This is part of a series of case studies on wastewater projects funded by the FCM's Green Municipal Fund. Each case study provides technical information, project details and tips on best practices.

Project overview

The Municipality of the District of Argyle, NS, upgraded its wastewater treatment system, replacing its aerated lagoon with a sequence batch reactor and adding ultraviolet disinfection technology and a dewatering sludge management system. The expansion of the sewer system had been delayed because the chlorine disinfection chambers of the 30-year-old plant could no longer consistently clean wastewater to comply with anti-pollution standards.

The upgrades will allow the municipality to expand its sewer system to homes with septic tanks, reducing the risk that groundwater contamination from septic tanks will make drinking water unsafe. Additional plant updates include an energy-efficient wastewater heating system that will lower plant energy costs, as well as a final sludge drying process that will make sewage solids less costly to truck away. 

Figure depicting the District of Argyle, NS, wastewater project timeline  Figures depicting the population served by District of Argyle, NS, wastewater initiative and its budget  Figure depicting the improvement in water quality resulting from the District of Argyle, NS, wastewater initiative

Reasons for the project

  • The water treatment system was not compliant with limits set for biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and total suspended solids (TSS) by the Nova Scotia Environment (formally known as Nova Scotia Department of Environment and Labour) and the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment. 

Best practices and key lessons

The municipality's experience with this project demonstrates some best practices and key lessons that can inform similar projects.

Optimize long-term returns on investment

  • To save energy, the municipality chose a gravity dewatering system (a geo-tube system) rather than a system driven by mechanical force (a Fournier Rotary Press).
  • A cost-benefit analysis of multiple treatment options would help in selecting the appropriate technologies, allocating sufficient funds for biosolids disposal and lowering true operating costs for the municipality.

Include contingencies in the project budget and schedule

  • It is important to research the full cost of a project in advance and prepare accurate cost estimates to ensure that sufficient funds are set aside. For wastewater capital projects, make sure the tenders received allocate sufficient funds to complete the project as designed and avoid a change of plans mid-stream.
  • The third-party costs for disposing of liquid sludge in the first year of operations were high, but the service was necessary while the geo-tube dewatering system was designed and installed. 

View of West Pubnico Water Treatment Facility Site in District of Argyle, NS.
View of West Pubnico Water Treatment Facility Site in District of Argyle, NS. (Credit: Brad d'Entremont) 

Project benefits

This project yielded a number of environmental, social and economic benefits. 

Environmental benefits

  • Lower energy use: A heat recovery system reduces energy consumption.
  • Improved wastewater quality: Effluent quality has improved with the new treatment process.
  • Reduced hazardous residuals: A UV disinfection process is now used instead of chlorination.
  • Ecosystem protection: By improving the quality of effluent released into the ocean, the upgraded system will protect shellfish (an important municipal economic resource) and biodiversity.

Social benefits

  • Improved public health: The upgrades promote human health by protecting the municipality's groundwater resources and minimizing wastewater infiltration.
  • Improved public space: The upgrades have reduced odor emissions, and the upgraded plant is more visually appealing.

Economic benefits

  • Increased employment: One full-time position was created as well as one part-time position.
  • Support for residential growth: Greater wastewater treatment capacity will better support community growth.
  • More efficient staff operations: A SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition) system has been installed for monitoring purposes. 

Pie chart depicting the funding breakdown for the District of Argyle, NS, wastewater initiative.

Technical highlights

This project was a new facility. Technical highlights are current as of 2013.

Municipal population: 8,252

Urban/rural: rural


  • Before: Aerated lagoon
  • After: Sequencing batch reactor


  • Before: Chlorine disinfection system
  • After: UV disinfection system

Biosolids management

  • Before: Biosolids removed from lagoons periodically, as necessary, and sent to landfill
  • After: Sludge thickened and disposed of in abandoned landfill

Annual average daily flow (AADF)

  • Before: 0.39 MLD (million litres per day)
  • After: 0.51 MLD

Design capacity

  • Before: 0.65 MLD
  • After: 0.91 MLD

Per cent of total capacity used for AADF

  • Before: 60 per cent 
  • After: 56 per cent 

Total suspended solids (TSS)

  • Before: 54 mg/L
  • After: 6 mg/L

Project contact information

John Sullivan
Director, Public Works and Property Inspection
Municipality of the District of Argyle, NS
T. 902-648-2623  

Alain Muise
Chief Administrative Officer
Municipality of the District of Argyle, NS
T. 902-648-3293

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This is part of a series of case studies on wastewater projects funded by the FCM's Green Municipal Fund. Each case study provides technical information, project details and tips on best practices.

