The Exhibitor's Corner is your comprehensive guide to assist you in making the necessary arrangements for your exhibit at FCM's 2025 Sustainable Communities Conference to be held in Fredericton, New Brunswick, on February 10 – 13 (Industry Showcase dates).

Please make note of your Exhibitor Deadline Checklist to keep track of all important deadlines to make your participation even more successful.

We look forward to welcoming you in Fredericton!

Exhibitor resources

Important deadlines

List of official contractors and services

What is included with your booth

Exhibitor registration

Move-in/out information

Booth display requirements and regulations

Exhibit rules & guidelines

Important deadlines

December 18, 2024

SCC Industry Showcase Exhibitor Profile

If you have not already done so, submit your 40-word profile to be included on the SCC Industry Showcase exhibitor listings webpage and in the SCC mobile app.

To verify if you have an existing profile, please visit the Exhibitor Listing webpage.

January 10, 2025

Travel and Accommodations

Visit Plan your trip for full details and contact information.

Hotel block discount available until January 10, 2025.

FRAUD ALERT: Industry Professionals participating in FCM’s Sustainable Communities Conference and Industry Showcase may be contacted by companies claiming to have promotional offers such as delegate lists and lower hotel guestroom rates than the FCM negotiated rates. These companies are not associated with FCM, nor authorized by FCM to contact our clients, partners and/or Industry Professionals. FCM does not advise purchasing services or booking your guestroom(s) through this method.

January 13, 2025

Show Management Form - Complete this online.

The following mandatory Show Management Form must be completed by all Exhibitors. This requests information related to:

Fire Safety Requirements

Exhibitor Certificate of Insurance (COI)

Exhibitor-Appointed Contractor (if applicable)

January 13, 2025

Your booth includes one six-foot skirted table, two chairs and show drape.

The exhibit area is carpeted.

Lead Retrieval / Scanner – MicroSpec – Order Online

Additional furniture requirements, Material handling – Global Convention – Order Online

Audio Visual – Encore –

Electrical Service – Encore –

Internet Wired – or (506) 460-2770

Food & Beverage – The Fredericton Convention Centre –

Booth cleaning services – please contact the FCC directly to make arrangements at

List of official contractors and services


Fredericton Convention Centre

620 Queen Street,

Fredericton, NB, E3B 1C2

Tel: 506-460-2770

Web: Fredericton Convention Centre

Audio-Visual, Electrical, and Rigging (Overhead Banners)

Encore Global

Craig MacPherson

M: 1-506-478-8076

Official Service Contractor

Global Convention

Global Convention Services Ltd.

Tel: 1-888-799-EXPO (3976)



Advanced & On-Site Material Handling

Labour Services — Exhibitor Booth Set-up, Dismantling Services

Furniture, Carpet, Counters, Storage & Display Units, Accessories,

Plant Rentals


Material Handling

Book your online Show Services with Global Global Convention Services

MicroSpec Lead Retrieval Scanners offer Exhibitors the opportunity to obtain delegate information captured from barcode located on delegate conference badges.

What is included with your booth

The following is included in the purchase price of each exhibit space:

Standard Exhibitor Package – Exhibit space 8"D x 10"W x 8"H:

Two conference passes with access to conference activities including plenaries, keynotes, workshops, meals and social events. Furniture consisting of one six-foot skirted table (white linen), two banquet style fabric chairs, show drape, 40-word company profile and website link on conference website and the conference mobile app.

FCM does not provide a delegate list.

Exhibitor staff registration

IMPORTANT – Photo I.D. required

All Exhibit Staff must present a government-issued photo ID to pick up your badge on-site. Exhibitors will be required to wear the FCM issued badge and lanyard during the trade show hours. Name badges are not transferable under any circumstances.

A maximum of two Exhibit Staff Access Trade Show Only Badges will be issued per booth. This allows exhibiting staff access to the Trade Show Hall during the dates and times of installation and dismantle, and during official hours of operation. Badges are non-transferable. Register your Exhibit Staff through MicroSpec at Exhibitor Resource Center - FCM's Sustainable Communities Conference 2025.

Additional badges may be purchased on-site by visiting the registration desk.

Early bird - available until December 13, 2024: $1,000

Regular - $1,200 after December 13, 2024

Check out the full program line-up here.

