Town of Northeastern Manitoulin and the Islands Sustainable Community Plan

Northeastern Manitoulin waterfront

To foster job-generating growth without undermining its laid-back cottage-country lifestyle, the Town of Northeastern Manitoulin and the Islands adopted a plan to extend the local tourist season and attract investment in golf courses, small breweries, honey farms and other businesses that appeal to visitors.

The plan would promote locally grown farm products, improve waterfront facilities for boaters, set clean-up agendas for old industrial and commercial sites, divert more recyclables and organic waste from the landfill, expand home-care service for seniors, and improve the network of walking and cycling trails.

Progress toward implementing the plan would be tracked in annual reports.


Environmental Economic Social
  • Remediates abandoned industrial and commercial brownfields
  • Diverts more organic waste and recyclables from landfill
  • Extends tourist season with spring and fall festivals
  • Creates jobs with new leisure-life enterprises
  • Expands home care service for seniors
  • Improves hiking paths and cycling trails


  • Expanding growth while maintaining local island culture.
  • Creating interesting work for local young people to keep them from leaving for better jobs elsewhere.
  • Adding a major planning exercise to the work of a small municipal staff.

Lessons learned

  • Hire an experienced planning consultant to ease an otherwise overwhelming workload on a small staff.  
  • Ensure council is committed to the planning process.
  • Direct staff to keep the exercise grounded in the reality of municipal budgets and other limits.

Partners and Collaborators

Project Contact

Dave Williamson
Chief Administrative Officer
Town of Northeastern Manitoulin and the Islands, ON
T. 705-368-3500 ext. 224

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