Project overview

The Village of St. Louis, SK, upgraded its sewage collection and treatment system to comply with regulatory standards, improve water quality and support the community's growth and sustainability. The project team replaced the municipality's two gravity-fed septic tanks with a new facility, including a facultative lagoon, force mains to carry wastewater downstream from the discharge point, and two sewage pumping stations. 

The figure illustrates the timeline of the initiative in the Village of St. Louis, SK.  The first part of the figure illustrates the population served by the wastewater initiative. In the Village of St. Louis, SK, the wastewater treatment plant serves 449 people. The second part of the figure illustrates the budget of the initiative. The amount required to complete the initiative was projected to be $2.7 million. The amount actually required was $1.9 million. The initiative was under budget by $0.8 million.  The figure shows the Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) in the water treated by the Village of St. Louis, SK, initiative. Before the initiative, the BOD was 102 mg/L. After the initiative, the BOD decreased by 91% to 9 mg/L.

Reasons for the project

  • The system was upgraded to ensure compliance with Section 16 of the 2002 Saskatchewan water regulations.

Innovative aspects of the project

  • Biosolids are used as fertilizer for local farms.

Best practices and key lessons

The municipality's experience with this project demonstrates some best practices and key lessons that can inform similar projects.

Engage early and broadly

  • A pre-project public meeting provided the opportunity for residents to give their opinions and feedback to municipal authorities. The village used public hearings and mail to keep residents informed.

Use effective communications and project management 

  • Extensive and proactive communication with partners allowed for efficient permit issuance, financing and other administrative processes.
  • To avoid delays in the construction schedule, consider special environmental factors as well as surveying and purchasing land early.

View of facultative lagoon for St Louis, SK, wastewater treatment facility. (Credit: Village of St. Louis)
View of facultative lagoon for St Louis, SK, wastewater treatment facility. (Credit: Village of St. Louis)

Project benefits

This project yielded a number of environmental, social and economic benefits. 

Environmental benefits

  • Improved effluent quality: The quality of the treated wastewater is expected to improve significantly (approximately 60 per cent) as a result of the new treatment process.
  • Change in energy use and greenhouse gas emissions: The use of heavy trucks to dispose of sewage has been reduced. This reduction in energy use and GHG emissions is offset by the energy required for mechanical pumping at the new facultative sewage treatment lagoon. The net change has not been verified. 

Social benefits

  • Protection of public health: Improved wastewater quality positively impacts the health of residents.
  • Increased opportunities for recreational activities: With reduced effluent discharge, residents adjacent to the South Saskatchewan River will be able to engage in recreational activities on the river and in the surrounding area.
  • Increased public education: The project has increased public awareness of environmental and infrastructure issues.
  • Enables community revitalization: In light of the increased capacity of the wastewater treatment system and the improved quality of treated wastewater, this project supports community growth and contributes to the overall sustainability of St. Louis.

Economic benefits

  • Improved conditions for tourism: A cleaner waterfront increases the city's ability to attract tourists, who generate revenue for area businesses.
  • Reduced maintenance costs: The new wastewater treatment system will require fewer repairs in the long term.
  • Increased potential to attract new business: Since the new system can support new connections, St. Louis will now be able to support expansion of new or existing businesses and commercial entities.
  • Increased potential to attract new residents: This project supports community growth and two new residential subdivisions have already been built.
  • Local economic development: A new grocery store was able to open because of the increased capacity of the wastewater treatment system to support local businesses. This project indirectly led to new job creation.  

The figure uses a pie chart to show the funding breakdown of Village of St. Louis, SK, wastewater initiative by source of funding. This includes: provincial: 33%; federal: 33% ; GMF loan: 31% ; and GMF grant: 3%.

Technical highlights

This project was a new facility. Technical highlights are current as of 2012.

Municipal population: 449

Urban/rural: rural


  • Before: Septic tank
  • After: Facultative lagoon


  • Before: None  — N/A (With the previous septic tank system, no data was available.)
  • After: None  — 47 CFU/100 mL

Biosolids management:

  • Before: Biosolids were collected and hauled for deposit as fertilizer material for area farms.
  • After: Biosolids in the lagoon will be dredged approximately every 10 years and deposited as fertilizer material.

