Guide for muni climate change staff

Were you recently hired as a municipal employee tasked with working on climate change? Check out our Guide for Municipal Climate Change Staff.

Our step-by-step guide provides will help you from your first day through your first year in your new role. Just as no two communities are alike, neither is their approach to tackling climate challenges. This resource was created to aid municipal staff establish themselves as leaders on climate through practical information, resources, checklists and templates.

This resource was created based on the experiences, lessons learned and best practices from FCM’s Municipalities for Climate Innovation Program Climate Change Staff Grant recipients, a group of municipal practitioners hired to advance climate change policy and practices in small and rural communities across Canada.

The guide provides information on:

  • The structure and decision-making systems of municipal government
  • Helpful tips and criteria to consider when developing a business case for local climate projects
  • Approaches to communicating about climate action
  • The importance of data and analysis for your climate work and suggested data sources
  • Professional development skills including negotiation and communication.
  • Personal insights from climate change staff

Read the guide.

Who this guide is for?

This guide was created for municipal practitioners, such as those with the role of Sustainability Coordinator, Climate Change Coordinator, Climate Change and Energy Specialist or Environmental Officer.

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