The Village of Dunnottar, known simply as the Village, is a small municipality on the shores of Lake Winnipeg in Manitoba. Encompassing the towns of Ponemah, Whytewold and Matlock, it has 763 permanent residents and an influx of seasonal cottagers.

It was an FCM asset management seminar that first sold the Village on the need for an asset management plan, as a way to coordinate all its information about asset acquisition, maintenance, replacement and disposal. The plan would also address risk management and help the Village meet provincial funding requirements.

A grant from FCM’s Municipal Asset Management Program (MAMP) allowed Dunnottar to collect data and conduct a risk assessment on existing assets, and formalize its asset management plan and policy. As of September 2021, MAMP has approved 47 asset management grants for local governments in Manitoba and has funded training through partner organizations to more than 125.


  • A comprehensive asset management plan that was the impetus for a new 10-year capital budget, both of which have been adopted by Council
  • A funded asset management strategy
  • A cross-functional asset management team, comprised of three administration and three public works employees
  • Greater appreciation of the value of formal asset management and long-term financial planning

The challenge

The Village had a lot of information about its assets, but it was scattered in many locations—including in people’s heads. The challenge was to gather, quantify and document the data into a central, accessible registry.


The Village hired a contractor who rode through the municipality, on a bicycle, documenting everything from buildings to stop signs. She also worked closely with the foreman, the accounting team, and others. The team learned from what was already available and undertook NAMS Canada training, subsidized by FCM through MAMP. NAMS coursework, offered over eight weeks, teaches asset management basics and helps participants create an asset management plan. The Village also purchased software to link asset management and financial information, and used photo editing software to map asset locations and produce a helpful visual aid.

MAMP’s Asset Management Readiness Scale (AMRS) is a tool that helps municipalities determine their competencies related to asset management. The Village used the AMRS to focus its efforts.

There were few barriers. Some initial hesitation that came from not understanding the need for a formal asset management plan was overcome with discussion and training.


The Village’s asset management plan groups all of its assets into nine categories:

  • Equipment including vehicles and machinery
  • Buildings
  • Land
  • Roads and culverts
  • Recreation and tourism assets
  • Shoreline erosion
  • Signage
  • Waste disposal grounds
  • Utilities: Water and wastewater

It then goes on to answer the questions “What do we own, what is it worth, what condition is it in, what do we need to replace and what funds do we have?” in each category.

Along with the plan, the Village also adopted a 10-year capital budget to make it easier for Council to target savings for future capital purchases and projects.

“Council is using this precise, organized inventory of our assets to set policy and make budget decisions. In fact, our new 10-year capital budget is more robust and focused because it is based on the plan. The budget and the plan give us confidence that we will be able to sustain the level of services our residents expect.”

– Janice Thevenot, CAO, Village of Dunnottar

The Village made progress in the planning and decision-making competency of the AMRS (which focuses on standardized documentation and planning), by:

  • Developing a consistent approach to asset planning and aligning its priorities with municipal goals and objectives
  • Considering short- and long-term issues and priorities, needs forecasting and risk management strategies
  • Using an annual, a five-year and the new 10-year financial plan and budget to identify risks associated with investment gaps

It also developed its competencies related to policy and governance, and people and leadership.

A maintenance worker works under the hood of an old public works truck in a parking lot surrounded by trees.
Although 40 years old and past its life expectancy, this truck is still a capable and reliable asset to the Village through sound asset management practices.


  • Council discussions about repair vs replacement of assets are more streamlined.
  • Council now regularly applies asset management principles to its planning and budgeting cycles.
  • Corporate knowledge is retained in the plan, reducing concerns about employee turnover and making it easier to bring new staff up to speed.
  • The project has sparked a more robust culture of knowledge sharing within the workplace.

What they learned

Don’t reinvent the wheel. Research other plans and policies, especially for areas of a similar size and infrastructure. A strong knowledge base makes it easier to develop initial guidelines and expected outcomes, and clarify the data collection and presentation process. The team used templates, condition rating systems, and even policy wording from other municipalities, citing in particular Thunder Bay’s asset management plan and the templates in the province of Alberta’s Getting started: toolkit user guide. This approach saved time and money and stimulated their ideas on how to best meet the local needs.

One step at a time. Asset management planning can be overwhelming, especially for smaller municipalities. The team started with the registry and found that every step taken to expand the information base led to greater detail, much more than was first anticipated.

