organic Waste-to-Energy

Assess viable waste-to-energy systems and business models for your project

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Study: Organic Waste-to-Energy

Outline the design of a proposed organic waste-to-energy system

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Capital project: Organic Waste-to-Energy

Construct, commission and begin operation of an organic waste-to-energy system

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Have a project that goes above and beyond?

GMF’s Net-Zero Transformation offer funds the development and demonstration of new solutions to support the municipal transition to net-zero. We provide funding for plans, studies, pilots and capital projects for a wide range of innovative and replicable initiatives that have significant GHG reduction benefits.

Learn more

Featured Resources

Our free learning resources build your knowledge in developing sustainable projects and accelerate your community’s transition to a resilient, net-zero future.

How to turn landfill gas into a source of energy

The City of Winnipeg explores options to reduce emissions and generate revenue by converting its landfill gas into an energy source

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Resources: Strengthening your municipality’s circular economy initiatives

Discover strategies and exercises to help your municipality embrace circularity

Read more

Have questions about Organic Waste-to-Energy?

Contact our Outreach team who can answer any questions you have relating to this funding opportunity.

Climate and sustainability funding for municipalities

Upgrade infrastructure, meet your local climate objectives, and contribute to a net-zero Canada by 2050.


Delivered by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, GMF manages approximately $2.4B in programs funded by the Government of Canada.

GMF supports the electrification of municipal and transit fleets to help municipalities achieve net-zero transportation emissions, reducing operational and embodied GHG emissions wherever possible.

We fund feasibility studies and capital projects to support the electrification of municipal and/or transit fleets—the transition to zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) that have the potential to produce no tailpipe emissions, including battery-electric, plug-in hybrid electric and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles.

What we fund

  • Capital projects that include:
    • The replacement of internal combustion engine vehicles with ZEVs.
    • The required EV supply equipment (EVSE).
    • Any required facility upgrades to existing buildings.
  • Studies that assess the feasibility of the transition to ZEVs that also:
    • Consider the entire municipal and/or transit fleet.
    • Include lifecycle total cost of ownership and GHG emission analysis.
    • Examine economic, social and other environmental impacts of the transition to ZEV.


  • Reduce GHG emissions in line with Canada’s 2030 and 2050 targets.
  • Reduce fuel and maintenance costs.
  • Reduce noise and air pollution.
  • Demonstrate leadership and act as a catalyst in the transition to ZEVs.

What we do not fund

  • The transition to vehicles other than ZEVs, or internal combustion engine vehicles conversions/retrofits.
  • The acquisition and installation of public charging infrastructure not primarily dedicated to the municipal and/or transit fleet.
  • The construction of new maintenance/operations facilities—see our Sustainable Municipal Buildings offer for more funding opportunities.

Available funding

We support projects at various stages of development through grants and loans. Funding amounts are based on total eligible costs. Further details on eligible costs are provided on individual funding pages.

Study: Municipal Fleet Electrification

Assess the feasibility of the transition to zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) to significantly reduce GHG emissions

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Capital project: Municipal Fleet Electrification

Drive a partial or complete transition of your municipal and/or transit fleet to zero-emission vehicles

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Have a project that goes above and beyond?

GMF’s Net-Zero Transformation offer funds the development and demonstration of new solutions to support the municipal transition to net-zero. We provide funding for plans, studies, pilots and capital projects for a wide range of innovative and replicable initiatives that have significant GHG reduction benefits.

Learn more

Featured Resources

Our free learning resources build your knowledge in developing sustainable projects and accelerate your community’s transition to a resilient, net-zero future.

Webinar: How to electrify your municipal fleet

Reduce greenhouse gas emissions with electrical vehicles

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Case Study: A shift to sustainable transport in Atlantic Quebec

How the TCiTé shared mobility project is reducing emissions in Gaspésie and the Magdalen Islands

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Case study: Updating municipal vehicles to lower emissions—and costs

In North Battleford, SK, a fleet analysis highlighted potential for both net-zero progress and cost savings

Read more

Article series: How communities across Canada are electrifying their municipal fleets

Discover the benefits of electric vehicles and how to implement them in your community

Read more

Have questions about Municipal Fleet Electrification?

Contact our Outreach team who can answer any questions you have relating to this funding opportunity.

Climate and sustainability funding for municipalities

Upgrade infrastructure, meet your local climate objectives, and contribute to a net-zero Canada by 2050.


Delivered by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, GMF manages approximately $2.4B in programs funded by the Government of Canada.


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