Are you applying for tree planting funding through the Green Municipal Fund’s Growing Canada’s Community Canopies initiative? You could be eligible for free coaching through Tree Canada to assist you with project development and implementation.

What are coaching services? 

Urban forest coaches provide free technical support to communities of all sizes to help during two key phases of your tree project: 

  • Application: Coaches will review your project, outlined in your application, and offer specific recommendations to maximize the environmental and social benefits of your tree planting project, while ensuring high tree survivability rates. 
  • Project implementation: Coaches will meet one-on-one (or in groups when relevant) with funded project recipients to advise, share tools and offer guidance on best practices. 

Coaches can help you with:

  • Answering specific questions related to your project or application 
  • Tailored forestry support as you implement your project 
  • Tree species and site selection 
  • Ensuring your project is informed by best planting practices 
  • Supporting project procurement and budgeting 
  • Communicating your urban forestry requirements with council 
  • Developing strategies for maintenance based on predicted future climate conditions 
  • Conducting inventory studies and using data to inform urban forest planning 
  • Tree preservation, protection, and maintenance practices and policies
  • Developing urban forest management plans, bylaws, regulations and strategies 
  • Designing and implementing naturalization and ecological restoration projects to increase biodiversity 
  • Planning projects that foster tree equity  

Who are the coaches? 

Coaches are urban forestry professionals located across Canada who specialize in urban forest management within communities. 

Who is eligible for coaching?

Only applicants for Tree planting funding can be eligible for Urban forest coaching. Once your community submits a pre-application form, you will automatically be assessed, and a determination will be made about your need. A GMF representative will review your pre-application form to confirm your organization and initiative are eligible to proceed to the next stage of the application process.  

You will receive a response regarding your pre-application's eligibility status and will be notified if you are invited to submit a full application. At this time, GMF will decide if you are recommended to work with an Urban forest coach, based on a review of your planting plan. A coach will guide and support you through your project planning. You will be matched with a forestry professional based on your location and needs.  

At the project implementation stage, funding recipients will receive support for a maximum of 80 hours. You will work with your coach to schedule progress check-ins and determine the level of support required through the project process. 

Have questions?

Contact a GMF representative to schedule an appointment.

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The Green Municipal Funds’ Growing Canada’s Community Canopies is a $291 million initiative, ending in 2031, funded by the Government of Canada and delivered by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities. Capacity building is enabled through a partnership with Tree Canada.