Talk with other departments. Most departments—public works, administration, finance—have data and reports that contain valuable information about major assets. By using already available data, the team reduced project costs and shortened timelines.

Next steps

The Village continues to refine its asset management plan—a current goal is to include natural assets—and is looking forward to reaching the maintenance phase. It will also be conducting community consultations to build awareness of the plan.

The Village of Dunnottar knows asset management is about the future, and this insight will help sustain its services now and for years to come.


Janice Thevenot
CAO, Village of Dunnottar

Sarah Palson
Assistant CAO, Village of Dunnottar

Related resources

  • Contact the Village for a copy of their asset management plan, asset management policy, and their quick guide to creating an asset management plan

This resource was developed by the Municipal Asset Management Program(MAMP)

MAMP is designed to help Canadian municipalities strengthen their infrastructure investment decisions based on reliable data and sound asset management practices. This eight-year, $110-million program is funded by the Government of Canada and delivered by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities. It is being implemented in partnership with municipal, provincial and territorial associations and other key stakeholders.


Want to explore all GMF-funded projects? Check out the Projects Database for a complete overview of funded projects and get inspired by municipalities of all sizes, across Canada. 

Visit the projects database

Looking at a building’s total energy performance when planning upgrades is an excellent way to ensure you’re making cost-effective decisions that also contribute to your community’s climate goals and quality of life for your residents. But limited budget, staff capacity and unexpected challenges can create barriers.

Combining data-backed asset management practices with long-term climate planning can ensure you focus your retrofit efforts for maximum impact. The Town of Halton Hills, ON, used this approach to extend the life of some of their much-loved local buildings, while saving time, money and cutting their community emissions.

And we’re sharing the story of their success so your municipality can do it too.

Practical decision-making tips for your next project

The Town faced some common challenges when they began – like rising energy costs, rapid population growth and a portfolio of aging, high-emissions community buildings requiring upgrades. They’d also made the commitment to become net-zero by 2030. It was clear an impactful, long-term approach was needed to address these realities – but how would they do it? And where should they start?

Read the two case studies below to learn about the Town’s journey to retrofitting their community building portfolio.

roadmap iconMaking the case for community building retrofits

Learn more about the strategic approach the Town of Halton Hills took when retrofitting their community facilities and how they built community-wide support to invest in reductions.

In this case study, you will:

  • Discover their step-by-step strategy and business case for retrofitting four community buildings
  • Understand the value of conducting a whole building retrofit over time
  • Learn how they worked with internal stakeholders to take action across various municipal departments
  • Learn where to access funding for community building retrofit projects

Read the case study

Tool iconOptimizing energy performance through comprehensive facility retrofits

Developed for municipal staff, including facility and energy managers, this case study looks at the Town of Halton Hills’ journey using data to inform their low carbon retrofit priorities.

In this case study, you will:

  • Learn their strategy for continuous building improvement and identify measures to support a successful GHG reduction pathway
  • Discover monitoring systems and solutions used to collect energy and emissions data and model outcomes
  • Understand how to use that data to support decision-making in energy retrofit projects
  • Gain tips to help build energy management knowledge

Read the case study

Want to explore all GMF-funded projects? Check out the Projects Database for a complete overview of funded projects and get inspired by municipalities of all sizes, across Canada. 

Visit the projects database

Guide for muni climate change staff

Were you recently hired as a municipal employee tasked with working on climate change? Check out our Guide for Municipal Climate Change Staff.

Our step-by-step guide provides will help you from your first day through your first year in your new role. Just as no two communities are alike, neither is their approach to tackling climate challenges. This resource was created to aid municipal staff establish themselves as leaders on climate through practical information, resources, checklists and templates.

This resource was created based on the experiences, lessons learned and best practices from FCM’s Municipalities for Climate Innovation Program Climate Change Staff Grant recipients, a group of municipal practitioners hired to advance climate change policy and practices in small and rural communities across Canada.

The guide provides information on:

  • The structure and decision-making systems of municipal government
  • Helpful tips and criteria to consider when developing a business case for local climate projects
  • Approaches to communicating about climate action
  • The importance of data and analysis for your climate work and suggested data sources
  • Professional development skills including negotiation and communication.
  • Personal insights from climate change staff

Read the guide.

Who this guide is for?

This guide was created for municipal practitioners, such as those with the role of Sustainability Coordinator, Climate Change Coordinator, Climate Change and Energy Specialist or Environmental Officer.

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In this video, Michael Hay, Manager of Environment & Sustainability telling the story of Banff, Alberta’s hybrid bus fleet -- Canada’s first municipal hybrid bus fleet.