Annual average daily flow (AADF)

  • Before: 0.16 MLD (million litres per day)
  • After: 0.12 MLD

Design capacity

  • Before: N/A
  • After: 0.21 MLD

Per cent of total capacity used for AADF

  • Before: N/A  
  • After: 76 per cent 

Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)

  • Before: 65 mg/L
  • After: 10 mg/L

Project contact information

Robin Boyer
Municipal Administrator
Village of St. Louis, SK
T. 306-422-8471

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Over 1.25 million bike trips have been counted on Laurier Avenue West since the City of Ottawa, ON, implemented the province's first downtown segregated bicycle lanes in July 2011.

Laurier Avenue Segregated Bike Lane Project

Population: Project duration: Total project value:
900,000 July 2011–July 2013 $1.1 million


Over 1.25 million bike trips have been counted on Laurier Avenue West since the City of Ottawa, ON, implemented the province's first downtown segregated bicycle lanes in July 2011. Launched as a pilot project, the new bike lanes were declared a success in July 2013 and are now a permanent feature.

The 1.5-kilometre stretch along Laurier falls under a larger plan to create a 12-kilometre East-West Bikeway and increase Ottawa's cycling mode share from approximately two-and-a-half per cent to five per cent. The bike lanes along this busy street are separated from vehicle traffic by concrete curbs, plastic poles and decorative planter boxes. The project includes several elements that are new to Ontario, including durable green thermoplastic road paint to support a two-stage left-turn system and special yield signs for right-turning motor vehicles. Signal lights now include a green arrow to allow cyclists a head start through intersections. An extensive public communications initiative includes project monitoring via bicycle counters that upload cycling data to a public website on a daily basis. A state-of-the-art video monitoring system identifies near collisions and safety issues. 


Environmental Economic Social
  • Cycle mode share in the downtown area increased from 4% to 7%

  • Cycling trips along the street quadrupled from 700 to 2,800 per day

  • Fewer cars on Laurier with no increase in traffic volume on adjacent streets

  • Reduced roadway operation and maintenance expenses

  • Fewer collisions, with reduced personal injury costs

  • Potential for increased economic activity with more people using the street

  • Easier and safer cycling in a busy mixed-traffic environment

  • More active and animated neighbourhood with more people using the street

  • High community interest in establishing permanent bike lanes


  • Initially the city chose slightly narrower lanes to accommodate roadway width constraints, but these were too narrow for cyclists to pass each other safely. 
  • The city had to remove 122 parking spaces from Laurier Ave. Although 144 spaces were added on adjacent streets, businesses resisted the loss of direct parking on Laurier, and the city launched a publicity campaign to inform people of the new parking spots.
  • To keep the pilot project cost-efficient, the city used pre-cast curbs rather than temporary markers. The curb buffers were too high and resulted in some pedestrians tripping over them.

Lessons learned

  • Engage all stakeholders early and often to develop consensus. 
  • Provide lanes wide enough for cyclists to pass one another safely (a minimum of two metres).
  • If feasible, pour concrete to raise bike lanes to the same height as the sidewalk.
  • Consider the impacts to on-street parking, loading areas, taxi stands and accessibility; and develop a parking mitigation strategy with an associated communications plan.


Project Contact

Colin Simpson
Senior Project Manager, Transportation Strategic Planning Unit
City of Ottawa, ON
T. 613-580-2424, ext. 27881

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This is part of a series of case studies on wastewater projects funded by the FCM's Green Municipal Fund. Each case study provides technical information, project details and tips on best practices.

Project overview

The City of Brockville, ON, upgraded its wastewater treatment facility to add secondary treatment using the conventional activated sludge process. The city also replaced the plant's chlorine disinfection system with an ultraviolet disinfection system.

The project team modified the facility to accommodate secondary treatment, improve control and monitoring, address existing shortfalls and make the facility more energy-efficient. The project improved control and monitoring with the addition of four automated sensors to monitor effluent turbidity, flow, pH and ammonia levels. The secondary treatment process includes energy-efficient technology and meets energy-efficiency standards of the LEED® rating system. 

Figure depicting the City of Brockville, ON, wastewater project timeline.  Figures depicting the population served by City of Brockville, ON, wastewater initiative and its budget.  Figure depicting the improvement in water quality resulting from the City of Brockville, ON, wastewater initiative.

