An innovative plan for a prime Quebec resort area

Known for its beautiful scenery, rich biodiversity and major ecosystems, Austin adopted a sustainability action plan for what is considered one of the prime resort areas in Quebec. This innovative plan is based on excellent knowledge of the forest, lakes and wetlands. It serves as a comprehensive management reference for sustainability in governance, the environment, the economy and society.  

Read the case study below to learn about project highlights, as well as the challenges and lessons learned that can help your community in planning similar projects.

Landscape of farmland in fall near Austin, QC, 2016 Sustainable Communities Award winner

About the project

Municipal population Project duration Total project value
3,515 (1,507 permanent and 2,008 seasonal) February 2013–December 2014 $107,200

Before beginning to work on its action plan, Austin wanted to determine the areas in which residential and commercial development could be appropriately implemented. This involved evaluating and mapping the load capacity of the municipality's land and water ecosystems. 

Strategic planning was supported by a collaborative approach that for nearly two years engaged elected officials, citizens, local organizations and stakeholders. This approach gave rise to a strong common vision upon which the municipality built a structured action plan focused on four main areas:

  • protecting and enhancing heritage
  • making the community and living environment dynamic and lively
  • aligning development with the community's vision and values
  • meeting new municipal management realities 

This plan is divided into 20 sections, with details on 87 actions to achieve the municipality's vision.


"The Green Municipal Fund, which funded much of the project, led us to the resources and coordinating all the work but also consultation with specialists in the field. It was fundamental."
— Mayor Lisette Maillé 

Panoramic view of Green Bay and Mount Orford near Austin, QC

Project highlights


Environmental Economic Social
  • Protection of surface and groundwater, and local conservation areas
  • Reduced municipal greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption
  • Promotion of sustainable transportation and improved waste management

  • Preservation of landscapes and the municipality's rural heritage — much of Austin's income comes from seasonal tourism
  • Economic development based on residential services, aligning with commercial development
  • Support for sustainable agriculture, partly through incorporating the recently adopted Memphremagog RCM agricultural development plan, which includes the land bank project 
  • Open, collaborative approach fostered cohesion in the community, to be more inclusive of people of all ages and to bolster cultural development and social/cultural activities
  • Dynamic, engaging environment that creates a stronger community and protects its environment, culture and heritage
  • More transparent governance 


  • This project required collaboration among and outside the traditional silos, so the various stakeholders' roles had to be clarified: elected officials, employees, committees, local groups, citizens.
  • Development of the action plan and the related urban plan review hit a recurring snag: the municipality's environmental stewardship role and the opposition between community property and private property. Austin had to insist on the concept of community property and sustainability (future generations, legacy, etc.) to overcome the perceived detriment to property rights.
  • The plan had to be flexible enough to incorporate new actions as the project advanced, and had to become a practical management aid.     

Lessons learned

  • Action plan development was supported by a number of innovative aspects that any municipality facing similar issues could use: consideration of the load capacity of land and water ecosystems; inclusion of stakeholders in the process; adaptation of the sustainable neighbourhoods concept for a rural community; participative strategic planning that incorporated municipal obligations and commitments.
  • To complete such a project, it is important to set up a team of specialists in various disciplines (geographer, biologist, urban planner, etc.) who work together with open minds.
  • Such a vast project requires many resources and involves substantial costs. The funding from FCM's Green Municipal Fund was very helpful.
  • The project's success depends largely on the elected officials' political support and commitment, and that of the municipal staff; it also requires them to accept change.
  • The project team, consisting of three environment professionals, was a determining factor in the project's success.

More information

Marie-Élaine Lacroix
Spécialiste et inspectrice en environnement
Municipality of Austin
T. 819-843-2388 x 229

Want to explore all GMF-funded projects? Check out the Projects Database for a complete overview of funded projects and get inspired by municipalities of all sizes, across Canada. 

Visit the projects database

Cover of guidebookEffectively communicating your municipality's redevelopment opportunities and incentive programs to property owners and developers is key to their success. This guide outlines steps to help you find and engage the right developers and collaborators for brownfields sites in Canadian cities and towns of all sizes.

Read this guide and learn how to:

  • Define your objectives and conduct market research to develop an effective marketing plan
  • Identify the right brownfield contact person for your municipality
  • Create compelling communication materials designed to drive action in developing your brownfield sites
  • Effectively engage and work with your target audience

The guide also includes case studies that offer creative ideas and practical examples that you can apply in your municipality.