Visitors to Banff National Park has grown steadily with a 30% increase just in the last 7 years. While providing a boost to local businesses, the community was struggling with the influx of cars.

At the same time, the city’s bus fleet was outdated, and had no wheelchair access or bike racks.

Since introducing the new hybrid bus fleet, ridership has grown significantly. In light of the environmental and business success of the project, the city is doubling-down on green transit including the recent acquisition of electric buses.


Michael Hay, Manager of Environment & Sustainability for the Town of Banff

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Glenda Holmes, Water Works Manager, explains how a feasibility study helped the City of Yorkton ramp up the environmental benefits of its new water treatment plant by treating the wastewater it produced.

When construction of the new plant began in 2007, the city undertook a study to explore whether it could take its investment further by cleaning and reusing the backwash water and seek out ways to make the most of the green space available on the site.

The project involved widespread stakeholder and community consultation. Through strong project management provided by the City’s Environmental Services department, the project was divided into two phases, one consisted of the settling ponds, wetlands, trout pond and recharge area, and the second consisted of the sporting fields and walking paths.


Glenda Holmes, Water Works Manager for the Environmental Services Department of the City of Yorkton, SK

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In this video, Tara Tran, Senior Planner, City of Brantford discusses how, in 2015, the City of Brantford launched a two-year cleanup of  The Greenwich Mohawk brownfield site—the culmination of years of preparation.

Beginning in 2002, the City of Brantford commissioned several remediation studies to assess the environmental conditions of the site. The studies confirmed extensive contamination to the site, including gas, diesel, oil, heavy metals and other chemicals, as well as structural debris and underground storage tanks.  

Ms Tran explains that working on the City of Brantford’s Greenwich Mohawk project has highlighted the importance of two key strategies that contributed to their success:

  1. Including project champions representing each area of involvement and
  2. Ensuring open and honest dialogue with people to progress and overcome obstacles and complaints.

Through the project, 20 hectares of land have remediated, 148,900 cubic metres of soil excavated and 120,000 litres of oil removed from groundwater

The site is now completely remediated enabling the site will be redeveloped in the future. 


Tara Tran, Senior Planner, City of Brantford

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Find out more about how you can drive efficiency brownfield project!

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Gordon Szaszi, Project Manager Housing Development, shares Niagara Regional Housing (NRH) experience creating the business case for a 67-unit affordable housing development for seniors. This modern and welcoming building is a boon to the community, a great example of urban intensification integrating much-needed community housing, and a wonderful new place for seniors to call home.

Other project highlights include:

Triple bottom line benefits: This project contributed an estimated $9 million to the Welland economy; the building achieved a 51% reduction in typical energy consumption,  and eliminates 44 tonnes of GHGs annual

Critical partnerships: Achieving LEED Silver certification required strong relationships with designers, consultants, planners, Municipal and Regional departments.

Capacity building: The implementation of this project brought new sustainable knowledge and practices to NRH, the City of Welland, and the Region as a whole.

Stakeholders / Community engagement: The Fitch Street development is an example of sustainable affordable housing providing a high quality of life to local residents.


Gordon Szaszi, Project Manager Housing Development at Niagara Regional Housing

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Learn more on driving efficiency in community housing projects!

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In this video, Johanne Ouellet, Vice-President YHC Mobility at YHC Environnement discusses how, in 2016, the Société d’innovation en environnement (SIE) and YHC Environnement started a pilot project to introduce an electric vehicle-sharing system, partnering with the municipalities of Plessisville, Nicolet, Bromont, Témiscouata-sur-le-Lac, Rivière-du-Loup and Sainte-Julienne.

Through this project, the six participating municipalities added electric vehicles to their fleets and made them available to residents and partners through a car-sharing system for municipalities in the region. The electric vehicle-sharing system reduces emissions and generates revenue.

Studies have shown that in Plessisville alone, three-quarters of the municipality’s fleet was used less than 3.5 hours per day, 50 percent of the time. Most of the vehicles (87 percent) were used for trips shorter than 40 kilometres. The other five participating municipalities showed similar patterns, with fleets sitting idle in the parking lot for long stretches of time.

The success of this project has inspired other municipalities to follow the example. Since 2018, more than 10 municipalities have joined to program.


Johanne Ouellet, Vice-President YHC Mobility at YHC Environnement

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For the sake of quality, the video is available in its original language with the possibility of adding English subtitles.

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