Exhibitor badges can be picked up on-site at the Exhibitor Registration Desk starting at 12:00 p.m. on February 10, 2025 during move-in.

More registration information here.

Move-in/out information

Booth sharing

FCM permits booth sharing but requires each exhibiting organization to be approved by FCM Show Management. Exhibitors may not host representatives or display material (brochures, banners, etc.) from a third-party organization without FCM Show Management approval. To share a booth, the third-party organization must complete and remit the form for FCM approval, agree to the Terms and Conditions and pay the applicable fee. Applicant will also be required to undergo FCM Prospect Clearance and be approved by FCM.

Empty booth – Inspection deadline*

All booths must be completely set up on/before 5 p.m. on Monday, February 10, 2025. Any exhibitor not checked-in by 3 p.m. will be presumed abandoned and space may be released. Should exhibitor experience a travel delay, he/she must contact before 1 p.m. to advise of the delay. No-show exhibitors may result in loss of booth space opportunities for the following year.

Dates and times

The Trade Show floor will be accessible for move-in on Monday, February 10 from 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Dollies will not be permitted after 5 p.m. All crates and/or cartons must be unpacked and labeled for storage by 5 p.m. Any crates and/or cartons remaining on the Trade Show floor will be removed.

Show Management reserves the right to schedule a move-in sequence, and to set target installation dates and times for individual booths. Exhibitors agree to abide by instructions given by Global Convention pertaining to the move-in of exhibits.

Exhibitors who are shipping items from outside Canada are strongly advised to use the services offered by Global Convention. Contact for more information.

When exhibitors arrive on-site:

  • Please check in at the Exhibitor Registration Desk to pick up your badge. FCM Registration Desk opens at 8:00 p.m. Monday, February 10, 2025.
  • Photo I.D is required. Please remember, you must always wear your badge. For security reasons, only personnel wearing badges will have access to the Trade Show floor
  • If you have pre-paid for materials handling, your material should be in your booth. If your material is not in your booth, check with the Global Convention on-site Exhibitor Service Desk.


24-hour parking is available in the 529 spaces located at the East End Parking Garage, accessible from King or Queen Streets. Current costs are as follows (costs subject to change without notice): -  $1.25/hour or $15/up to 24 hours.

Booth installation

Exhibitors are allowed to install their own exhibits using the services of their own employees. Additional assistance can be requested. Should Exhibitors require additional assistance in the setup of their display, please contact

If using the services of a display contractor other than Global Convention, please note:

  • Exhibitors must identify this company by completing the online Exhibitor-appointed Contractor Form via the FCM Exhibitor Show Management Form no later than January 13, 2025.
  • The Exhibitor-appointed Contractor must submit evidence of Certificate of Insurance (COI) before access to the Trade Show is granted.
  • Representatives of the Exhibitor-appointed contractor must present themselves to the Exhibitor Registration Desk to pick up their Temporary Exhibit staff badge before access is granted into the Trade Show hall.

Empty container handling and storage (only available if material handling has been ordered)

  • All crates and cartons must be unpacked and labeled for storage by 5 p.m. on Monday, February 10. “Empty Crate” labels will be available at the Global Convention Exhibitor Service Desk;
  • Exhibitors are advised that storage of crates is not secure; valuable materials and products should not be consigned to storage. Empty containers are stored off-site during the show and are not accessible during the show.
  • All crates and materials are stored on a non-insured basis. Exhibitors have sole responsibility for any insurance required to cover crates and materials on-site or in transit.

Exhibitor move-out

Early departure

No exhibits or booth displays may be dismantled before the official close of the trade show on Thursday, February 13 at 3:30 p.m. Exhibitor move-out will continue until 6:00 p.m.

*Failure to comply to show regulations, No-show booths or early dismantling/departure may result in loss of booth opportunities for the following year.

  • Packing of display materials and dismantling of exhibits will not be permitted until after the close of the Industry Showcase at 3:30 p.m. on Thursday, February 13.
  • All exhibitor materials must be removed from the exhibit facility by Thursday, February 13 at 6 p.m. Any exhibits left assembled or not in the process of being dismantled by 6 p.m. will be dismantled and removed by Global Convention upon instructions from Show Management at the Exhibitor’s risk and expense.