Reasons for the project

  • The facility was non-compliant with Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change (MOECC) regulations for five-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) loading.

Innovative aspects of the project

  • The project goes beyond regulatory requirements: the upgrades are designed to achieve much lower BOD and total suspended solids (TSS) and to reduce total phosphorous, fecal coliform counts and total ammonia.
  • The building design meets energy-efficiency standards reflected in the LEED rating system.

Best practices and key lessons

The municipality's experience with this project demonstrates some best practices and key lessons that can inform similar projects.

Use integrated teams and processes

  • The project team consulted operating staff directly and regularly throughout the preliminary detailed design process. Operating staff participated in site visits to view processes and equipment being evaluated. Their input helped to shape the project, and this fostered a sense of ownership.

Use effective communications and project management 

  • The city emphasized good oversight and management, retaining a project management firm to lead the process. This allowed the city to implement the project successfully without hiring additional staff and to benefit from the expertise of a number of individuals at the project management firm.
  • Clear lines of communication and active coordination of the diverse parties involved are essential to the successful management and delivery of projects.

View of secondary clarifiers, pump and UV disinfection system. (Credit: City of Brockville)
View of secondary clarifiers, pump and UV disinfection system. (Credit: City of Brockville)

Project benefits

This project yielded a number of environmental, social and economic benefits. 

Environmental benefits

  • Inclusion of renewable energy: The city installed a solar wall to heat the building.
  • Improved wastewater quality: With the addition of secondary treatment, the plant now complies with MOECC standards. Four new automated sensors take measurements before and after secondary treatment, ensuring the quality of effluent (turbidity, flow, pH and ammonia levels) entering the St. Lawrence River.
  • Reduced hazardous residuals: The city replaced the chlorine disinfection system with an ultraviolet system.
  • Ecosystem protection: By improving the quality of the effluent discharged to the St. Lawrence River, the project promotes the health of the river, its wildlife and ecosystem.

Social benefits

  • Improved public health: By improving the quality of the effluent discharged to the St. Lawrence River, the project promotes the health of Brockville residents and people living in neighbouring communities.
  • Opportunities for recreational activities: By improving the quality of the effluent discharged to the St. Lawrence River, the project protects the health and safety of those who engage in recreational activities such as boating, swimming, fishing and scuba diving.
  • Improved service delivery: With its expanded treatment capacity, the plant can better manage peak and excess loads for the residential, industrial, institutional and commercial premises it serves. With a new septage receiving facility, the community's septage can be treated locally.

Economic benefits

  • Increased potential to attract new businesses: With added treatment capacity, the City of Brockville will be better able to serve current and future businesses.
  • Increased potential to attract new residents: With added treatment capacity, the City of Brockville will be better able to serve a growing community. 
  • More efficient operation: Four automated sensors measuring effluent quality (turbidity, flow, pH and ammonia levels) are integrated with the SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition) system to adjust the treatment process automatically to ensure quality levels are met.

The figure uses a pie chart to show the funding breakdown of the City of Brockville, ON, wastewater initiative by source of funding. This includes: federal:  51%; municipal: 22%; provincial: 17%; GMF loan: 9%; and GMF grant: 1%.Pie chart depicting the funding breakdown for City of Brockville, ON, wastewater initiative.

Technical highlights

This project was a new facility. Technical highlights are current as of 2014.

Municipal population: 21,870

Urban/rural: urban


  • Before: Primary treatment
  • After: Conventional activated sludge


  • Before: Chlorine disinfection system
  • After: UV disinfection system

Biosolids management

Biosolids from primary treatment are anaerobically digested and centrifuged. In summer, biosolids are used for land application, and in winter (November through April), biosolids are disposed of in a landfill.

Annual average daily flow (AADF): 15.2 MLD (million litres per day)

Design capacity

  • Before: 21.8 MLD
  • After: 21.5 MLD

Per cent of total capacity used for AADF

  • Before: 70 per cent 
  • After: 71 per cent 

Total suspended solids (TSS)

  • Before: 28 mg/L
  • After: 7.1 mg/L

Project contact information

Conal Cosgrove
Director of Operations
City of Brockville, ON
T. 613-342-8772, ext. 8205

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Brownfield Redevelopment Strategy

Population Plan adopted Total project value
26,000 2012 $10,000


In the City of Langley, BC, a new Brownfield Redevelopment Strategy has delivered $192 million in new construction and 850 new jobs. The first of its kind in the province, the strategy involves marketing sites to developers, working closely with them to expedite development approvals, and partnering on projects that fit with the city's vision.

