Town Hall

The northwest B.C. Town of Smithers has completed comprehensive sustainability plans that will reduce public and private sector energy use and GHG emissions. The plans will enable Smithers to meet objectives that include reducing GHG emissions by 13 percent over a 10-year period, promoting healthy transportation alternatives and expanding economic development activities.

Initiatives include upgrading community facilities with energy-efficient heating systems, developing more pedestrian and cycling infrastructure and right-sizing vehicles in the town's fleet.

The plans also lay the groundwork for policies, bylaws and incentives to promote energy retrofits in the town's residential, commercial, industrial and institutional buildings.


Environmental Economic Social
  • 13% reduction from 2007 GHG emission levels by 2017
  • Estimated 5,402 tonne reduction in CO2equivalent GHG emissions
  • 56 reduction targets (covering buildings, transportation, and solid waste diversion) identified
  • Reduction of long-term operating budgets for Town's fleet of vehicles and facilities
  • Reduction in fuel costs by right-sizing fleet, using more efficient vehicles, and upgrading heating and insulation in town buildings
  • A more compact and energy efficient community
  • Increased bicycle use and reduced vehicle dependency
  • Increased community awareness of climate change issues


  • Dealing with consultants based in a distant city made communications difficult.
  • Face-to-face meetings were kept to a minimum because of transportation costs.
  • Frequent e-mails and conference calls were required.

Lessons learned

  • If possible, include writing grant applications in the consultant's contract. Ensure that principal consultants are committed to the plan and to related activities such as presentations to municipal staff, council and the public.
  • Schedule sufficient meetings (at least two) with Council, municipal staff and public to ensure that reduction strategies are feasible and cost estimates realistic.


Smithers' sustainability plan consists of three documents:

Partners and Collaborators

Project Contact

Mark Allen
Director of Development Services
Town of Smithers, BC
T. 250-847-1600

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