Displaying 431 - 436 of 436 Results
Case Study
transportation Transportation

Small municipality faces its challenges head-on

The urban-rural Town of Minto developed an integrated sustainable community plan to help it meet the challenges of slow population growth and a shortage of jobs.
New apartment buildings made of red brick and glass balconies.
Case Study
Community efficiency financing Community efficiency financing
energy Energy

Residential energy programs overcome barriers to financing retrofits in Toronto

Toronto's Home Energy Loan Program (HELP) and High-Rise Retrofit Improvement Support Program (Hi-RIS) provide low-interest, long-term loans to finance energy and water efficiency retrofits for private residential buildings.
Energy Resources
Webinar recording
water Water

Webinar recording: Managing stormwater through low impact development

Learn how to use green stormwater infrastructure, or low impact development, as an affordable alternative to grey stormwater infrastructure in your community.

Water from a tap circling a drain.
Case Study

Case study: 2016 FCM Sustainable Communities Awards — Neighbourhood Development Project

When the Village of Marwayne was faced with a failing water system in a faltering downtown, it repaired its aging infrastructure and took a giant leap forward in terms of community renewal. Now Center Street is a draw for crowds and a boon for business. Supported by FCM's Green Municipal Fund.
Case Study

Case study: County of Lambton Integrated Community Sustainability Plan

The County of Lambton developed an Integrated Community Sustainability Plan (ICSP) to identify its environmental, social and economic goals, and determine the ways in which it will achieve them.