Return of crates

Immediately following the close of the Trade Show and as soon as delegates leave the Trade Show floor, the delivery of hand-carried and carton freight will commence first, followed by the return of larger crates. The process generally commences within 30 minutes of the close of the show.

Removal of exhibit material

Show Management reserves the right to schedule a move-out sequence and set target dismantle times for individual booths. Exhibitors agree to abide by instructions given by GES pertaining to the move-out of exhibits.

If an Exhibitor fails to arrange for shipments of its material at the close of the Trade Show, Show Management reserves the right to re-route shipments via the official carrier to a warehouse, pending advice from the Exhibitor at the exhibitor’s expense.

Booth display requirements and regulations

General requirements

  • The aisle and air space at the Trade Show belong to FCM. Exhibits, signs, ceiling or floor coverings, displays or other advertising matter is not permitted to extend beyond the contracted booth space.
  • All display fixtures greater than four feet in height must be a minimum of five feet back from the aisle to avoid blocking the sight lines of other Exhibitors. Exhibitors whose displays exceed these dimensions may be asked to alter or dismantle that part of their display. Please refer to FCM’s booth specifications document on next page.
  • All exposed parts of the display structure must be draped or finished to present an attractive appearance when viewed from aisles or adjoining exhibits and should not be objectionable to other Exhibitors or to Show Management. When necessary, drapes will be installed by GES at the Exhibitor’s expense to cover exposed or unfinished parts of displays.

Exhibits, signs, display materials or other display structures may not be posted, nailed or otherwise affixed to walls, doors or any part of The Fredericton Convention Centre. Exhibitors will be responsible for cleaning and damages caused by failure to observe this rule.

The only adhesives allowed are listed below. Please note these are NOT available for purchase on site.

  1. Walls: 3M wall mounting tabs, no. 7220
  2. Floors - Echo Tape CL-W6300 or VI-N6120 or equivalent double Face Echo Tape DC-W188F
  3. Brick walls: 3M wall mounting tabs, no. 7220

Booth exhibits - The following is included in the purchase price of each booth space:

  • Standard 8’D x 10’W x 8’H booth space with draped back wall set at a height of eight feet and draped side walls set at a height of three feet. Corner booths will not include a draped sidewall on the exterior side of the booth space, unless requested by the Exhibitor.
  • To ensure the display value of adjoining booths is not unduly limited, exhibit booth designs and walls, signs, fixtures and counters, product and exhibit displays may be erected to a maximum height of eight feet only in the rear three feet of the booth. From this point to the front of the booth, they may not exceed a height of four feet.

Any booth/displays exceeding eight feet in height must contact to verify height restrictions that may apply to exhibit booth.

Custom booth designs, signs, product and exhibit displays must be arranged in such a manner that they conform to this linear booth design. Maximum height of booths, products and display materials may not exceed eight feet unless pre-approved by FCM.

Where necessary in linear booth locations, drapes will be installed at the Exhibitor’s expense to cover exposed or unfinished parts of displays.


The flooring at the Fredericton Convention Centre is covered with carpet; therefore, booth carpeting/floor covering rental is not required by the exhibitor.


Prevent aisle congestion, seating for demonstration and theatre areas must be placed a minimum of three feet from the aisle.

Banners and hanging decor


Any Exhibitor ordering rigging services will require pre-approval by FCM Show Management. For FCM approval, please contact on or before January 13, 2025, if you plan to use any ceiling-suspended hanging signs and/or banners.

Submission of a visual rendering with dimensions will be required at time of approval request. Once approved, FCM will connect you with appropriate person at to coordinate.

Exhibit rules and guidelines


The policies, rules and guidelines contained in this Exhibitor site guide should be read in conjunction with the Terms and Conditions contained on page 2 of the Application and Contract for Exhibit Space. They are part of the contract made between the applicant for booth space (hereinafter called the Exhibitor) and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (hereinafter called FCM). The term “Trade Show” shall mean the Industry Showcase portion of FCM’s 2025 sustainable Communities Conference.


Submission of the Application and Contract for Exhibit Space, full payment of the required booth space cost and your receipt of a copy of the Application and Contract for Exhibit Space, countersigned by FCM, will constitute a contract to use the space assigned.

Interpretation of rules and guidelines

Exhibitors agree to abide by the conditions and deadlines published in this Exhibitor Guide, the Terms and Conditions in the Application and Contract for Exhibit Space and by all conditions under which the space was leased to FCM by The Fredericton Convention Centre.

