Displaying 311 - 320 of 436 Results
land use Land Use

Brownfield Roadmap: Prince Edward Island

Use this easy-to-follow path to navigate the processes, legislative framework and funding for redeveloping brownfields in Prince Edward Island.

Case Study
transportation Transportation

Case study: Ways Ottawa increases cycling with green transit options

Follow Ottawa's lead and integrate transit and cycling to increase bike use year-round.
man riding bicycle
Case Study
waste Waste

Case study: How Saint-Hyacinthe turns organic waste into biogas and revenue

Learn how a Quebec community creates biogas plus environmental and economic benefits from organic waste.
City of Saint Hyacinthe vehicles that are fuelled by natural gas
Case Study
energy Energy

Case study: Innovative projects prepare older Brampton suburbs for climate change

Learn how Brampton, ON, is preparing its older suburbs for climate change.
Decorative icon
Case Study
Municipal and community buildings Municipal and community buildings
energy Energy

Case study: Why net-zero energy buildings reduce emissions and costs for communities

This article is part of a series called Six sustainability ideas that have gone mainstream in Canada.
Solar panel
Case Study
land use Land Use

Ladysmith Waterfront Brownfield Study

The Town of Ladysmith commissioned three studies of contamination at a former industrial site on its waterfront, to review options for remediation.
yellow backhoe on jobsite
Case Study
land use Land Use

Phase II Environmental Site Assessment and Remedial Action Plan, Cooper Site

As part of a plan to build a University of Waterloo satellite campus next to its downtown core, the City of Stratford completed a Phase II Environmental Site Assessment and Remedial Action Plan for the Cooper Site, a 7-hectare former industrial site.
yellow backhoe on jobsite
Case Study
energy Energy

Case study: Saint John explores options for district energy system

The City of Saint John studied the feasibility of a district energy system to serve buildings in the downtown area. These systems distribute thermal energy from a central facility to heat and cool multiple buildings.
City of Saint John, NB
Case Study
land use Land Use

Case study: Community Sustainability Plan

The Town of Ladysmith developed a Sustainable Action Plan that provides the framework for sustainable prosperity throughout the 21st century. Adopting the plan is an important step toward achieving the Town's Sustainability Vision, which it developed in 2008-2009.
New apartment buildings made of red brick and glass balconies.
Case Study
land use Land Use

District moves to revitalize downtown neighbourhood

To revive a downtown drained of stores and shoppers by malls on the highway that has skirted the community since 1990, the district of West Kelowna drafted a 25-year plan to remake the central Westbank Centre neighbourhood as a pedestrian-friendly place to live, work and play.
New apartment buildings made of red brick and glass balconies.