The guide is designed for: Municipal staff, such as sustainability coordinators, planners, project managers, economic development officers and chief administrative officers, who are responsible for creating and implementing a brownfield strategy.

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Are you looking to meet the new federal Wastewater Systems Effluent Regulations in your municipality?

Join our webinar to learn proven practices to help you identify ways to optimize your existing wastewater treatment resources. Speakers from the Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change and the Grand River Conservation Authority will share lessons learned that you can apply in your municipality.

During the webinar, you'll:

  • Review best practices for data collection and management to make the best use of your current infrastructure, funding and people.
  • Identify how your municipality can use data to better manage your municipal assets, improve your processes and produce better effluent.

The webinar is intended for municipal staff and elected officials. It is presented in English only. 

It features two presentations:

Part 1: Development of training and programs to promote wastewater treatment optimization in Ontario

This presentation will identify lessons learned from a pilot program designed to promote optimization of wastewater treatment plants.


  • Aaron Law, Senior Program Analyst, Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change

Read the transcript.

Part 2: Optimizing wastewater treatment in the Grand River Watershed: Everybody wins!

This presentation will feature case studies that show how collecting the right data helps municipalities manage their assets better, ensure more stable process control and improve effluent quality.


  • Mark Anderson, Water Quality Engineer, Grand River Conservation Authority

Read the transcript.

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Brownfield redevelopment project revives a central neighbourhood

Working with a visionary developer, the Region of Waterloo and the City of Kitchener helped transform an industrial brownfield site in Kitchener's downtown into showcase offices, attracting tenants such as Google and reviving a central neighbourhood. 

Read the case study below to learn about project highlights, as well as the challenges and lessons learned that can help your community in planning similar projects.

Breithaupt Block project on former brownfield site, Region of Waterloo, ON, 2016 Sustainable Communities Award winner

About the project

Municipal population Project duration Total project value
569,000 2009–2015
  • Regional Municipality of Waterloo and City of Kitchener contribution: $1,559,993
  • Perimeter Development Corporation investment: $54M

The Region of Waterloo and the City of Kitchener, ON, worked closely with the Perimeter Development Corporation to turn an abandoned industrial block near its downtown into a technology-oriented office space. The project is bringing new jobs and life to a central neighbourhood.

The Breithaupt Block is located in Kitchener's city core close to a planned transit hub. The site, vacant since 2007, had century-old buildings with great renovation potential. However, both soil and groundwater on the site were contaminated with industrial pollutants including hydrocarbons, zinc and benzene. Perimeter bought the block in 2009, planning to transform it into high-quality office space. The city and region supported the development with grants to help cover environmental assessment and site remediation costs.

The development includes beautifully renovated historic brick and beam buildings and an energy- and water-efficient LEED® Gold addition. The project, which has attracted tech-focused tenants including Google, is generating job opportunities downtown and sparking new growth in the surrounding neighbourhood.


"This is the kind of thing that can happen when you redevelop brownfield sites, when you bring transportation and transit together, and create a livable, economically viable centre core part of the city."
— Regional Chair Ken Seiling

Office space with chair and glass walls at Breithaupt Block, Kitchener, ON

Green space, lawn and pedestrian walkways with buildings at Breithaupt Block, Kitchener, ON


Environmental Economic Social
  • Remediated contaminated site, reducing possible health risks
  • Increased energy, water efficiency with LEED Gold component
  • Reduced GHG emissions by promoting active transportation, discouraging use of cars
  • Reduces sprawl, increases density, makes better use of existing infrastructure
  • Expanded business tax base
  • Developed office space tailored to start-up businesses
  • Increased employment opportunities in downtown
  • Produced economic spin-off in local service industry
  • Preserved character and architectural heritage of the site
  • Introduced green space, pedestrian links between neighbourhood and transit hub
  • Created attractive community destination in residential neighbourhood
  • Contributed to community health and wellbeing


  • The Breithaupt Block needed a developer with vision. It was a challenging industrial site with vacant buildings and ponds of process water, but its location in a central neighbourhood and adjacent to a planned transit hub meant it could be pivotal for the city's redevelopment.
  • The first hurdle for the project was getting rid of heavy industrial machinery left on site by the previous owner. The developer found a recycling company that cleared the site in exchange for the value of the recycled material.
  • Coordinating the Breithaupt development with the region's light rail transit plans has been demanding, involving regular contact with representatives from Kitchener's planning department, two Region of Waterloo departments and the consortium building the transit system.

