Municipal population Project duration Grant amount
1,494 November 2017–October 2018 $34,800

A desire to exercise greater control over its future inspired the Rural Municipality of Frenchman Butte No. 501 to move ahead with asset management. Nestled along the Alberta border and covering nearly 2,000 square kilometres of Saskatchewan, Frenchman Butte is home to approximately 1,500 people. Although agriculture is a mainstay of the economy, the oil-and-gas industry is increasingly important and several companies operate facilities in Frenchman Butte.

Frenchman Butte, No. 501, SK

“The industry has been great for the community,” says Rita Rogers, Frenchman Butte’s chief administrative officer. “More and more young people choose to stay and take advantage of employment opportunities, for instance, and property taxes from the industry account for more than 90 percent of municipal revenues. One of the downsides, though, is that many heavy trucks drive on our roads, increasing our maintenance costs.”

We need to designate heavy-haul roads and design maintenance policies based on current information about road conditions and traffic patterns.”
Rita Rogers, Frenchman Butte’s chief administrative officer

Rita Rogers is well versed in the planning challenges faced by rural municipalities. She worked for several of them — including Frenchman Butte — as a contractor before starting her current job in 2017, and also served on the Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities (SARM) sub-committee on asset management.

“To plan effectively, a municipality needs a sound understanding of the infrastructure they own, the condition it’s in and how it’s likely to be affected by future development,” she says. In 2017, Frenchman Butte launched a multi-stage initiative focused on asset management. A grant from the Municipal Asset Management Program, administered by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, enabled Frenchman Butte to start training its Reeve, six Councillors and a staff of eight people.

“Training helps everyone come to a shared understanding of our goals and how to achieve them,” says Rita Rogers. “It will also help us to develop and update plans for asset management and capital expenditures.” MAMP funding also enabled Frenchman Butte to draft an initial strategic plan, which is now before council. In the meantime, the rural municipality continues to meet regularly with representatives of adjacent jurisdictions to ensure that transportation networks remain effective. A working group meets quarterly to provide updates on new and anticipated developments.


This resource was developed by the Municipal Asset Management Program(MAMP)

MAMP is designed to help Canadian municipalities strengthen their infrastructure investment decisions based on reliable data and sound asset management practices. This eight-year, $110-million program is funded by the Government of Canada and delivered by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities. It is being implemented in partnership with municipal, provincial and territorial associations and other key stakeholders.


Want to explore all GMF-funded projects? Check out the Projects Database for a complete overview of funded projects and get inspired by municipalities of all sizes, across Canada. 

Visit the projects database

Watch this webinar recording to learn how your city or community can manage traffic congestion, reduce greenhouse gas emissions from vehicles and control costs of bussing students to school. Be inspired by the City of Kingston, ON, that addressed these challenges with a unique award-winning program which provides free transit passes to all high school students – along with on-bus orientation to teach students how to ride the bus and the benefits of public transit.

You will discover new best practices, helpful and accessible resources, including our free guidebook Engaging students to increase public transit ridership and other tools that could help you to undertake a similar initiative in your community.


  • Daniel Hendry, Sustainable Initiatives Coordinator, Limestone District School Board
  • Jeremy DaCosta, Director, Transit and Fleet Services, Kingston Transit, City of Kingston

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The Green Municipal Fund is accelerating a transformation to resilient, net-zero communities. Our unique mix of funding and capacity building delivers clear environmental, economic and social impact—creating better lives for people in Canada. GMF manages approximately $2.4B in programs funded by the Government of Canada.

Learn more about the Green Municipal Fund

Decorative icon


sustainability projects approved

Decorative icon

$1.6 billion

worth of approved sustainability projects

Decorative icon

2.9 million

tonnes of greenhouse gases avoided

Community wide icon


person-years of national employment

financial tool icon

$1.24 billion

contributed to the national GDP

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Our expert training and resources are tailored to the sustainability needs of Canadian municipalities—no matter where they're starting from. Access our resource library for practical, hands-on tools to help you address your municipality’s unique sustainability challenges. Discover our events library to register for upcoming webinars, training sessions and peer-to-peer learning.

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Adaptation in Action coaching

This guide provides step-by-step information and tools for building a partnership between your municipality and school boards, engaging stakeholders and implementing a student transit pass program.

It shares the story and lessons learned from the City of Kingston, ON and its Transit High School Bus Pass Program, which won a 2018 FCM Sustainable Communities Award. The program provides free transit passes to all high school students along with on-bus orientation to teach students how to ride the bus and the benefits of public transit.

