Displaying 41 - 50 of 469 Results
Case Study
Municipal and community buildings Municipal and community buildings
energy | housing Energy | Housing

Pan-Canadian partnership expands circular economy knowledge: the Circular Cities and Region initiative (CCRI)

A neighbourhood in Markham, Ontario, will be the first net-zero community in Canada to connect all of its houses to a geothermal energy system.
landfill job
Case Study
Municipal and community buildings Municipal and community buildings
energy | housing Energy | Housing

A first-of-its-kind geothermal community in Markham: The Berczy Glen Geoexchange Community Energy System

A neighbourhood in Markham, Ontario, will be the first net-zero community in Canada to connect all of its houses to a geothermal energy system.
Aerial view of Markham, Canada.
Trees Trees
forestry Forestry

Factsheet: Urban forest planning

Read up on why developing an urban forest plan is important for the long-term success of trees in your community.

Aerial view of a Toronto, Ont. neighbourhood with street trees and green community spaces.
Trees Trees
forestry Forestry

Factsheet: Tree stock selection

Discover key points to consider when choosing trees and shrubs for your local planting projects.

Young maple trees in plant nursery.
Trees Trees
forestry Forestry

Factsheet: Tree maintenance

Explore tree maintenance processes and best practices.

Tree being watered during a sunny morning.
Trees Trees
forestry Forestry

Factsheet: Site selection and preparation

Learn important considerations for choosing where to plant trees and how to prepare for planting in sites where conditions are less than ideal.

Two freshly planted trees along a city road.
