Displaying 401 - 410 of 436 Results
Case Study
water Water

Case study: New Chatham-Kent wastewater treatment facility reduces E. coli

With its new wastewater treatment plant, Chatham-Kent expanded treatment capacity and dramatically reduced E. coli in effluent. Learn more in this case study.
Man testing water
land use Land Use

Brownfield Roadmap: New Brunswick

Use this easy-to-follow path to navigate the processes, legislative framework and funding for redeveloping brownfields in New Brunswick.

Case Study
water Water

Case study: Prince Edward County’s new facility uses full cost recovery approach

To help meet phosphorus discharge targets set by the Bay of Quinte Remedial Action Plan and to sustainably handle both projected growth in the Picton-Hallowell urban area and septage from residents in the surrounding rural areas, Prince Edward County, ON, constructed a new pumping station and a new wastewater treatment plant (WWTP).
L'eau d'un robinet entourant un drain.
land use Land Use

Report: Leadership in Brownfield Renewal Program Annual Review

Discover brownfield redevelopment initiatives and advancements in Canadian municipalities made during the Leadership in Brownfield Renewal program's inaugural year.

Webinar recording
land use Land Use

Webinar recording: Ideas to move brownfield projects forward

Join this webinar to get practical ideas for working with partners and community groups to bring abandoned properties back into productive use.

Leaves on a tree
Webinar recording
water Water

Webinar recording: Wastewater best practices, strategies and solutions

Watch the webinar recordings from our three-part, online workshop series on wastewater best practices, strategies and solutions for Canadian municipalities.

Water from a tap circling a drain.
Case Study
Local energy generation Local energy generation
energy Energy

Case study: Greg Gaudet, City of Summerside, PEI

Case Study
waste Waste

Case study: 2016 FCM Sustainable Communities Awards — Waste Program

The City of Saint-Hyacinthe completed all research and development for its new biogas facility, without the assistance of external consultants. The project, a first in Quebec, helps resolve the challenge of managing large amounts of waste while generating revenue at the same time.
waste Waste

Guide: Sustainable Neighbourhood Development

This guide, Sustainable Neighbourhood Development: Practical Solutions to Common Challenges, is designed to help you re-imagine your municipality's approach to planning, development and regulation.

report cover
Case Study
transportation Transportation

2016 FCM Sustainable Communities Awards — Transportation Project

Three major upgrades to Vancouver's cycling and pedestrian network have created a seamless active transportation corridor running from the city's western neighbourhoods and across the Burrard Bridge to the downtown core.
Leaves on a tree
