Factsheets: Community Buildings Retrofit initiative
Learn how to retrofit existing community buildings to lower GHG emissions and extend their life cycle.
See ResourceCase Study: An innovative path toward net-zero homes
Webinar recording: How to start reducing GHG emissions in community buildings
Watch the discussion on how to create a GHG reduction pathway for community buildings.
Factsheet: Site selection and preparation
Learn important considerations for choosing where to plant trees and how to prepare for planting in sites where conditions are less than ideal.
Factsheet: Urban forestry technology and tools
Learn about key technology and tools that your local government can use to measure, analyze and make decisions about its community tree canopy.
Factsheet: An urban forestry overview
Learn about urban forestry, why it’s important and how increasing tree canopy cover can address climate change and social inequities.
How the Village of Warfield, BC, updated and modernized its asset register
Setting net-zero standards: Vancouver builds Canada’s first Passive House firehall
Neighbouring municipalities create a pathway to sustainable procurement on P.E.I.
Assessing the costs and benefits of renewable energy in Canmore, AB
Case study: Retaining organizational knowledge in Thunder Bay
Case study: Advancing asset management practices in Wallace-Woodworth
Tip sheet: Preserving asset management knowledge
Read our new Preserving Asset Management Knowledge tip sheet to find strategies to help you retain and build upon organizational expertise.