The Town of Lockeport developed an integrated community sustainability plan in collaboration with its citizens to guide its environmental, social, cultural and economic development for 30-plus years. Lockeport is a tiny, isolated town on Nova Scotia's south shore. While rich in cultural heritage, it is dealing with limited financial resources, an aging population, and a fishing industry that is no longer the economic engine it once was. The area is also feeling the impacts of climate change, including extreme weather events.

The plan outlines ways to boost tourism, revitalize local commerce, reduce reliance on cars and protect the natural environment, among many other goals. The plan will help the town think more creatively about how to build a sustainable Lockeport and reduce its environmental footprint.


Environmental Economic Social
  • Plan aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 10 per cent by 2040
  • Establishment of a flood plain zone to adapt to extreme weather events
  • Limits on development will protect environmentally sensitive areas
  • A fisheries training school/marine centre of excellence will help revitalize a key industry
  • A permanent venue for the town's several festivals will increase tourism
  • Improvements to transportation links will reduce the isolation and boost the economy
  • Promotion of active transportation will foster a healthier community
  • Commercial revitalization will make the town a more vibrant place to live


  • Limited financial resources has led to constraints on new initiatives.
  • Developing a diverse, vibrant local economy is difficult in a geographically isolated region.

Lessons learned

  • Community participation is a must, so knock on as many doors as possible in the development of the plan.
  • Be aware of the amount of time staff will need to develop the plan.


Partners and collaborators

Project contact

Bil Atwood
Project Manager
Lockeport, NS
T. 902-656-2209

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