Exhibitors further accept responsibility for informing all their employees, suppliers or agents, appointed contractors and temporary staff involved with their exhibit activities, of these conditions and rules.

FCM shall have full power to interpret and/or amend the rules and regulations, which in FCM’s discretion shall be in the best interest of the conference and Trade Show. The decision of FCM must be accepted as final, as is the case in any dispute with the Exhibitor or in any situation not covered by the rules and regulations.

FCM reserves the right to terminate the contract on-site, if an Exhibitor:

  • fails to observe and follow these policies, rules and regulations
  • engages in unfair or deceptive trade practices
  • behaves in a manner which is prejudicial to the proper management of the Trade Show
  • does not comply with local, provincial and federal laws, rules, regulations and ordinances in force

Sales of products

The purpose of the Trade Show is to educate and broaden the knowledge of conference delegates through demonstrations, presentations, products and service displays. Sales are permitted on the Trade Show floor provided that transactions are conducted in an appropriate, professional and business-like manner. FCM reserves the right to restrict sales activities that it deems inappropriate or unprofessional.

It is the Exhibitor’s responsibility to comply with any Canadian federal, provincial, territorial or municipal laws in force, and to collect and remit any taxes payable.

Advertising and publicity

FCM Show Management reserves the right to determine what is acceptable publicity and advertising by Exhibitors within the Trade Show and to restrict, at any time, any display or activity which in FCM’s judgment does not conform with the purpose of the conference or Trade Show. In the event that FCM deems such displays or activities to be inappropriate or undesirable, FCM will issue an order to cease and desist. FCM will assume no liability for any losses, costs or other expenses incurred by the affected Exhibitor.

Exhibitors may distribute promotional material and literature or other articles within the booth space allocated. Exhibitors are encouraged to use promotional methods that eliminate or minimize the use of printed materials. Product and service demonstrations, presentations, interviews or other activities within the Fredericton Convention Centre are restricted to the Exhibitor’s allocated booth space.

Printed and visual products and promotional literature must be designed and produced in accordance with the professional nature of FCM’s Sustainable Communities Conference 2025.

Exhibitors are responsible to ensure that promotional and product or service-related information intended for distribution to delegates during the Trade Show is factually accurate and is professional and tasteful in its presentation. Whenever possible, FCM asks that information be provided in English and French.

The name and logo of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities are propriety trademarks for exclusive use by FCM and may not be printed, used or displayed for any purpose, without the express knowledge and written permission of FCM. Such permission will not be granted for purely promotional purposes, or in any way to imply endorsement of an Exhibitor, product, service or activity.

The only Exhibitors permitted to display the Federation’s “Corporate Partner” signs and logos are Corporate Partners in good standing.

To prevent misunderstandings, Exhibitors’ promotional materials may not be phrased like this: “in conjunction with the Federation of Canadian Municipalities” or use similar language.

Any questions or inquiries contact or call 343-417-0510.

Demonstration, display and presentations

All interviews, demonstrations, detailing or distribution of literature must take place within the space assigned, and not interfere with normal aisle traffic or infringe upon neighboring Exhibitors.

Exhibitors must not place demonstration areas at the edge of their booths if they expect many people to congregate there at one time and should allow sufficient space within their booth area to absorb the majority of the anticipated crowd.

Exhibitors whose display arrangements or presentations cause spectators to interfere with normal aisle traffic, or unduly overflow the display area of neighbouring exhibits, may be asked to limit or eliminate their presentations.

Food and alcoholic beverages

Exhibitors wishing to distribute food products or beverages or cook food products in their booth are required to contact the Fredericton Convention Centre, specifying the nature of the product to be distributed and the type of appliance used. Please contact

Sales and distribution of food, alcoholic or non-alcoholic beverages from exhibit booths are not permitted. Alcoholic beverages may be consumed only in designated areas.

Samples and giveaways

Contests, drawings, entertainment, incentives and raffles from exhibit booths must be approved by FCM before they can take place. Contact on or before January 13, 2025.

It is the Exhibitor’s responsibility to ensure that contests, draws and games of chance comply with provincial lottery authorities.