Lessons learned

  • Designate a single contact person from the municipality and ensure that there is regular communication between the developer and municipal staff.
  • Try to develop realistic expectations and timelines; brownfield redevelopment almost always takes more time and more money than you expect.
  • Be patient. Remediation takes time. Redevelopment takes time and reimbursing eligible expenses takes time.
  • Share your vision with the developer and try to ensure that all parties have the same understanding. Sharing a vision and philosophy for brownfield redevelopment goes a long way toward building trust and collaboration on a project.
  • Offer tax incentives for brownfield projects. Developers are more likely to tackle site remediation if they can recover a portion of the costs. It may also help them to negotiate project financing.
Partners and collaborators Project planning documents

More information

Peter Ellis, Planning, Development and Legislative Services
Region of Waterloo, Ontario
T. 519-575-4500 ext. 3112

Want to explore all GMF-funded projects? Check out the Projects Database for a complete overview of funded projects and get inspired by municipalities of all sizes, across Canada. 

Visit the projects database

The Building Blocks of Asset Management guideLooking to take your first step with asset management but don't know where to start? The Building Blocks of Asset Management guide was created to support communities in the early stages of establishing asset management practices. This step-by-step guide is geared toward those who are just getting started or at Level 1 on the Asset Management Readiness Scale.

Supports you along your asset management journey

Since no two communities are alike, this easy-to-use guide will help you move toward your asset management goals in a way that is unique to your municipality's needs.  

The guide outlines the steps you can take to start implementing asset management practices in five different competency areas: Policy and governance; People and leadership; Data and information; Planning and decision-making; and Contribution to asset management practice.

Get started today

Download the guide today and see how this tool can help your municipality get started on understanding the services your assets provide to your community, and best practices for caring for them over time.

Read the guide.

Watch the webinar: Getting started with asset management in your municipality

This webinar explores the steps municipalities can take to begin the early stages of asset management using FCM’s Building Blocks of Asset Management – A how-to guide for reaching Level 1 of FCM’s Asset Management Readiness Scale. Hear lessons learned from staff and elected officials in other municipalities about the competencies they have worked on, and their practices in caring for their assets over time.

During this webinar, you will:

  • Discover how your community can get started with asset management
  • Understand how to use FCM’s Building Blocks of Asset Management guide to reach Level 1 of FCM’s Asset Management Readiness Scale
  • Learn from other Canadian municipalities that have successfully achieved Level 1 in at least one competency


  • George Tomporowski, Mayor, Town of Shellbrook, SK
  • Brandy Losie, Administrator, Village of Loreburn, SK
  • Dominic Doucet, Directeur général, Municipalité de Saint-Ferdinand, QC
  • Michael Riseborough, Former Mayor and Chief Administrative Officer, Village of Haines Junction, YT

Read the transcript

Click here to view the video in YouTube and jump ahead to relevant topics.

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This resource was developed by the Municipal Asset Management Program(MAMP)

MAMP is designed to help Canadian municipalities strengthen their infrastructure investment decisions based on reliable data and sound asset management practices. This eight-year, $110-million program is funded by the Government of Canada and delivered by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities. It is being implemented in partnership with municipal, provincial and territorial associations and other key stakeholders.


ContentAre you looking for a self-assessment tool to help you assess your community's current asset management practices? The Asset Management Readiness Scale helps municipalities understand where they are starting from so they can adopt business practices that support better decisions about investing in infrastructure assets like roads, buildings and waste water systems. FCM's readiness scale is a tool you can use at all stages to identify where you can improve your asset management practices over time.

The readiness scale helps you to:

Asset Management Readiness Scale

  • Assess current asset management practices in your municipality
  • Identify opportunities to adopt new practices, or formalize asset management activities that you may already be doing into documented business practices
  • Measure and track the progress of your municipality's asset management practices and activities

The readiness scale is designed for staff and elected officials in any municipality or local government organization across Canada. Your municipality can use the scale as a framework to guide your actions to improve your asset management practices.

Download the Asset Management Readiness Scale

Download the Asset Management Readiness scale self-assessment tool (excel file)

Watch our webinar recording

This 15-minute video explains how to do a self-assessment using this tool. Learn more about the format of the scale and tips to make your self-assessment accurate and representative of all relevant municipal sectors.


Click here to view the video in YouTube and jump ahead to relevant topics.

The scale contains some technical terms and information. If your municipality requires support to complete it at any stage, you can contact us for help.