Under the strategy, the city helps developers identify prime sites, clarifies how they were previously used, and also provides basic information about probable risks. A website and other communications tools explain the benefits, challenges, and options to reduce risks.

Langley is small city, only about 10 square kilometres, with few greenfield sites available. It has identified brownfield development as way to catalyze growth, attract employment, improve property values and increase the city's tax base. Site remediation will remove contaminants from soil and water, improving the quality of life for all residents.


Environmental Economic Social
  • Site remediation removes contami­na­tion and improves soil and water quality

  • Brownfield projects help limit urban sprawl and preserve greenfield lands

  • $192 million in new construction 

  • 850 jobs created

  • Higher property values and tax revenue

  • Reusing existing municipal infra­structure saves tax dollars

  • Strategy supports city's pedestrian, resident, and business-friendly vision

  • Increased economic activity and a larger tax base allows the city to improve services


  • With few remaining greenfield sites, the city needs to attract investment and convince developers that brownfields are viable and potentially profitable.

Lessons learned

  • Have a clear vision about future land use and don't be shy about marketing brownfield opportunities.
  • Develop local champions who can facilitate communication and work with stakeholders to foster partnerships.
  • Conduct market research to determine the demand for the projects you envision. Market research can help convince developers that opportunities are real and projects are viable.
  • Develop an action plan that incorporates: innovative approaches to land-use planning; site remediation and financial incentives; a commitment to expedite approvals and to partner with developers; and information on new technologies that make clean-up easier and more economical.


Partners and Collaborators

Project Contact

Gerald Minchuk
Director, Devel­opment Services and Eco­nomic Development
City of Langley, BC 
T. 604-514-2815

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Groundwater Remediation Project — Emma Martin Park

Population: Project duration: Total project value
124,000 August–September, 2013 $350,000


In a departure from the conventional "dig and dump" approach to contaminated soil, the City of Kingston, ON, chose an innovative underground filtering and cleaning technology to stop the flow of groundwater contaminants from Emma Martin Park into the Cataraqui River. The park's industrial past had left its soil and groundwater with elevated concentrations of soluble arsenic and other metals, posing a risk to the aquatic environment and Kingston's Inner Harbour.

The city worked closely with stakeholders to find a sustainable solution; taking an integrated approach to consultation, design and procurement. They selected an underground Zero-Valent Iron Permeable Reactive Barrier that captures contaminants as groundwater flows through porous treatment material. New pavement and a geosynthetic clay layer prevent rainwater absorption and slow the release of contaminants into groundwater. The city removed and disposed of some of the park's contaminated surface soil, targeting contamination "hot spots". A sustainable remediation process in other areas resulted in project costs nearly 40 per cent less than preliminary estimates for a conventional approach, and reduced the environmental impact of trucking and landfilling soil. On-site treatment also minimized disruption to park users.


Environmental Economic Social
  • 237 tonnes of hazardous soil and non-hazardous contaminated soil removed

  • 99.98% reduction of arsenic in groundwater flowing to the river

  • 75% less soil transported to landfill, reducing GHG emissions and landfill volume

  • 40% reduction in anticipated costs through on-site treatment

  • Estimated $30,000 saved annually by avoiding a groundwater pump and treatment system

  • Enhanced waterfront park with new parking, pathway improvements and landscape design
  • No disruption to rowing and canoe club activities

  • Reduced risk to human health


  • There was no standard process for consulting the city's Parks Department early in the planning stage. Additional and earlier consultation may have resulted in a more detailed park redesign, with greater value added to the project.
  • Council had already approved the project when stakeholder consultation showed that the original dig and dump soil removal concept would be disruptive to park users. While this meant a change in plan, it may also have avoided long-term costs to pump and treat groundwater through a more conventional approach.

Lessons learned

  • Involve relevant city departments early in the planning stages to ensure optimal design and outcomes.
  • Consider a design-build procurement process that emphasizes project outcomes rather than a specific approach, and ask bidders to propose value-added solutions drawn from their expertise.
  • Use an integrated project design approach and seek solutions that complement other aspects of municipal service.


