The Green Municipal Fund (GMF) is a unique program that provides funding and knowledge services to support sustainable community development. GMF-supported initiatives aim to improve air, water, and land, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

We support the very best examples of leadership and innovation by championing initiatives that can generate new lessons and models for municipalities of all sizes and types in all regions of Canada. These initiatives offer significant environmental benefits, a strong business case and social advantages, complemented by local policies and measurement systems.

Through GMF, FCM funds plans, feasibility studies, pilot projects and capital projects, in five sectors of municipal activity. We share the lessons and expertise gained through these initiatives through a suite of skills enhancement, training and knowledge sharing activities to encourage other communities to replicate their success.

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Want to explore all GMF-funded projects? Check out the Projects Database for a complete overview of funded projects and get inspired by municipalities of all sizes, across Canada.

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