In this guide, learn how to:

  • Engage stakeholders, form strong partnerships and build your team.
  • Design a program to fit your community.
  • Implement the program through a coordinated effort by schools and the transit authority.
  • Measure and report results, and share your story with others.

This guide is designed for school district staff and school board commissioners, municipal staff, including transit authority personnel, transit planners, sustainability coordinators, as well as municipal elected officials who want to take action to increase transit use in their community.

Read the guide.

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Watch our webinar recordings to learn how Canadian municipalities of all sizes are lowering contamination rates in their recyclable materials, improving recycling systems and the quality of recyclables to meet changes in international regulations around plastic waste.

Webinar #1: A circular economy approach to plastics: A review of global case studies

Presented with the National Zero Waste Council and the Smart Prosperity Institute, this webinar recording explores plastics management through the lens of circular economy, examining how organisations and countries around the world have revolutionised traditional waste management to benefit their community.


  • Stephanie Cairns, Director of Cities & Communities | Circular Economy, Smart Prosperity Institute


  • Andrea Crump, Circular Economy Policy and Projects Officer, London Waste and Recycling Board, United Kingdom
  • Peter Skelton, Strategic Partnerships Manager, WRAP Global, United Kingdom

Read the transcript

Webinar #2: Toward a circular economy for plastics: Canadian perspectives and approaches

Discover how Canadian municipalities are eliminating plastic waste in their communities by adopting a circular economy approach in our webinar recording. You’ll also learn how you can identify solutions, opportunities and challenges in your community when taking on this challenge. Hosted in collaboration with the National Zero Waste Council and Smart Prosperity Institute.


  • Christina Seidel, Co-Chair, Circular Economy Working Group, National Zero Waste Council and Executive Director, Recycling Council of Alberta


  • Chris Lindberg, Head of the Circular Economy Unit, Plastics Initiative, Environment and Climate Change Canada, Government of Canada
  • Charlotte Ueta, Acting Manager, Waste Management Planning, Solid Waste Management Services Division, City of Toronto, ON
  • Annette Synowiec, Acting Manager, Business Operations and Change Initiatives, Solid Waste Management Services Division, City of Toronto, ON

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Webinar #3: Raising recycling awareness through education initiatives

In our webinar recording, learn how you can get the word out to your residents to encourage better recycling practices through programs and other education initiatives to improve your community’s recycling rates.


  • Andrew Duffield, Director, Sustainable Development, City of Beaconsfield, QC
  • Michael Dipasquale, Supervisor, Waste Operations, Waste & Environmental Management Department, City of Markham, ON

Read the transcript   

Webinar #4: Partnering with your sorting centre: How to optimize plastic waste management

See how some Canadian municipalities have successfully collaborated with their local waste sorting centres, and learn how you can apply the same principles to create an efficient and beneficial partnership between your community and your sorting centre, as well as lower your contamination rates in our webinar recording.


  • Janine Piller, Waste Diversion Supervisor, City of St. John’s, NL
  • Dwight Whynot, CEO, Scotia Recycling

Read the transcript

Webinar #5: Closing the loop: From plastics to products

This webinar recording focuses on Canadian and foreign innovative technologies that process plastic waste ultimately fostering local and circular economy. We also examine current trends and promising technologies from Canada and globally.


  • Maggy Hinse, Environment Advisor, City of Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, QC
  • Virginie Bussières, Vice-President of Communications, Marketing and Government Relations, Pyrowave

Read the transcript

The first two sessions were hosted in collaboration with the National Zero Waste Council, the Smart Prosperity Institute, as well as FCM’s Green Municipal Fund. GMF is funded by the Government of Canada. 

National Zero Waste Council logo.   Smart Prosperity Institute logo.    Government of Canada watermark.

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InfraGuide: National guide to sustainable municipal infrastructure is a collection of technical best practices and principles to help better inform municipal staff and decision-makers in infrastructure management. 

Based on Canadian expertise and research, InfraGuide addresses key areas in infrastructure planning, providing a range of resources from highly technical guides to strategic planning tools. Technical staff can explore the principles and best practices in their specific areas of work, while senior managers, CAOs and elected officials can better understand the principles and governance structures that support better infrastructure planning and maintenance.

Find documents relevant to your municipality’s needs

Access reports designed to help you maximize returns on your community’s infrastructure investment, while being mindful of the social and environmental implications of those decisions. These tools support sustainable municipal infrastructure decisions and actions in seven key areas:

InfraGuide was developed by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and the National Research Council, and funded by the Government of Canada.

