Displaying 281 - 290 of 436 Results
Case Study
Municipal and community buildings Municipal and community buildings
energy Energy

Case study: Kingston explores retrofits for 37 buildings

The City of Kingston audited energy and water use in 37 municipal buildings, looking for ways to reduce consumption.
municipal building
Case Study
energy Energy

District energy system is viable for city centre

The City of Surrey studied the feasibility of a district energy system (DES) for its new civic centre and its growing central business area.
Row of energy meters.
Case Study
water Water

Case study: Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrading

The coastal town of St. Andrews in southwest New Brunswick has upgraded its wastewater treatment plant to meet environmental standards, improve the quality of life for residents, and create capacity for growth.
Water from a tap circling a drain.
Case Study
land use Land Use

Industrial building gets green light for community use

As part of a plan to revitalize the community's waterfront, the Squamish Oceanfront Development Corp. did soil and groundwater tests to see whether an old warehouse known as the Blue Barn could be used as an art, culture and heritage centre.
yellow backhoe on jobsite
Case Study
water Water

Case study: Guelph tests home grey water recycling systems

To find further ways to conserve its finite groundwater resources, the City of Guelph studied a residential greywater reuse system that flushes residential toilets with water from showers and baths.
Decorative icon
land use Land Use

Tool: Benefits of Sustainable Brownfield Activities

Cleaning up contaminants and redeveloping a brownfield site can bring communities a number of environmental, economic and social benefits. You can achieve even greater benefits by incorporating sustainable approaches throughout the site remediation and risk management activities.

yellow backhoe on jobsite
Case Study
water Water

1970s sewage treatment system gets an overhaul

To cut pollution threatening fish and groundwater, the Municipality of the District of Argyle updated sewage-treatment facilities in the seaside village of West Pubnico with screens and ultraviolet light that disinfects effluent before releasing it into Lobster Bay.
Water from a tap circling a drain.
Case Study
water Water

Wastewater Capacity Improvements

The rapidly growing City of Cranbrook has upgraded its wastewater systems to improve effluent quality, reduce operating costs, cut GHG emissions and allow for population growth over the next 20 years.
Water from a tap circling a drain.
land use Land Use

Tool: Sustainable Remediation and Risk Management Options

Any technique that remediates or manages the risk of contamination at a site has an environmental benefit as it eliminates or reduces exposure to contaminants. Some techniques, however, are more sustainable than others.

yellow backhoe on jobsite
Case Study
Local energy generation Local energy generation
energy Energy

Case study: Vancouver Island community studies tidal power

The City of Campbell River studied the feasibility of using tidal energy to generate electricity. It hoped to install a small demonstration turbine at the municipal pier.
Vancouver coastline with mountains in the background