Partners and Collaborators

Project Contact

Nathan Richard
Project Manager, Brownfields
City of Kingston, ON
T. 613-546-4291

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A wavedeck

Remediating the hundreds of hectares of former industrial lands on Toronto's waterfront will improve environmental health and reduce urban sprawl.

Waterfront Toronto is studying the latest on-site soil-washing technologies as it seeks ways to turn the contaminated soil from a liability into a resource. In a field test, two contractors processed approximately 20,000 cubic metres of soil on site in less than three months.

The cost per tonne was comparable to the traditional dig-and-dump approach, which involves trucking contaminated soil to a landfill. Not only does recycling keep contaminated soil out of landfills, it virtually eliminates dump truck traffic between the site and the landfill. This reduces damage to roadsand to the environment.


Environmental Economic Social
  • Reduces the need to import clean fill, limiting the impact on other sites.
  • When environmental and social costs are included, soil recycling costs approximately $18 less per tonne than the dig-and-dump approach.
  • Soil recycling reduces the noise and road congestion associated with dig-and-dump truck traffic.
  • Revitalized waterfront lands will include vibrant, sustainable mixed-use communities.


  • Finding a way to remediate two million cubic metres of soil contaminated by more than 150 years of industrial activity
  • Finding environmentally and economically suitable ways to remediate contaminated soil on site, rather than removing it to landfills and trucking in clean fill
  • Testing soil-washing, a practice not yet permitted under Ontario regulations

Lessons learned

  • Soil recycling is an affordable alternative to digging and dumping. Given its environmental and social benefits, governments should encourage it.
  • Ontario environmental regulations should permit movement of contaminated soil in the waterfront area, and categorize recycled soil as safe rather than waste.
  • On-site evaluations of similar soil-washing technologies led to more accurate comparisons.


Partners and Collaborators

Project Contact

Raffi Bedrosyan, Director
Port Lands and Civil Infrastructure
Toronto Waterfront Revitalization Corporation
T. 416-214-1479

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Condo towner slated for former gas station site

As part of its green growth program, the City of Edmonton prepared a 10-year plan to clean up and redevelop 50 former gas stations.

The plan, overseen by five councillors and a brownfield coordinator, would provide grants of up to $200,000 toward the cost of conducting environmental assessments, removing contaminants and buried fuel tanks, and capping or converting the sites.

The gas station clean-up plan is expected to inspire redevelopment at other municipal brownfield sites. It will promote economic growth and make the city more livable.


Environmental Economic Social
  • Assesses, remediates  or rehabilitates as many as 50 gas stations
  • Creates opportunities for redevelopment of contaminated sites
  • Advises developers and property owners on government support for redevelopment
  • Reduces sprawl and enriches urban life
  • Supports a sustainable development strategy to make the city a more attractive, healthy place to live


  • Enticing brownfield owners and developers to clean up and redevelop the sites.
  • The red tape of the brownfield-grant approval process.
  • The overlapping or conflicting requirements of various remediation and redevelopment programs.

Lessons learned

  • Make brownfield clean-up and redevelopment grants easily accessible.
  • Use city councillors. Property owners respond more quickly to calls from elected officials.
  • Identify a single point of contact to help owners and developers navigate redevelopment programs.


Partners and Collaborators

Project Contact

Barbara Daly 
Brownfield Coordinator
City of Edmonton, AB
T. 780-944-0316

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Small Town Waste Reduction and Recycling

Population: Project duration: Total project value:
948 September 2012-ongoing $120,000


The Town of Cape St. George, NL, is a leader among small rural municipalities with its comprehensive curbside recycling program and resourceful approach to reuse and composting. The town aims to reduce the overall waste tonnage shipped to landfill by 40 per cent (from 300 to 180 tonnes) and, through the program, has already achieved a 25 per cent reduction.

Created primarily to minimize waste transportation costs, the program is helping the town adjust to provincial changes that will consolidate many local dumps into two regional landfills fed by a number of transfer stations. Once a week, the town's newly acquired recycling truck picks up garbage, recyclables and kitchen waste in separate bags. Recyclables go to the local recycling centre (built with support from the federal Gas Tax Fund) and are shipped to the regional recycling facility. The town also runs a community composting program.