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This resource was developed by the Municipal Asset Management Program(MAMP)

MAMP is designed to help Canadian municipalities strengthen their infrastructure investment decisions based on reliable data and sound asset management practices. This eight-year, $110-million program is funded by the Government of Canada and delivered by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities. It is being implemented in partnership with municipal, provincial and territorial associations and other key stakeholders.


Icon of a clip board

Looking to get started on asset management in your municipality? Are you wondering how to get started?

There are many excellent asset management resources available in Canada. This list provides a sample of great asset management resources for beginners, as recommended by the Technical Working Group of the Municipal Asset Management Program.

Remember that your province or territory may have specific requirements, regulations, or approaches to asset management, so we encourage you to start with local resources if they are available. You can also look to your local asset management community of practice for more information. You can find definitions of common terms on the AM Concepts page.






*NEW* Asset management guide for BC First Nations

British Columbia First Nations

Guide, checklist, video

This asset management guide is designed to help First Nation communities sustainably manage their infrastructure assets over their full lifecycles. It introduces concepts, systems and tools to start a new asset management program, or to further develop an existing one.

*NEW* Managing Infrastructure Assets for Sustainable Development: A Handbook for Local and National Governments

United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA)


This handbook provides guidance and practical tools to assess needs, develop information systems, and creating an action plan for sustainable infrastructure asset management.

The Building Blocks of Asset Management - A how-to guide for reaching Level 1 of FCM's Asset Management Readiness Scale

FCM's Municipal Asset Management Program

Guide and webinar recording

The guide and webinar helps communities at early stages of asset management to take the first steps to reach Level 1 on the Asset Management Readiness Scale.

*UPDATED* Asset Management 101 Booklet and Web Portal

Canadian Network of Asset Managers (CNAM)

Guide and web portal

This guide and web portal details the initial steps to start asset management and advancing in the five competency areas.
Registration required (free)

Guide de gestion des actifs à l’intention des petites municipalités (available in French only)

Centre d’expertise et de recherche en infrastructures urbaines (CERIU)


This guide will help municipalities understand the concepts of asset management and the main steps to developing an AM policy, strategy and plan.

Guide à l'intention des élus concernant les infrastructures municipales (available in French only)

Centre d’expertise et de recherche en infrastructures urbaines (CERIU)


This municipal infrastructure guide for elected officials provides approaches for managing municipal assets like water and wastewater systems, stormwater and roadways.

Building Sustainable and Resilient Communities with Asset Management: An introduction for municipal leaders



This guide helps municipalities embed sustainability into asset management practices, including climate change considerations, to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery.

Asset Management for Sustainable Service Delivery: A BC Framework

Asset Management BC


This Framework establishes a high-level, systematic approach that supports local governments in moving toward service, asset and financial sustainability through an asset management process.

The Joy of Governing (your how-to guide for optimal governance)

Association of Yukon Communities (AYC)


The Joy of Governing was developed for small northern communities to enhance understanding of governance, leadership, and the link to asset management.  It is also available in Inuktitut.

Asset Management Getting Started Guide

Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Association (SUMA), Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities (SARM), Government of Saskatchewan


This guide will provide readers with fundamental information about asset management and how it can be used to help support municipal operations.






Asset Management: The Strategic Basics

Rural Municipalities of Alberta (RMA);  Alberta Urban Municipalities Association (AUMA);  Infrastructure Asset Management Alberta (IAMA)


This workbook helps elected officials gain an understanding of the benefits and trade-offs of asset management, the role of elected officials, using data for decision-making and communicating to the community.

Asset Management for Municipal Staff: The Technical Basics

Rural Municipalities of Alberta (RMA); Alberta Urban Municipalities Association (AUMA); Infrastructure Asset Management Alberta (IAMA)


This workbook provides municipal staff with information, exercises and reference material to help them understand asset management concepts and competencies, the asset data required, and the process of building an AM Plan.

Starting the asset management conversation with your municipal council: A communication tool

FCM's Municipal Asset Management Program


This presentation can be easily adapted and used to give municipal council an overview of asset management and its value to the municipality.

Getting Started Toolkit (User Guide and Excel Workbook)

Province of Alberta


The tools in this toolkit have been designed to help kick-start municipalities who are in the early stages of their asset management journey, or to support others with continuous improvement of their asset management programs.

Estimated Maximum Useful Life Table for Asset Management

Association of Yukon Communities (AYC)


These tables provide an estimated maximum useful life for tangible capital assets for the purposes of asset management and financial planning.






