Understanding and adapting to the impacts of climate change on municipal infrastructure and service delivery requires a dedicated approach and strong leadership.

We created this video series to share how municipalities and practitioners across Canada are making climate action a part of their municipal asset management practices and decision-making.

Just starting to uncover how climate impacts your municipalities operations? These three short videos are for municipal elected officials and municipal practitioners alike and will help you learn what to consider before you act.

Watch: Understanding climate impacts on service delivery

Time investment: 4 minutes

Discover why municipalities need to consider climate as part of a holistic approach to managing infrastructure assets and how your community can get started.

Read the transcript

Watch: Responding to climate change with asset management  

Time investment: 4 minutes

Learn what municipal asset management teams are doing to adapt to climate impacts and why we need climate data to inform decision-making.

Read the transcript

Watch: Leadership in climate and asset management  

Time investment: 4 minutes

Gain insight into the rationale for applying a climate lens to all infrastructure decision-making and learn what leadership on asset management looks like in municipalities across Canada.

Read the transcript


This resource was developed by the Municipalities for Climate Innovation Program (2017-2022). This program was delivered by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and funded by the Government of Canada.

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