The distribution of novelty items, giveaways and souvenir gifts such as buttons, models, decals or flags is left to the discretion of the Exhibitor, provided their intrinsic value is nominal. FCM reserves the right to refuse Exhibitors to distribute novelty items, giveaways and souvenir gifts which it deems to be objectionable or inappropriate.

Audio and visual components of exhibits

Exhibitors may not operate public address, sound producing or amplifying devices which project sound above the normal level of conversation.

Audio and visual equipment as part of a display is acceptable; however, sound equipment which would be audible beyond the display should be equipped with earphones or enclosed within a special listening room. In addition, spectators at exhibits viewing audio and video displays may not obstruct aisles or interfere with access to other exhibits. Absolutely no manner of sound amplification is permitted for Exhibitors conducting live presentations.

Show Management reserves the right to determine when sound levels from audio and visual equipment constitute interference with others or become unacceptable. In such cases, sound levels will be reduced, or the equipment will be removed at the Exhibitor’s expense.

Electrical services

All electrical wiring and outlets shall be at the Exhibitor’s expense.

All operating electrical equipment used in the booth, as well as merchandise, lighting and display equipment must have C.S.A. or equivalent provincial-power authority. Exhibitors should take the required steps to ensure electrical equipment meets these requirements. Failure to comply with the requirements to have electrical equipment approved may result in the equipment being refused connection to the source of electrical supply and may be ordered removed from your exhibit.

Noise, lights and odors

FCM Show Management reserves the right to determine when sound levels from electrical and mechanical apparatus, or display-lighting and odor-generating devices or activities constitute interference with others or become unacceptable. In such cases, sound levels will be reduced, or the equipment will be removed at the Exhibitor’s expense. Any questions or inquiries contact FCM at

Helium balloons

No helium-filled balloons, whether for decorative purposes or inflated for distribution to registrants, will be permitted within the Fredericton Convention Centre.


Live animals, birds, mammals, rodents or reptiles are not permitted on the Trade Show floor without prior written permission from FCM.

Certified guide/service/companion dogs assisting a person with special needs are welcome onsite.

Advance notification is required. Contact on or before January 13, 2025.

Care of facility property

Exhibitors are responsible to ensure the care of facility property during the Trade Show.

Exhibits, signs, display materials or other display structures may not be posted, taped, nailed or otherwise affixed to walls, doors or any part of the Fredericton Convention Centre. Exhibitors will be responsible for cleaning and damages caused by failure to observe this rule.

FCM Show Management and the Fredericton Convention Centre warn that Exhibitors distributing adhesive-backed promotional materials and stickers will be responsible for the costs of cleaning and repairs for removal of this material from the walls and floors of the facility.

Promotional floor decals or stickers must have pre-approved for use at the Fredericton Convention Centre. Provide a digital sample with material and size specs to via email on or before January 13, 2025 for review and approval.

Display vehicles

If you are planning to bring a vehicle onsite, exhibitor must contact on/before January 13, 2025 for approval.

FCM must receive the exact weights and measurements of the vehicle (photo or diagram where possible) should there be a floor load bearing issue.

Specific rules and regulations exist pertaining to any vehicles to be displayed at onsite. For additional information contact

FCM and the Fredericton Convention Centre must approve the positioning and location for vehicles. Spotting for mobile vehicles into and out of the facility is the responsibility of the Fredericton Convention Centre and will be coordinated by FCM having regard for all other move-in/out activity taking place.

Photographing and videotaping

Exhibitors may not photograph or videotape other Exhibitor booths on the Trade Show floor without the permission of that Exhibitor.

Exhibitors may photograph or videotape their own booths only before or after Trade Show hours. Any security or lighting requirements for such activities must be made in advance at the Exhibitor’s expense.

The rights to any and all photography of the event are the exclusive property of the Fredericton Convention Centre and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities. The Fredericton Convention Centre and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities reserves the right to photograph the event for its own records, publicity and promotion purposes.

Security in the Trade Show

FCM Show Management, the Fredericton Convention Centre and Global Convention cannot guarantee against loss, theft or damage of any kind during installation, exhibition or dismantling. There will be no overnight security on the Trade Show floor.

Exhibitors who wish to remain in the Trade Show after hours must first receive permission from to work late. Exhibitors wanting to remove any goods or items from the Trade Show must obtain an Exhibit Material Release Form from Global Convention and present a signed form to security personnel when removing goods from the hall.