More about InfraGuide

Developed between 2001 - 2006, InfraGuide is the collaborative effort of a network of 200 volunteers from across the country, including municipal staff, researchers and other experts. While infrastructure management practices and technology have continuously evolved since these documents were developed, many of these best practices continue to be relevant today. FCM makes these resources available so the sector can continue to build on this work.

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This resource was developed by the Municipal Asset Management Program(MAMP)

MAMP is designed to help Canadian municipalities strengthen their infrastructure investment decisions based on reliable data and sound asset management practices. This eight-year, $110-million program is funded by the Government of Canada and delivered by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities. It is being implemented in partnership with municipal, provincial and territorial associations and other key stakeholders.


Can nature’s own water management processes effectively deal with stormwater runoff in urban environments? The Town of Okotoks, AB, and its partners have proven that it can. Their Living Soils Filtration Project uses different soils and plants to capture, filter and disperse stormwater, which improves water quality, increases green space, enhances biodiversity and reduces the risks from extreme climate events.

Project demonstrates green infrastructure benefits

The project is an example of Low Impact Development (LID), or green infrastructure, which uses the natural water management processes. The site’s main bioretention bed (also known as a rain garden) is a 3,600-square metre riparian buffer that uses native plants and permeable soils to store, filter and manage stormwater. The system removes excess nutrients to improve water quality and decreases the flow rate of the water released into the river ecosystem, reducing the risk of flooding.

Less costly natural system benefits residents, the environment

Improving water management at the site moderates the risks and effects of extreme climate events. Restoring native vegetation increases soil stability, promotes biodiversity and creates an enjoyable green space for residents. The green space will be toured by school age children as part of the project’s Environmental Education Centre. The initiative also respects and enhances an existing site of cultural significance to a local First Nations community.

Partnership generates research and knowledge for other communities

This initiative is a collaboration between the Town, the Universities of Calgary and Victoria, the City of Calgary and regional partners. University researchers at the site are examining two types of research, the performance of different soils and vegetation to clean and filter stormwater, and convert methane to CO2 and water—research that is expected to benefit other communities interested in similar projects.

FCM’s Sustainable Communities Awards recognize and celebrate sustainability leaders and trailblazers in municipalities of all sizes across Canada.

Want to explore all GMF-funded projects? Check out the Projects Database for a complete overview of funded projects and get inspired by municipalities of all sizes, across Canada. 

Visit the projects database

The City of Kingston, ON, won a 2018 Sustainable Communities Award for a creative project that successfully encouraged teens to use public transit. The initiative also received FCM's inaugural Inspire Award for the project that best demonstrates creativity and innovation, as decided by a live vote of delegates at FCM's Sustainable Communities Conference.

This guide is based on their experience and explains how to develop a high-quality sustainability project. It’s designed for municipal staff and decision makers, and contains award-winning strategies and questions to help your community get started on your own initiative. Discover best practices that can help your municipality:

  • Increase students’ use of public transit
  • Influence transit use through education and awareness
  • Give students more independence
  • Create a change in behaviour that lasts into adulthood
  • Save families money compared to driving
  • Increase teens’ access to activities and jobs

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Want to learn more about this award-winning project? Read the case study

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Project guide

The Town of Okotoks, AB, won a 2018 Sustainable Communities Award for an innovative project that uses natural systems to manage stormwater runoff. This guide is based on their experience and explains how to develop a high-quality sustainability project. It’s designed for municipal staff and decision makers, and contains award-winning strategies and questions to help your community get started on your own initiative. Discover best practices that can help your municipality:

  • Use natural stormwater management techniques
  • Save money compared to using engineered systems
  • Collaborate with other organizations or stakeholders
  • Mitigate risks from flooding and extreme weather
  • Protect and enhance natural resources

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Want to learn more about this award-winning project? Read the case study

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Project guide

The Regional District of Kitimat-Stikine, BC, won a 2018 Sustainable Communities Award for its modern waste management facility that is a model for other small and rural communities. This guide is based on their experience and explains how to develop a high-quality sustainability project. It’s designed for municipal staff and decision makers, and contains award-winning strategies and questions to help your community get started on your own initiative. Discover best practices that can help your municipality:

  • Divert more organics and recyclables from landfill
  • Implement curbside collection to maximize waste diversion
  • Extend the life of your existing landfill
  • Encourage local contractors to bid on your project
  • Create local, long-term employment opportunities
  • Involve stakeholders to strengthen the project

Read the guide  

Want to learn more about this award-winning project? Read the case study

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