How to develop an asset management policy, strategy and governance framework: Set up a consistent approach to asset management in your municipality


Guide with examples

See section 2.5 for examples of AM plans.  See section 3.3 for examples of AM strategies and frameworks.  See section 4.7 for examples of governance structures

2015 Asset Management Handbook

Northern Rockies Regional Municipality, BC


This is an example of an AM Handbook from the Northern Rockies Regional Municipality in BC (population 4,800).

Asset management plan for the County of Northumberland, ON

County of Northumberland, ON


This is an example of an AM plan from the County of Northumberland, ON (population 85,000)

Asset Management Leadership Team Terms of Reference for Frankston City, Australia

Frankston City, Australia


This is an example of the terms of reference for Frankston City’s AM leadership team (population 134,000).

Videos and webinars





*NEW* The case for asset management: What is asset management?

PEMAC Asset Management Association of Canada

Video and guiding questions for leaders

The video provides senior leaders with an introduction to Asset Management, and the associated web page includes questions intended to enable leaders to engage in a conversation towards improvement within their municipality.

*NEW* Municipal Leadership Essentials: A Guide to Asset Management

Municipalities of Newfoundland and Labrador (MNL)

Webinar recording

This series of six webinars covers the “what” and “how” of asset management, the tools to implement AM, and how AM can support community planning and development.

*NEW* Understanding the Benefits and Clarifying Roles in Asset Management

WaterWolf Planning Inc. (WWP)

Webinar recording

This webinar and handout provides an overview of asset management and the importance of understanding the different roles of staff, administrators, and council members in implementing asset management processes.

Principles of Asset Management

Asset Management Ontario


This video describes the principles of asset management, why they are important, and the need for sound asset information to make decisions.

La gestion des actifs (available in French only)

Centre d’expertise et de recherche en infrastructures urbaines (CERIU)


This video explains the importance of asset management and the first steps that municipalities can take to get started.

Why invest in asset management?



This video explains how asset management can address many of the challenges faced by municipalities relating to service delivery through infrastructure.  

The Big Picture: The Asset Management Journey

Institute of Asset Management (IAM)


The Big Picture is a visual tool for starting conversations about asset management within your organisation as well as with customers, suppliers and wider stakeholders.

Practical advice for common AM challenges

FCM's Municipal Asset Management Program

Webinar recording

This webinar provides lessons and advice from municipalities on getting started in asset management, creating a team, using software, hiring a consultant, and taking an asset inventory.

The Building Blocks of Asset Management - A how-to guide for reaching Level 1 of FCM's Asset Management Readiness Scale

FCM's Municipal Asset Management Program

Guide and webinar recording

The guide and webinar helps communities at early stages of asset management to take the first steps to reach Level 1 on the Asset Management Readiness Scale.

Online courses





The Basics of Asset Management for Elected Officials

Nova Scotia Federation of Municipalities (NSFM)

Online course

This paid course is designed to provide elected officials with a clear understanding of asset management and how to use it to inform decision making and improve service delivery.

Registration and fee required

The Learning Path to Asset Management Readiness

Asset Management Saskatchewan (AMSK)

Online course

This paid online course provides an overview of AM concepts, such as levels of service, lifecycle costing and risk, to help small municipalities get started and advance in asset management.

Registration and fee required

Pourquoi se préoccuper de la gestion de ses actifs municipaux?  (Module 1) et

Les étapes du cycle de gestion des actifs municipaux (Module 2) (available in French only)

Fédération québécoise des municipalités (FQM), Centre d’expertise et de recherche en infrastructures urbaines (CERIU)

Online course

This free course includes a module about the principles and prerequisites of asset management, and a second module that explains the six steps in the asset management cycle.

Registration required (free)

Note: Different jurisdictions can have specific requirements for asset management plans, policies and strategies. For example, Ontario’s regulation O. Reg 588/17 lays out specific requirements for Ontario municipalities. It is always a good idea to check with your province, territory, municipal association, or local community of practice to see if there are specific requirements or approaches in your jurisdiction.

* “New” or “Updated” resource listings are as of September 2022.

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This resource was developed by the Municipal Asset Management Program(MAMP)

MAMP is designed to help Canadian municipalities strengthen their infrastructure investment decisions based on reliable data and sound asset management practices. This eight-year, $110-million program is funded by the Government of Canada and delivered by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities. It is being implemented in partnership with municipal, provincial and territorial associations and other key stakeholders.


