Factsheet: Why equity matters in municipal climate adaptation
Discover how your local government can build equity into its climate resilience activities. Read this factsheet for key definitions and helpful resources.
See Resource
Guide: Taking your indoor swimming pool to net zero
A guide with key measures and lessons learned to help you build a plan for net-zero indoor swimming pools.

Guide: Equity and non-energy benefits of community building retrofits
Explore the equity and other non-energy benefits of retrofitting community buildings.

Factsheet: Urban forest planning
Read up on why developing an urban forest plan is important for the long-term success of trees in your community.

Enabling residential retrofits to achieve net-zero goals: Peterborough, ON launches Home Energy Efficiency Program

Revitalized community centre in rural Saskatchewan gets second life: Town of Ituna retrofits 63-year-old facility

Enabling residential retrofits to achieve net-zero goals: Peterborough, ON launches Home Energy Efficiency Program

Innovating for maximum impact: New affordable housing complex adds 83 net-zero units using shipping container model in Fort Saskatchewan, AB

Pan-Canadian partnership expands circular economy knowledge: the Circular Cities and Region initiative (CCRI)

A first-of-its-kind geothermal community in Markham: The Berczy Glen Geoexchange Community Energy System

Factsheet: Urban forest planning
Read up on why developing an urban forest plan is important for the long-term success of trees in your community.

Factsheet: Tree stock selection
Discover key points to consider when choosing trees and shrubs for your local planting projects.

Factsheet: Tree maintenance
Explore tree maintenance processes and best practices.

Factsheet: Site selection and preparation
Learn important considerations for choosing where to plant trees and how to prepare for planting in sites where conditions are less than ideal.