All Exhibitors are responsible for their own exhibit material, and should insure their exhibit materials against loss, theft or damage during the Trade Show.

Entry to Trade Show

  • FCM Show Management reserves the right to refuse admission to the Trade Show to any visitor, Exhibitor or agents or employees of Exhibitors who, in the opinion of Show Management, are unfit, intoxicated or in any way creating disruption to the Trade Show.
  • Children under the age of 18 will not be allowed in the Trade Show during show hours unless they are a registered Conference Delegate or registered companion for a person with special needs.
  • Exhibitors may not bring children under the age of 18 into the Trade Show during setup or tear-down for safety reasons. Proof of age may be required.

Smoking, vaping, e-cigarettes

FCM’s Sustainable Communities Conference 2025 is a smoke-free event. Smoking and vaping are prohibited by law and by FCM policy at all times within the Fredericton Convention Centre.

Recycling and residual waste management

The exhibitor has the obligation to use the equipment provided at his disposal for recycling (paper, paperboard, glass, plastic) for the duration of the event (including setup / dismantling and during the exhibition). Additional selective collection may be added to those mentioned above.

Fire regulation

The Fredericton Convention Centre has strict fire safety regulations and requirements. The purpose of these requirements is to maintain an acceptable level of fire safety within the venue. The Exhibitor assumes responsibility for compliance with municipal and provincial regulations concerning fire, safety and health. Aisles and exits must be kept clear at all times with exit signs clearly visible.

All exhibits are subject to approval by FCM Show Management. Exhibits are subject to a show site review and if modifications are necessary, they will be at the Exhibitor’s expense.

All Exhibitors are required to complete the Fire Safety Requirements on our Exhibitor Show Management Form no later than January 13, 2025.


The Federation of Canadian Municipalities will not be liable for any loss or damage to the property of the Exhibitor or its employees, due to fire, theft, accidents or any cause whatsoever that may arise during use and occupancy of the leased space at the Fredericton Convention Centre.

The Exhibitor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, GES and the Fredericton Convention Centre and its employees against any and all claims of any persons whomever arising out of acts of omission of Exhibitors and their employees. (Exhibitors shall furnish their own public liability insurance).

FCM assumes no liability for damages or losses resulting from, or relating to, the failure of an Exhibitor to comply with the provisions of the Terms and Conditions as set out in the Application and Contract for Exhibit Space. If, due to unforeseen circumstances beyond the control of FCM, an Exhibitor’s materials do not arrive in time for display during the entire period of the Trade Show, or any portion thereof, FCM assumes no liability for damages or losses to the Exhibitor and is under no obligation to refund the Exhibitor’s fees.

Before any exhibit may be removed from the Fredericton Convention Centre, Exhibitors must make arrangements satisfactory to FCM Show Management, the Fredericton Convention Centre and the official and exclusive contractors, for the payment of any charges incurred by the Exhibitor in connection with presenting its exhibit.

IMPORTANT—Certificate of Insurance (COI) required

Each Industry Professional agrees to accept responsibility for maintaining adequate insurance against injury to persons, damage to or loss of property, products, equipment or decoration and inability to meet obligations outlined in the Showcase Manual and Terms and Conditions as set out in the Application and Contract for Exhibit Space.

Industry Professionals must provide evidence of Comprehensive General Liability insurance with a minimum limit of $2,000,000 CAD by completing and returning their Certificate of Insurance (COI) to FCM Show Management Form no later than January 13, 2025.

Insurance protection of the type described will not be provided to the Exhibitor by either FCM or the Fredericton Convention Centre.

Exhibitors or their agents who desire insurance on their exhibit booths, display goods and staff must place the same at their own expense.

IMPORTANT: FCM reserves the right to prohibit access to the Industry Showcase floor to any Industry Professional from whom no proof of insurance has been received.

Have questions about SCC 2025?

We'd love to hear from you. If you have any questions about SCC 2025, please send us an email and we'll get back to you as soon as we can. 

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Register for SCC today

Now is a great time to register for #SCC2025. Early bird prices are currently available. 

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SCC 2025: Registration

Event is sold out. Registration is closed.

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SCC 2025: Plan your trip

Everything you need to know to book your travel for FCM’s Sustainable Communities Conference.

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SCC 2025: Program details

Browse our sessions and plan your schedule.

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