It takes a consistent approach to planning and decision-making to properly manage municipal infrastructure assets. This guide will show you how to develop an asset management policy, strategy and governance framework for your Canadian municipality.
Learn how to develop asset management practices that are aligned with your municipality's strategic goals. You'll also learn: 

  • What an asset management system is and how its key components work together
  • How to develop the four pillars of your asset management system: a policy, strategy, framework and governance structure
  • Ways to communicate your approach to build support for asset management in all departments
  • Real-world examples from Canadian municipalities of all sizes that have developed asset management systems
  • How to integrate sustainability goals into your asset management practices  

This guide is designed for municipal staff and elected officials in Canadian cities and communities of all sizes.

Read the guide.

This free publication was created through FCM's Green Municipal Fund, funded by the Government of Canada.

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This resource was developed by the Municipal Asset Management Program(MAMP)

MAMP is designed to help Canadian municipalities strengthen their infrastructure investment decisions based on reliable data and sound asset management practices. This eight-year, $110-million program is funded by the Government of Canada and delivered by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities. It is being implemented in partnership with municipal, provincial and territorial associations and other key stakeholders.


When local governments combine asset management practices with climate change considerations, they are better able to address both their infrastructure needs and sustainability goals. 

Read this guide to learn why you should build sustainable practices into in your asset management approach, and how you can get started.  

In this guide, you will discover:

  • How a municipality's climate change goals and infrastructure planning objectives are related
  • How asset management can help your municipality solve infrastructure challenges and take action on climate change
  • Specific ways you can weave sustainable practices into all stages of infrastructure planning for assets such as roads, buildings and sanitation systems.

This guidebook is designed for municipal staff or elected officials in medium and large municipalities who are responsible for green projects or who are interested in municipal sustainable development.

Read the guide.

This free publication was created through FCM's Green Municipal Fund, funded by the Government of Canada.

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This resource was developed by the Municipal Asset Management Program(MAMP)

MAMP is designed to help Canadian municipalities strengthen their infrastructure investment decisions based on reliable data and sound asset management practices. This eight-year, $110-million program is funded by the Government of Canada and delivered by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities. It is being implemented in partnership with municipal, provincial and territorial associations and other key stakeholders.


This webinar series focuses on topics that were featured at FCM's 2018 Sustainable Communities Conference, which was held in Ottawa, ON, from February 6 to 8, 2018.

Is your municipality looking for sustainable solutions to waste management, to neighbourhood infrastructure retrofit or to asset management strategies? 

Our free webinar series will help you address these challenges and find innovative solutions that will significantly benefit your residents, the environment and your community. This includes:

  • Discovering creative solutions for communities of all sizes that you can apply to make your municipality more sustainable
  • Finding inspiration for your next initiative from managing your waste, to retrofitting car-dependent communities, to advancing your sustainability initiatives through effective asset management 

Retrofitting car-dependent communities

Is your community investigating ways to upgrade or update your ageing infrastructure? Are you looking to bring new life to car-dependent areas, including building walk and bike paths? This webinar explores how you can adapt your existing infrastructure to enable alternative and active modes of transportation, as well as the benefits to adapting this approach. Learn what type of sustainable transportation methods best fit your municipality's needs.


  • John Henderson, RPP, Housing Programs Administrator, Housing and Social Services Department, City of Kingston, ON
  • Sonya Meek, Senior Manager, Sustainable Neighbourhoods, Toronto Region Conservation Authority


Rideau Heights Regeneration — John Henderson

Read the transcript

Integrated Infrastructure Renewal - Lessons from SNAP — Sonya Meek 

Read the transcript

Asset management for sustainability experts

Managing your municipality's assets using an integrated approach can help you take efficient action on climate change and reduce its impacts on your municipality. In this free webinar, learn about asset management and approaches being currently used by Canadian municipalities. Find out how you can take on the effects of climate change with sound asset management practices, and how this can help your community better prepare for the future. 


  • Angela Danyluk, Sustainability Specialist, Planning, Urban Design & Sustainability, City of Vancouver, BC
  • Karina Richters, Supervisor, Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change, City of Windsor, ON
  • Kim Fowler, M.Sc., MCIP, RPP, Principal, Sustainability Makes Cents Consulting


Managing change: integrating sustainability & asset management — Angela Danyluk

Read the transcript

Embedding Climate Change (& Environmental Sustainability) in AM — Karina Richters

Read the transcript

Sustainability & Asset Management — Kim Fowler

Read the transcript

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