Integrated Community Sustainability Plan

The Town of Gander

The Town of Gander grew by 11 per cent between 2006 and 2011 — about  100 housing starts a year over the past five years.

This growth is straining Gander's infrastructure, particularly the town's sewage system. It is also increasing land and housing prices, creating affordability and availability issues, especially for first-time buyers and young families.

The town developed integrated community sustainability plan that addresses these growth issues. 


Environmental Economic Social
  • Improves sewage collection and treatment
  • Expands backyard composting program
  • Pilots litter control project
  • Improves sidewalks to encourage walking and reduce GHG emissions
  • Provides for new multi-purpose facility that will increase trade show and sports tournament capacity

  • Provides an accessible transportation plan for the disabled
  • Adds linkages to the town's trail system, encouraging people to walk and cycle


  • Financing some of the initiatives contained in the plan
  • Marrying the town's 2009 strategic plan to the sustainability plan
  • Ensuring that sustainability initiatives go forward

Lessons learned

  • Integrate the next sustainability plan with the town's strategic plan.
  • Consider the option of a regional sustainability plan.

Partners and collaborators 

Project contact

Jake Turner
Chief Administrative Officer
Gander, NL
T. 709-651-5920

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