Cape St. George has learned that innovation can maximize efficiency and create added benefits. For example, tin cans are crushed along with scrapped cars and sent to the steel mills, freeing up space at the recycling facility. Styrofoam packaging is shredded and used to insulate water pipelines, and proceeds from recycled beverage containers supports local school breakfast programs.


Environmental Economic Social
  • Over 25% reduction in waste brought to transfer station in first year

  • All beverage containers are recycled

  • Kitchen waste diverted from landfill for composting

  • Fewer GHG emissions linked to transporting waste

  • Up to 50% reduction in waste transfer costs

  • Town-operated waste collection is more economical than a private service

  • School breakfast program funded through recycling

  • Community pride in town's leadership

  • Student involvement in raising awareness about the program

  • Less littering and dumping in natural areas


  • Although 25-30 per cent of the waste stream is compostable, diverting all of it for composting requires additional infrastructure. The town currently uses a Cornell hot box system that works well only in the summer. Year-round composting could only be achieved by scaling the system to the regional level, which the town is exploring.
  • The province limits recycling to bottles and jars that contained liquids, so the town has nowhere to send many of its glass containers.
  • Loading the recycling truck takes only four hours a week; a part-time job that is difficult to staff.

Lessons learned

  • Be flexible and willing to make changes as the strategy is implemented. The town originally planned to pick up garbage and recycling on alternate weeks, but switched to weekly pick-up for both to accommodate residents.
  • Work with the community to implement common-sense solutions rather than wait for advice from consultants.
  • Keep the community informed with an initial communications strategy, followed by periodic reminders.
  • Consider expanding municipal staff duties to include waste collection, rather than hiring new staff or privatizing the service.
  • Engage schools at every opportunity.


Partners and Collaborators

Project Contact

Peter Fenwick
Mayor, Town of Cape St. George, NL
T. 709-644-2273

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Water Conservation, Efficiency and Productivity Programs

Population: Project duration: Total project value:
26,319 2002-present  $1.2 million in annual program costs
(costs recovered annually)


A recognized leader in sustainable water management, the Town of Okotoks, AB, has achieved one of the lowest per capita gross water consumption rates in North America through implementing its Water Conservation, Efficiency and Productivity (CEP) Plan. First developed in 2002, the evolving plan features a diverse suite of conservation and efficiency programs in five key areas: regulatory tools; financial tools; utility infrastructure and operation; education and outreach; and partnerships and collaboration.

Supply-side and demand-management measures in each area cover the full cycle of water use. These include indoor water conservation measures; an extensive rebate program; a 12-inch topsoil bylaw to ensure greater water retention; commercial development standards to reduce outdoor water use; consumption-based utility rates; and an advanced leak detection system. Through the innovative Conservation Educator Program, educators visit residents door-to-door during the summer months to discuss strategies for reducing water use.

With support from FCM's Green Municipal Fund (GMF 392) in 2002, the town equipped its state-of-the-art wastewater treatment facility with a composting system that eliminates sludge from the treatment process and returns high-quality effluent to the Sheep River. 


Environmental Economic Social
  • Over 46% reduction in gross per capita water consumption

  • 41% reduction in gross water consumption, while experiencing a 45% population increase

  • Low 3.8% system leak rate in water infrastructure system

  • Storm Drainage Bylaw ensures higher quality effluent

  • Approximately $63 million saved in water license purchases

  • $1.3 million in energy savings, with less water moved and processed

  • Extended life of waterworks infrastructure

  • Self-funded utility with progressive rate structure

  • Ongoing engagement helps create a sustainability culture

  • Conservation educators make over 900 households visits each summer

  • Horticulture Hotline service educates community on conservation


  • When drafting the bylaw requiring 12 inches of topsoil for residential lots, the town did not consult thoroughly with builders on requirements and process. This led to confusion and poor compliance — until the town revised the bylaw.
  • Once they receive additional topsoil, residents do not always landscape their yards within 12 months, as the bylaw requires.
  • When preparing updates for a 2014 Water CEP Plan, the town discovered that residents and developers had reached a saturation point for change.

Lessons learned

  • Implement a universal metering program for the residential, commercial and industrial sectors to monitor water consumption and track trends.
  • Develop an ongoing community education plan to ensure participation in water conservation programs.
  • Give the community time to adapt to change, especially when introducing multiple environmental initiatives in different areas.



Project Contact

Dawn Smith
Environment and Sustainability Coordinator
Town of Okotoks, AB
T. 403-938-8901

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